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Urn Your Pay (Rae judging)


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"I've never known Fenenn's nose to be wrong, either someone's roastin' chops nearby or there's somethin' funny goin' on in that room!"

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Fenenn starts nosing around the room, but he seems a bit confused, turning first left, then right, before finally settling on straight ahead. He starts snuffling around the base of the table. Suddenly he lets out a yelp and jumps back. The source of his confusion becomes clear as eight tiny bugs, each with far too many legs moving far too fast, come pouring out of hiding, some from under the table, some from tiny cracks in the walls, others from under the edges of the carpet.

Fenenn snaps at one of them, but the rest of them swarm up his legs, biting savagely. From Fenenn's yelps of pain, at least some of the bites must have gotten through.

[sblock=Halford (not Erf)]Fenenn takes 3 hits for 3 damage (damage not rolled as it's always 1, and the crit confirmations fail), and must make three fort saves at DC 10, taking 1 point of dex damage for each failed save. He gets one AoO, which doesn't affect the above, since the first one to attack missed him.[/sblock]

Surprise round

8 tiny monstrous centipedes, undamaged, pending AoO from Fenenn
Fenenn, 10/13 <== You're up

ooc: You might have to look pretty close at the map to see the centipedes. They're all in Fenenn's square.


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Startled Fenenn leaps back snapping at the air as centipedes surge up around him. The creatures pitiful poisons appear to have no effect upon the great hound who quickly recovers himself stepping back away from the doorway and snapping at the harassing chilopods - crushing one between his powerful jaws.

Meanwhile an anxious Erf flanks with Fenenn to attack one of the centipedes with his dagger which again demonstates that the little green fellow is no combatant as it misses wildly. Erf then steps back to let the big hitters enter the fray.

"Get 'em boy! Be careful!"

[sblock=Crunch]Fenenn's aoo (1d20+3=8) Actually Fenenn was probably flatfooted anyway.
Fort saves makes all Fenenn's fort saves (1d20+5=15, 1d20+5=11, 1d20+5=13) . Init (1d20+1=21) Woot! Fenenn's attack. (1d20+5=25) Fenenn's crit confirmation. (1d20+5=24) Fenenn's crit damage (2d6+6=16) On a centipede *sigh*, but 2 20s and a 19 hurray! (1d20+1=5, 1d3-2=-1) Erf's miss.

To clarify Fenenn 5ft steps back to he left of the table while Erf 5fts to the right dropping the Everburning torch and drawing his dagger. Then the two then attack, so Erf might have missed even more wildly as he probably had to overcome cover.

Erf's Knowledeg Nature check = 1d20+8=28 Um, is Invisble castle broken or something? I keep getting nat 20s. Heres a quick set of 50 trial tests... Test (1d20=17, 1d20=14, 1d20=4, 1d20=15, 1d20=18, 1d20=16, 1d20=10, 1d20=1, 1d20=20, 1d20=14, 1d20=18, 1d20=3, 1d20=3, 1d20=4, 1d20=15, 1d20=13, 1d20=17, 1d20=6, 1d20=7, 1d20=16, 1d20=13, 1d20=12, 1d20=16, 1d20=8, 1d20=15, 1d20=8, 1d20=5, 1d20=12, 1d20=9, 1d20=11, 1d20=17, 1d20=20, 1d20=17, 1d20=12, 1d20=13, 1d20=15, 1d20=18, 1d20=19, 1d20=19, 1d20=14, 1d20=10, 1d20=9, 1d20=3, 1d20=4, 1d20=16, 1d20=18, 1d20=14, 1d20=19, 1d20=9, 1d20=2) Okay, seems fine just lucky I guess![/sblock]
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[sblock=Trouvere]Ah curses! And I can't even claim pedantry without being a hypocrite! Curse you and your accuracy Trouvere! ;)[/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc]You're right, Halford, Fenenn was flat-footed, so no AoO, and losing his dex bonus to AC means that one of the crit confirmations succeeded. So add one more damage to poor Fenenn. However, Erf didn't get to act in the surprise round, since he wasn't aware of the location of the enemies (hard to beat that +18 hide check!), so he doesn't get to step into the room and flank. He and Fenenn resume acting on the same initiative in round 1. Since I wasn't clear before, and you're up first, I'll let you change your action if you like.

BTW, I've been rolling a suspiciously large number of natural 20s recently, too. Hmm.... I guess as long as the monsters are using the same dice, it's not unbalancing. ;) On the other hand, I just rolled a natural 1 for Ter-raen's initiative. Sorry!

[sblock=Erf]These creatures are familiar to you; perhaps a bit too familiar, as with a single glance a torrent of information about them comes into your mind: details about their paralyzing poison, their weak bite, their superior hiding ability, and several recipes for deep-frying them in a light butter sauce.

ooc: Erf knows pretty much everything about monstrous centipedes[/sblock]

Fenenn stands up to the onslaught of centipedes, and crushes one of them with a well-placed bite before shifting to his left.

Round 1

Erf, 12/12 <== You're up
Fenenn, 9/13, 3 fort saves due in 9 rounds
Gildrim, 9/9
7 tiny monstrous centipedes
Ter-raen 14/14


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[sblock=OOC]OOC: Erf attacks misses and steps to the right of the door, so he is out of the room with the centipedes in just above Fenenn on the map. That should be me for this round.[/SBLOCK]
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[sblock=OOC]Oh I see! Fenenn got an action in the surprise round. I had actually meant for his action to be for the first round. Ah well so much for my nat 20 streak! Fenenn's attack. (1d20+3=13) [/sblock]

Fenenn snaps at the creatures scuttling around his feet, but this time his jaws close on nothing but air.

Voidrunner's Codex

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