WOIN USF Officer Pregens


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This thread is to store pregenerated USF officers. One pregen per post, please, and only post pregens in this thread (discussion and questions can go elsewhere).

We need 30 pregens. We will then combine them into a little book. Anybody with a pregen in that book will get a free copy of it. We'll choose which 30 make it in!

How it works!
  1. Post your pregen as a reply to this thread.
  2. Your pregen must be a USF officer.
  3. You may use the Galactic Sentience Catalog.
  4. Use the careers in the Spartan Gambit to create your USF officers.
  5. No department heads or captains or the like. These are lower decks types.
  6. Your pregen should be Grade 6.
  7. Use the format (copy and paste it) below.
  8. You can enter multiple times.
Here's an example pregen from The Spartan Gambit. Copy and paste this and use the same format!

Lt. Valor M'Parr
An empathic Venetian psi-corps officer who speaks to plants.

Valor grew up as a novice in a Venetian monastery on Vendalyr. Early on he had an aptitude for science, and joined the USF with the intention of becoming a science officer; it wasn't long, however, before the Psi-Corps noticed his psionic potential, and pulled him out and put him on the special psionics training fast-track. Returning to the academy a member of the Psi-Corps, he was lucky enough to end up in Frontier Operations, where he serves on the USF Copernicus. He has a dual role, being a Psi-Corps officer, and also a trained botanist, and as such fulfills both functions on the ship.

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 5 (2d6)
LOG 7 (3d6) INT 8 (3d6) WIL 4 (2d6)
CHA 5 (2d6) LUC 1 (1d6) REP 8 (3d6)
PSI 7 (3d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

SPEED 5; CLIMB 3; JUMP 12'/6'
CARRY 80lb (max lift 150lb)


🅜 Martial arts 5d6 melee (1d6+2 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 5d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills astronomy 1 (1d6), astrophysics 3 (2d6), botany 3 (2d6), clairsentience 1 (1d6), computers 4 (2d6), concentration 1 (1d6), electronics 1 (1d6), engineering 3 (2d6), insight 3 (2d6), intimidation 1 (1d6), law 3 (2d6), linguistics 3 (2d6), martial arts 3 (2d6), medicine 1 (!d6), perception 1 (1d6), piloting 1 (1d6), pistols 3 (2d6), religion 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), sensors 2 (1d6), telepathy 3 (2d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform
Requisition cap 4,000cr

Acute Hearing. Venetians have excellent hearing, and gain a +1d6 bonus to perception checks when sound is relevant.

Confidant. Being brought up in a monastery has given you a certain perception. You can discern a lie through a mix of intuition and experience. You gain a +1d6 bonus to discern lies and deceptions.

Disciplined. The mental discipline of a Venetian is such that they are completely immune to the Fatigued condition as long as they get 8 hours sleep per week. This is not a preferred situation, however.

Empathic. You easily understand how others feel. Once per day you can attempt to adjust another’s mood with a CHA vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack. If you succeed, you can give them either the Manic or Angry condition. You must be able to converse with your target to do this.

Empathy. You can automatically sense strong emotions in others within 30'.

Learned. Venetians start with four species skills rather than three. The bonus (fourth) skill must be a [scientific] skill (already included).

Logical. Venetians are noted for their intelligence and logic. When taking a new career, a Venetian may optionally exchange one of the listed four attribute increases for LOG, as long as it doesn’t result in a duplicate attribute advancement.

Naturally Psionic. A society which integrates psionics from childhood, Venetians start play with one free psionic exploit (already included).

Naval Operations. You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.

Perception filter. You render yourself hard to notice with a telepathic effect which causes others to simply ignore you. Perception filters work automatically on those with an INT attribute of less than your PSI score, while more intuitive creatures will notice you immediately. If you make an attack, the effect ends immediately. Creatures aware of you cannot thereafter be affected by the perception filter.

Psi-blast. You can use an action and make a PSI mental attack to blast an opponent with a mental burst which does 2d6 (+1d6 per 4 PP you choose to spend) psionic damage and has a range increment of 10'. You have 20 PP (Psionic Points) to spend.

Speak-with-dead. You have the ability to interrogate a dead body which has been dead for less than a day. It will truthfully answer three yes/no questions with no PSI check needed.

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I don't know if you're still looking for these, given that there were never any replies, but I recently picked up The Spartan Gambit and thought I'd give it a go.

Lt. Commander Westin Clarke
A well known Augmented Human science officer, who's always calculating the odds.

As a child, Westin was diagnosed with an extremely rare degenerative neural disease. At the age of eight, he received an experimental treatment from a team of Fleet doctors, in which nanocomputers were injected into his brain and programmed to gradually replace portions of his damaged central nervous system. During his treatment, he taught himself programming and made a bit of a nuisance of himself on any network he could plug his fancy new cranial computer into. After his treatment was successfully completed, he entered the academy, having been guaranteed admission for being a guinea pig for the fleet medical corps. He proved to be a competent astrogeologist, and achieved some minor fame (as well as impressing his assessors) after repurposing geological survey nanobots to dramatically accelerate repairs on a stricken asteroid mining rig that his survey ship was diverted to rescue during his cadet tour. Looking for a more demanding career path than just doing pure science, he accepted an invitation to further training at Command School. After an uneventful tour aboard a navy patrol ship, he landed a prestigious spot on the USF Copernicus, which makes him suspect that some higher-ups may be grooming him for greater responsibilities in the future. Though his main job is in the science department, he's occasionally assigned to the bridge rotation crew, taking watches on either the sensors or electronic warfare stations. As a hobby during his downtime, Westin coordinates ship-wide tournaments of his favorite video game, 'SPACEFORCE TACSIM' (a USFA tactical training tool that was adapted into a commercially-unsuccessful strategy game). The contests are very popular with ship's junior officers. He is also, quietly, a bookie for those who want to gamble on the games.

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 8 (4d6*) INT 6 (3d6) WIL 5 (2d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 10 (4d6)
PSI - (0d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

SPEED 6; CLIMB 3; JUMP 12'/3'
CARRY 60lb (max lift 150lb)


🅜 Martial arts 4d6 melee (1d6+2 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills astronomy 1 (1d6), astrophysics 4 (2d6), computers 6 (4d6*), concentration 1 (1d6), diplomacy 3 (2d6), dodging 1 (1d6), electronics 4 (2d6), engineering 5 (2d6), fortitude 1 (1d6), gambling 1 (1d6), gaming 3 (2d6), geology 4 (2d6), hardy 3 (2d6), history 1 (1d6), law 3 (2d6), linguistics 5 (2d6), martial arts 1 (1d6), medicine 1 (1d6), nanotechnology 3 (2d6), perception 1 (1d6), piloting 1 (1d6), pistols 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), running 1 (1d6), sensors 4 (2d6), starship tactics 3 (2d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform,
Requisition cap 5,000cr

Adaptive. When incorporating new cybernetic alterations, Augmented never need to make a check to see if the upgrade takes hold. Additionally, they can incorporate an unlimited number of alterations beyond the normal limit of their END attribute.

Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the aiming action. All characters get either the Aim, Focus, or Feint exploit for free.

Alteration. Augmented begin play with two minor or one major cybernetic alterations: Memory Chip (+1d6 to LOG dice pools, included above), Interface Jacks (+1d6 to computer operations, included above)

Analytics. Studying your target's behaviour, you notice a pattern to its actions. You grant all allies within 30' a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until the start of your next turn. This costs one action.

Inert. Augmented embrace technology over matters of spirit. They may never have a PSI score above zero.

Jury-rig. You modify a weapon (yours or an adjacent ally's) to either increase its range by 50% or its damage by +1d6 until the start of your next turn.

Science Operations. You are able to identify the resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities of any creature if you use a hand-scanner. This requires two full actions of observation.

White-hat. You are practised at hacking and anti-hacking techniques. You can actively provide a starship control computer with a +4 ELECTRONIC DEFENSE score, and gain a +1d6 bonus to electronic attacks.

Well-known. You are famous; people recognize you, for good or ill. You have learned to use this reputation. Once per day you may substitute your REP attribute for another attribute in order to make an attribute check.

Career Path:
  • Hacker (18 years)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Science Branch School (3 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Science Operations (1 year)
  • Command School (1 years)
  • Tour of Duty: Naval Operations
    Science Officer (2 year)
Age: 29
Cadet Evaluation: 22 (distinguished)

Worksheet used to prepare the character:


Here's another one.

Lt. Gregory Zimm
An alert Human telepathic counselor, who loves the sea

Gregory's parents were colonists on a water world, far from the center of SolSpace. He grew up sailing small boats on an endless ocean, and loved to travel under the power of the winds and waves. When he grew up, he decided he'd like to travel to other planets, and Space Force offered the best route to the stars. He initially trained as a psychological counselor in the medical corps, but was aggressively recruited into the Psi-corps when they detected his latent psionic potential. He was never a particularly good fit within the corps, and after a very unpleasant tour teaching marines to resist interrogation, he's been "loaned" back to the medical branch indefinitely, though he's still technically a Psi-corps officer. He's the junior-most of three counselors serving the crew of the USF Copernicus.

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6)
LOG 6 (3d6) INT 7 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 8 (3d6)
PSI 6 (3d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

SPEED 6; CLIMB 4; JUMP 12'/3'
CARRY 60lb (max lift 150lb)


🅜 Brawling 4d6 melee (1d6+2 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)
🅡 Psi-blast 6d6 mental (2d6 psionic damage; range 2; costs 4 PP)

astronomy 1 (1d6), biopsionics 1 (1d6), brawling 1 (1d6), bureaucracy 3 (2d6), carousing 1 (1d6), climbing 1 (1d6), computers 3 (2d6), concentration 5 (2d6), dodging 1 (1d6), engineering 1 (1d6), hardy 1 (1d6), insight 3 (2d6), intimidation 1 (1d6), law 3 (2d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), medicine 3 (2d6), oceanography 1 (1d6), perception 1 (2d6*), pistols 1 (1d6), psychology 3 (2d6), running 1 (1d6), sailing 1 (1d6), swimming 1 (1d6), telepathy 6 (3d6), xenology 1 (1d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform,
Requisition cap 3,500cr

Alert. Constantly aware of your surroundings, you gain +1d6 to INT perception checks (included above), and you always win INITIATIVE ties.

Empathy. You can automatically sense strong emotions in others within 30'.

Enduring. Humans may not be the fastest or the strongest, but they are known for their resilience. Humans get +1 to their 1d6 die roll to shake off a temporary condition.

Learners. Humans start play with one additional free Universal Exploit (already included).

Psi-blast. You can use an action and make a PSI vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack to blast an opponent with a mental burst which does 1d6 +1d6 per 4 PP psionic damage and has a range increment of 10'.

Psychic healing. You can heal 1d6 HEALTH per 6 PP, by touch. Any given creature can only benefit from this power once per day.

Psychic interrogation. Once per day you can make a special PSI mental attack. Success means that your target must answer three yes/no questions truthfully.

Telepathic message. You develop the ability to freely send short telepathic messages to other intelligent creatures with whom you have spent time.

Varied. Humans boast more variation within their species than most. Add 2 to any attribute, and add a further +1 to one other attribute (PSI +2, WIL +1, included above).

Career Path:

  • Prodigy (18 years)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Medical Branch School (3 years)
  • Psionics Branch School (2 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Science Operations (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Marine Corps
    Psi-corps Officer (3 year)
Age: 31
Cadet Evaluation: 18 (merit)



Here's a fun one...

Lt. ‘Fritz’ (Frist’Zll’Alz)
A suave Changeling intelligence officer who didn’t do it, I swear!

Fritz often gets in trouble. Fritz is often the first one blamed when something goes wrong. Fritz often deserves it…

Frist’Zll’Alz (everyone just calls him Fritz) doesn’t talk about his past. From what his friends can gather, it was somewhat sordid, and it appears he joined Space Force at least in part to get himself out of a sticky situation with either the local constabulary, or local gangsters. Whatever the reason, he has taken to intelligence work with gusto, and with one tour of duty already under his belt, seems prepared and ready for more.

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 4 (2d6) INT 7 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 6 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN Acid (2d6)

SPEED 6; CLIMB 3; JUMP 20'/3'
CARRY 90lb (max lift 150lb)


🅜 Martial arts 6d6 melee (2d6+2 blunt, slashing, or piercing damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 6d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills Astronomy 1, Bluffing 3, Bureaucracy 1, Carousing 1, Computers 2, Concentration 1, Dodging 3, Electronics 1, Engineering 1, Hardy 1, Insight 1, Interrogation 1, Law 3, Linguistics 1, Martial arts 3, Medicine 1, Perception 3, Persuasion 1, Piloting 3, Pistols 4, Psychology 3, Resistance 1, Rifles 2, Stealth 3, Tactics 2, Zero-g 1

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform
Requisition cap 3,000cr

Changeling. Changelings can change shape to accurately resemble any other medium-sized object or creature. The result is 100% accurate in physical appearance, although the Changeling may need to rely on bluffing skills when interacting with others. Some Changelings spend years in a borrowed shape. Changing shape takes all of the Changeling’s actions and requires expenditure of a LUC die.

Changelings regenerate 1 HEALTH, physically repairing damage, at the start of each turn as long as they have at least 1 HEALTH.

Morphed Weapon. The changeling can form a physical weapon (blade, spike, club) with one of its limbs as a free action. The weapon does slashing, piercing, or blunt damage (changeling’s choice) equal to the changeling’s normal unarmed damage +1d6.

Acid Vulnerability. However, they are vulnerable (2d6) to acid damage, and cannot regenerate it.

Ageless. Changelings do not age, do not have an age category, or access to age-based exploits.

Ordinary. Your very nondescript nature makes you easily able to blend in unnoticed, giving you a +1d6 bonus to attempts to bluff, disguise, or otherwise remain visible but unremarked upon.

Arm lock (requires AGI 8+, martial arts skill). When you successfully grab a foe, you place your target in a painful armlock. The target gains the Restrained condition, drops any items in that hand, and cannot use that arm until he escapes. You may move at half SPEED, taking your victim with you. If you apply this twice, the attacker gains the second Restrained condition.

Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim or Feint exploit for free.

Lucky escape (requires LUC 6+). You may avoid all damage from one attack as a free reaction. You can only do this once per day.

Monologue. Once per day you can make a CHA mental attack against an enemy who can hear you. If successful, your target explains their plan with a short monologue.

Suave. Once per day a CHA vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack can be used to give a target the Charmed condition.

Character build (for reference):

Changeling: AGI 3, CHA 2, WIL -1; Bluffing 1, Insight 1, Stealth 1; changeling, regeneration, morphed weapon, acid vulnerability, ageless

Homeworld: Volcanic; AGI 1, STR -1, Dodging 1

(1) Everyman: END 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, LUC 1; Carousing 1, Concentration 1; Ordinary

(2) Academy (INT 1, WIL 1, CHA 1, LUC 1); Dodging 1, Resistance 1; Curriculum (Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Martial arts 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Psychology 1, Zero-g 1).

(3) Security Branch: STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, REP 1; Psychology 1, Piloting 1; Curriculum (Piloting 2, Pistols 2, Rifles 2, Tactics 2, Martial Arts 2, Electronics 1, Law 1, Psychology 1)

(4) Intelligence Branch School: AGI 1, INT 1, CHA 1, LUC 1; Persuasion 1, Perception 1; Curriculum (Bluffing 2, Stealth 2; Computers 1, Interrogation 1, Law 1, Pistols 1)

(5) Cadet Cruise (INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1); Hardy 1, Perception 1; Arm Lock. Rolled “Colonial Operations” but took a general exploit instead. Rolled 13 (3d6 CHA + 1d6 Persuasion) evaluation score (no bonus).

(6) Intelligence Officer: AGI 1, INT 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Perception 1, Dodging 1; Monologue. Rolled Starbase Assignment (Bureaucracy 1)

Aim/Feint choice: Aim
Second common exploit: Lucky escape.
Trait: Suave

Character has 12 experience saved towards next career advancement.
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Mr. Onyx
A tough as nails Mulluk marine who loves old movies and media

Mulluk scientists injected young Onyx with crystal-altering drugs in an attempt to improve the race's poor flexibility. It didn't quite work, but what it did do is convince Onyx to leave his homeworld, it's scientists, and try his luck with Space Force. There, he was introduced to humans and the amazing genre known as "noir," and he's been hooked ever since. Despite his penchant for quoting old movies, Mr. Onyx is a reliable, dedicated officer (one might even say "solid") who takes seriously his role as a protector of both Space Force personnel and civilians alike.

STR 9 (3d6) AGI 8 (3d6) END 10 (4d6)
LOG 6 (3d6) INT 7 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 2 (1d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 7 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 12 (natural); VULN Sonic (1d6); falling (damage x2)

CARRY 190lb (max lift 450lb)


🅜 Brawling 5d6 melee (4d6+3 blunt)
🅡 Phaser pistol 5d6 ranged (3d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills Astronomy 1, Brawling 3, Computers 1, Criminology 1, Dodge 3, Driving 1, Electronics 1, Engineering 1, Geology 1, Hardy 1, History 1, Intimidate 1, Law 2, Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Perception 3, Piloting 3, Pistols 3, Psychology 1, Resilience 1, Rifles 3, Running 1, Survival 1, Tactics 3, Zero-g 1

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform
Requisition cap 3,500cr

Crystalline. As crystalline creatures, Molluks can be tough to damage. They gain a natural 10 SOAK, but are vulnerable (1d6) to sonic damage and take double damage from falling, due to their more brittle nature. Molluks are immune to the Bleeding condition. Molluks can exist comfortably in a vacuum. They do not need to breathe, and their crystalline structure means that pressure differences do not cause them damage.

Stone Fist. A Molluk’s natural damage die is 3d6 blunt.

Bulky. Heavy, Molluks suffer -1 SPEED and cannot jump. They also suffer -2 RANGED DEFENSE. They weigh three times normal.

Natural Camouflage. In rocky surroundings, a stationary Molluk can become effectively invisible.

Long-lived. When creating a Molluk character, multiply career lengths by ten.

Programming. You have been specifically bred and engineered for a purpose. At the start of a fight your ‘programming’ kicks in, granting you a +2d6 INITIATIVE bonus.

Deadly strike. You inflict an additional 1d6 damage with a successful hit. For a ranged attack, this is likely a headshot. This can only gain you one bonus damage die.

Out of place. You know the signs of suspicious behavior. You gain a +1d6 bonus to checks made to spot unusual or criminal activity.

Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim or Feint exploit for free.

Charge. When making a melee attack, move up to your speed in a straight line and then attack at the end of it and pay 2d6. You gain +1d6 damage to your attack. You must move at least 10'.

Anti-surveillance. You are so familiar with surveillance devices, blind spots, and avoidance techniques that, by moving half your speed, you can render yourself invisible to electronic monitoring equipment.

Tough-as-nails. You gain a +2 natural SOAK bonus which stacks with any other SOAK scores you may have.

Character build (for reference):

Mulluk: STR 2, END 2, AGI -1; hardy 1, history 1, dodge 1; crystalline, stone fist, bulky, natural camouflage, long-lived

Barren Homeworld: END 1, CHA -1; survival 1

(1) Experiment: STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, LOG 1; Running 1, Dodge 1; Programming

(2) Academy (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, INT 1); Resilience 1, dodge 1; Curriculum (Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Geology 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Brawling 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Zero-g 1).

(3) Security Branch school (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, REP 1); rifles 1, tactics 1; Curriculum (Electronics 1, Law 1, Brawling 2, Piloting 2, Pistols 2, Psychology 1, Rifles 2, Tactics 2)

(4) Cadet Cruise (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, INT 1); perception 1, piloting 1; deadly strike. Rolled Naval Operations, took common exploit instead. Rolled 17 for Cadet evaluation (3d5 AGI + 2d6 Pistols) for Merit and +1 REP

(5) Security Officer (AGI 1, INT 1, LOG 1, REP 1); Driving 1, Perception 1; out of place. Rolled 1 (Starbase assignment; Bureaucracy 1)

(6) Security Officer (AGI 1, INT 1, LOG 1, REP 1); Perception 1, intimidate 1; anti-surveillance. Rolled 4 (USFSO; Criminology 1)

Aim/Feint choice: Feint

Second common exploit: Charge

Trait: tough as nails.

This character has 12 experience towards his next career advance
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Last one for now. I think this one's my favorite.

LTC “Tee” (T-800.120.405.7)
An athletic synthetic engineer. Come with him if you want to live.

The Alterra system used a large computer network (AltNet) to manage their economy. Unfortunately, it became sentient and tried to take over the world, producing T-units to help it pacify the population. T-800s were designed to assist with civil engineering projects – both destruction of unnecessary human luxury buildings, and the construction of much more efficient buildings, such as work farms. Thirty years ago, Space Force freed the people of Alterra, eliminating the threat of the rogue AI and all of its soldier units. Many of the engineering units, however, were deemed salvageable. They’ve since been reprogrammed to be more civic-minded and, under Space Force’s watchful eye, have been slowly re-introduced into society. It’s been a mostly successful process. Mostly. “Tee” was employed by AltNet for asteroid mining projects and had never even seen a human before the liberation, thus was deemed reprogrammable. So far he has been a model citizen. So far.

STR 10 (4d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 10 (4d6) INT 3 (2d6) WIL 5 (2d6)
CHA 3 (1d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 9 (3d6)


SOAK 4 (mesh); VULN Ion (2d6); Electricity (1d6)
IMMUNE Mental; Pain, Fatigued conditions

SPEED 8; CLIMB 4; JUMP 20’/10’
CARRY 160lb (max lift 500 lb.)


🅜 Martial Arts 6d6 melee (1d6+4 blunt)
🅡 Phaser pistol 6d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills Archaeology 1, Astronomy 1, Bureaucracy 2, Computers 5, Demolitions/Explosives 3, Dodge 3, Electronics 3, Engineering 6, Hardy 1, Law 2, Linguistics 1, Martial arts 3, Medicine 1, Perception 1, Piloting 5, Pistols 3, Psychology 2, Resistance 3, Rifles 3, Tactics 3, Zero-g 1

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform
Requisition cap 4,500cr

Mechanoid. Synthetics share the same range of traits as other mechanoids: they are immune to any attacks which target MENTAL DEFENSE; a Synthetic’s PSI attribute can never rise above zero, and a Synthetic cannot spend LUC dice to gain bonus dice when making attributes; Synthetics are vulnerable (1d6) to electricity damage, and vulnerable (2d6) to ion damage, and Synthetics do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Skill Package. Synthetics are built with a purpose in mind. They begin play with three bonus skills at rank 3 (2d6). These skills must be from the Synthetic’s race skill choices.

Factory Specs. Synthetics do not take an origin career; they come fully formed from the factory and enter their first full career immediately.

Artificial Person. Synthetics are immune to the Pain and Fatigued conditions.

Robust. Synthetics are robust. They start play with a bonus 2d6 HEATH.

You are able to turn one device into another device of equal value or lower. For example, you can modulate your scanner to use as a phaser, or enable your laser knife to operate as a lock pick. The device only functions in this way for a single action before becoming permanently useless. It takes 10 minutes to make the change.

Explosives. You can create explosives from common items and surroundings. The explosive takes 30 minutes to make, and causes 3d6 heat damage to all within 5’. The explosive can be stored, but only for up to two hours. You may throw these like grenades, set them on a timer, or use them as proximity-mines.

Saboteur. You are able to disable any mechanical or electronic device to which you have access. This exploit does not open a locked door (disabling the lock just means it remains stuck in whatever configuration it is currently in). This takes you five minutes.

Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim or Feint exploit for free.

Spray. When using a weapon with the auto trait you may spend all your actions to spray a 30’ cone, making one attack against every target not in cover within the cone. Make one attack roll and apply it to the RANGED DEFENSE of all within that area.

Athletic. Brawny and strong, you are able to plough through difficult terrain. Difficult terrain does not reduce your speed.

Character build (for reference):

Synthetic: STR 2, AGI 1, LOG 2, WIL 1, PSI -; Psychology 1, resistance 1, dodge 1; Mechanoid, Skill package (Computers 3, Engineering 3, Piloting 3), Factory specs, Artificial person, Robust.

Homeworld: Asteroid. AGI 1, STR -1; Zero-g 1

(1) Academy (STR 1, END 1, LOG 1, WIL 1); Dodge 1, Resistance 1; Curriculum (Archaeology 1, Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Martial arts 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Zero-g 1)

(2) Security Branch school (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, REP 1); rifles 1, tactics 1; Curriculum (Electronics 1, Law 1, Martial Arts 2, Piloting 2, Pistols 2, Psychology 1, Rifles 2, Tactics 2)

(3) Cadet Cruise (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, LOG 1); (hardy 1, perception 1); Utilikit common exploit. Cadet evaluation roll 18 (5d6; 3d6 AGi + 2d6 pistols) for REP 1

(4) Engineer tour of duty (STR 1, AGI 1, LOG 1, REP 1); electronics 1, engineering 1; Technical knowledge base (computers 1, engineering 1, demolitions/explosives 1, electronics 1). Starbase Assignment (Bureaucracy 1)

(5) Engineer tour of duty (STR 1, AGI 1, LOG 1, REP 1); dodge 1, demolitions/explosives 1; Explosives. Frontier Operations Assignment (REP 1)

(6) Engineer tour of duty (STR 1, AGI 1, LOG 1, REP 1); resistance 1, demolitions/explosives 1; Saboteur. Starbase assignment (Bureaucracy 1)

Aim/Feint choice: Aim

Second common exploit: Spray

Trait: Athletic

This character has 12 experience towards his next career advance.


I'll give it a go.

Vlad Kazinski
A nimble Garga intelligence officer, who sees beauty in everything.

Vlad grew up in the slums of his homeworld, constantly threatened by flooding and crime. He took to petty crime to survive, but one day he robbed a USF officer that promptly caught him. In a moment of pure generosity, that man took Vlad off the streets and put him through accelerated schooling. Quickly recognizing his abilities, he prepared Vlad for the Academy, and the rest is history. Due to Vlad's superb physical skills and above average charisma, he decided to pursue a career as an intelligence officer. Although he may not be the most charismatic intelligence officer, he has always been good at infiltration and assassination.

STR 6 (3d6) AGI 11 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 3 (2d6) INT 7 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 6 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

SPEED 8; CLIMB 8; SWIM 8; ZERO-G; 4 JUMP 30'/30'
CARRY 120lb


🅜 Martial arts 6d6 melee (1d6+3 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 6d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

acrobatics 3 (2d6) astronomy 1 (1d6), bluffing 3 (2d6), computers 3 (2d6), cooking 1 (1d6), criminology 1 (1d6), diplomacy 1 (1d6), electronics 1 (1d6), engineering 1 (1d6), interrogation 2 (1d6), law 3 (2d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), martial arts 4 (2d6), mathematics 1 (1d6), medicine 1 (1d6), piloting 2 (1d6), pistols 1 (1d6), poetry 1 (1d6), psychology 1 (1d6), rifles 3 (2d6), running 1 (1d6), stealth 3 (2d6), swimming 1 (1d6), tactics 3 (2d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform,
Requisition cap 3,000cr

Garga can breathe air or water, and have a SWIM speed equal to their normal speed.

Great Leap. From a standing start, Garga can leap up to 30' up or across.

Webbed Limbs. A Garga can walk on water and other liquids using its webbed feet.

Long Tongue. Using their long tongues, a Garga can—as a free action—snatch a small object within 10', or make a melee attack with the same reach which does 1d6 blunt damage.

Chameleon. Garga can change color as a free action; when they use this to match their surroundings, they gain +1d6 to hide.

Urchin. You are very familiar with urban backgrounds, and are able to blend in easily. With a one-hour period in a new city, you are able to name local crime figures.

Naval Operations (USFN). You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.

Monologue. Once per day you can make a CHA mental attack against an enemy who can hear you. If successful, your target explains their plan with a short monologue.

Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus
to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim or Feint exploit for free.

Dodge. (requires AGI 6+). You may use a reaction to dodge one attack you are aware of, as long as you are not in cover. State your intention before the attack roll. The attacker suffers a -2d6 penalty for that attack.

Nimble. You gain a climb speed equal to your regular SPEED.

Curriculum (academy). Gain one rank in each of the following skills: computers, law, linguistics, [scientific], astronomy, zero-g, engineering, pistols, medicine, [unarmed].

Curriculum (security branch): Gain two ranks in each of the following primary skills: tactics, piloting, [unarmed], pistols, rifles. Gain one rank in each of the following secondary skills: law, electronics, psychology.

Curriculum (intelligence advanced branch): Gain two ranks in each of the following primary skills: [subterfuge], [social]. Gain one rank in each of the following secondary skills: interrogation, law, computers, pistols.

Career Path:
  • Orphan (18 years)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Security Branch School (1 years)
  • Intelligence Branch School (2 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Naval Operations (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Frontier operations
    Intelligence Officer (4 year)
Age: 30
Cadet Evaluation: 22 (distinction)


Race: Garga
: STR +1, AGI +2, INT +1, CHA -1. Exploits: Amphibian, great leap, webbed limbs, long tongue, chameleon. Skills: Mathematics, poetry, cooking.
Homeworld: Ocean. AGI +1, INT -1. Skills: Swimming
Orphan: AGI +1, STR +1, CHA +1, LUC +1. Skills: running 1; stealth 1 Exploits: urchin
Academy: AGI +1, END +1, INT +1, REP +1. Skills: diplomacy 1, martial arts 1. Exploits: Curriculum: computers 1, law 1, linguistics 1, criminology 1, astronomy 1, zero-g 1, engineering 1, pistols 1, medicine 1, martial arts 1 (2 total)
Security Branch School: STR +1, AGI +1, END +1, REP +1. Skills: rifles 1, tactics 1. Exploits: curriculum: tactics 2 (3 total), piloting 2, martial arts 2 (4 total), pistols 2 (3 total), rifles (3 total), law 1 (2 total), electronics 1, psychology 1.
Intelligence Branch School (advanced): AGI +1, INT +1, CHA +1, LUC +1. Skills: interrogation 1, bluffing 1. Exploits: curriculum: stealth 2 (total), bluffing 2 (3 total), interrogation 1 (2 total), law 1 (3 total), computers 1 (2 total), pistols 1 (4 total).
Cadet Cruise (Naval operations, distinguished): END +1, CHA +1, LUC +1, REP +2 (distinguished) Skills: acrobatics 2. Exploits: Naval operations.
Tour of Duty (Frontier operations, intelligence officer): AGI +1, INT +1, CHA +1, REP +2 (frontier). Skills: computers 1 (3 total), acrobatics 1 (3 total). Exploits: Monologue.
Aim/Feint choice: Aim
Second common exploit: dodge
Trait: Nimble


Lt. Jace "Showdown" McIntyre
A 30 year old nimble human helmsman who has something to prove.

If Jace hadn't grown up a navy brat he would have just been another belter. However his father's service kept him moving around. Jace was a shoo-in to join the academy and follow in his fathers footsteps as a fighter pilot. The Navy had other needs. Jace became a helmsman, but didn't really find his stride until his cadet cruise as a USFMC dropship pilot. His natural ability at the stick and his willingness to push the envelope earned him a distinction rating on his evaluation. This distinction landed Jace a two year tour in fleet. In the fleet Jace had to pilot large frigates which drove him to some decisions that stalled his fast track career. His determination to stick with the Navy rewarded him with three years back with the Marines as a drop pilot, where he returned to his prior form. But Jace still yearns for the cockpit of a fighter...

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 12 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 7 (3d6) INT 7 (3d6) WIL 4 (2d6)
CHA 4 (2d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 9 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

SPEED 6; CLIMB 6; JUMP 12'/3'; Zero-G 4


🅜 Martial arts 5d6 melee (1d6+2 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 5d6 ranged (2d6+3 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills astronomy 1 (1d6), computers 2 (1d6), engineering 2 (1d6), gunnery 3 (2d6), hardy 1 (1d6), knives 1, law 1 (1d6), leadership 1 (1d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), martial arts 1 (1d6), medicine 1 (1d6), meteorology 1 (1d6), military trivia 1 (1d6), navigation 1 (1d6), piloting 6 (3d6), pistols 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), rifles 1 (1d6), sensors 1 (1d6), starship tactics 3 (2d6), survival 1 (1d6), tactics 1 (1d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform
Requisition cap 4,500cr


Driven by an inquisitive, exploratory nature, Humans gain a number of XP equal to their grade every time they travel to a star system new to them. They can only gain this bonus once per week.

Enduring. Humans may not be the fastest or the strongest, but they are known for their resilience. Humans get +1 to their 1d6 die roll to shake off a temporary condition.

Petrolhead. You have a familiarity with vehicles of military design. When driving or piloting a military vehicle (but not a starship), you gain a +1d6 bonus to checks to operate it.

Marine Corps (USFMC) Cadet Cruise.
Your platoon doesn't have much patience for whining about minor injuries. Once per day you can pause for two actions and recover 2d6 HEALTH.

Evasive Flying.
A ship which you pilot gains a DEFENSE bonus equal to your AGI attibute dice pool.

Full Stop.
As an action, you can bring a starship to an immediate stop without needing to decelerate. This causes 1d6 damage to the ship's superstructure.

To perform the maneuver, the pilot must make an AGI (piloting) check with a difficulty of 10 + the ship's current speed. If successful, the maneuver is performed and the ship takes 1 SS damage; if unsuccessful, the maneuver is not performed, and the ship takes 1d6 SS damage (although this cannot reduce it to below 1 SS).

This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the aiming action. All characters get either the Aim or Feint exploit for free.


Lt. MYC-323L "Michael, don't call me Mike"
A obnoxious Synthetic security officer, who relishes implausible insults

Michael (who tends to punch people who call him "Mycroft", the name intended by his designers, and gets a bit testy even with "Mike") is a bespoke Synthetic personality, created to be the personal assistant to a certain lawyer-turned-historical-novelist. You probably know the one, he's on the news feeds all the time touting his newest best seller from the back of his yacht. But it turned out that acerbic literary and legal criticism were not really what that employer wanted from an assistant, and Michael has no patience for heaping praise on mediocrity. As part of the contract termination clause, he isn't allowed to talk about any of the details of those first few months of his life, but he sometimes hints that it involved a lot of shouting.

Unfortunately, not being allowed to explain the end of his contract made it difficult for a brand-new Synthetic to find reputable work in Sol. So instead of groveling for a normal job he enrolled in the academy. But alas, Michael's luck did not improve. While he had a decent knack for security work, he had conflicts with his instructors, and his grades were not very good. Worst still, his cadet cruise got him caught up in the Benson mutiny. While he was acquitted by the courts martial that cashiered Captain Benson and sent over a dozen of the Marine mutineers to prison, his role as one of Benson's agents provocateur did not endear him to his cadet evaluators.

He did have a brief moment of fame when the recording of his exceedingly verbose and profane excoriation of the Captain to the soon-to-be mutineers leaked to the public, but few now remember exactly who coined the phrase "spawn of a decaying Ogron corpse" or the other fragments that remain in the public consciousness. Notoriety for insulting your commanding officer, even while undercover, is not a good thing for your career, and his supervisor during his first tour of duty had nothing good to say about Michael's performance.

While he might have languished forever in a dead-end career guarding dirt on distant colonies, he's been given positive evaluations by his more recent superiors, especially when it comes to diverting danger away from more vulnerable targets and on to himself. While he got lousy marks in a hostage negotiation class back in Security Branch school, he seems to have internalized its lessons, and he's twice been decorated for throwing himself into harm's way when an armed offender was posing a risk to civilian targets. For his tour on the USF Copernicus, he's brought along his favorite riot shield, which is scarred by two full-power phaser shots. He credits it with saving his life each time. It's USF property though, so he's checked it in with the Quartermaster, and it counts against his requisition cap.

STR 6 (3d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 7 (3d6)
LOG 10 (4d6) INT 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 2 (1d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 7 (3d6)
PSI - (0d6)

MELEE DEFENCE 21; 24 with shield
RANGED DEFENCE 18; 24 with shield

SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN 1d6 (electricity), 2d6 (ion)


SPEED 7; CLIMB 3; JUMP 20'/6'
CARRY 130lb (max lift 300lb)


🅜 Brawling 6d6 melee (1d6+3 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 6d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills 19th century trivia 1 (1d6), acrobatics 1 (1d6), anatomy 1 (1d6), astronomy 1 (1d6), brawling 6 (3d6), computers 3 (2d6), criticism 3 (2d6), electronics 1 (1d6), engineering 1 (1d6), hardy 1 (1d6), intimidation 1 (1d6), law 5 (2d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), literature 3 (2d6), medicine 1 (1d6), perception 1 (1d6), piloting 3 (2d6), pistols 3 (2d6), psychology 3 (2d6), resistance 1 (1d6), rifles 3 (2d6), sailing 1 (1d6), shields 1 (1d6), survival 3 (2d6), tactics 5 (2d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform, high-quality large duranium shield (+3 DEFENSE, +1d6 to DEFENSE pools when shields is being used as defense skill)
Requisition cap 3500cr (2800 remain)

Artificial Person. Synthetics are immune to the Pain and Fatigued conditions.

Backup. In an allied urban or starship environment, you can call for backup once per day in the form of 1d6 security officers who arrive within 5 minutes and who will follow your orders.

Factory Specs. Synthetics do not take an origin career; they come fully formed from the factory and enter
their first full career immediately.

Knockdown. When you use a Called Shot to knock a target prone, you do not have to pay the 2d6; additionally, the target gains the Downed condition (making it unable to stand until that condition has been shaken off).

Marine Corps Cadet Cruise. Your platoon doesn't have much patience for whining about minor injuries. Once per day you can pause for two actions and recover 2d6 HEALTH.

Mechanoid. Synthetics share the same range of traits as other mechanoids: they are immune to any attacks which target MENTAL DEFENSE; a Synthetic’s PSI attribute can never rise above zero, and a Synthetic cannot spend LUC dice to gain bonus dice when making attributes; Synthetics are vulnerable (1d6) to electricity damage, and vulnerable (2d6) to ion damage, and Synthetics do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Obnoxious. Your personality really repels people. You are an expert at insults, and can use an action to make a LOG vs. WIL check to enrage and distract others, causing them to gain the Angry condition.

Protector. You can take an attack meant for an adjacent ally. If the attack hits your ally, you take the damage instead. If you have a shield, the ally also benefits from your shield's defense bonus.

Robust. Synthetics are robust. They start play with a bonus 2d6 HEATH (included above)

Skill Package. Synthetics are built with a purpose in mind. They begin play with three bonus skills at rank
3 (2d6). These skills must be from the Synthetic’s race skill choices. (Law 3, Literature 3, Criticism 3, included above).

Troublesense. You are easily able to spot trouble before it happens. You gain a +1d6 bonus to initiative checks (included above).

Career Path:
  • (no origin)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Security Branch School (1 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Marine Corps (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Colonial Operations
    Security Officer (6 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Colonial Operations
    Security Officer (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Marine Corps
    Security Officer (2 year)
Age: 15 (looks more like 30)
Cadet Evaluation: 9 (Poor)

Worksheet used to prepare the character:
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Captain Gudrun Gudrunsdottir
An egotistical human diplomat who loves puns and word games.

Gudrun Gudrunsdottir can trace her roots back to the first Viking ship to colonize Iceland. Her family tree includes a Nobel Laureate, a famous general, and more than one Prime Minister. She's currently the captain of a small scientific research vessel, but plans to become the captain of the Copernicus - or possibly some bigger ship – one day. Her family would expect nothing less.

STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 3 (2d6)
LOG 6 (3d6) INT 8 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 10 (4d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 13 (4d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


Health: 18
Soak 4 (mesh); Vuln –
Immune: none

SPEED 6; CLIMB 3; JUMP 6'/3'
CARRY 90 lb. (max lift 300lb)


🅜 Brawling 4d6 melee (1d6+3 blunt)
🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills Astronomy 1, Brawling 1, Bureaucracy 2, Carousing 1, Computers 4, Concentration 1, Diplomacy 4, Dodge 3, Engineering 1, Gunnery 1, Hardy 1, History 4, Law 2, Linguistics 7, Medicine 1, Negotiation 2, Perception 3, Pilot 1, Pistols 2, Sociology 2, Starship tactics 2, Tactics 1, Zero-g 1

Gear: Phaser pistol, emergency medpatch (heals 3d6 HEALTH), uniform with mesh lining (SOAK 4).
Requisition cap: 6,500 cr

Fast Healing. Chosen heal faster than most people. You may roll an extra 2d6 when determining how much you naturally heal each day.

Skill Focus. You start play with two bonus skills of your choice at 3 ranks (2d6). Linguistics 3, Perception 3

Destiny. Once, when you ordinarily die, you do not die. Instead, you remain at 0 HEALTH until healed. When you have used your extra “life” you cannot use it again.

Legend. Chosen are noted for their natural advantages and fame. When taking a new career, a Chosen may optionally exchange one of the listed four attribute increases for REP, as long as it doesn’t result in a duplicate attribute advancement.

Quickstep. You can move 5’ as a free action.

Science Operations (USFSO). You are able to identify the resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities of any creature if you use a hand-scanner. This requires two full actions of observation.

Tactical scan. Allies aboard your bridge gains +1d6 to their INITIATIVE checks.

Aim. Grants +1d6 bonus to a ranged attack

Leadership. You are able to donate one or more of your available LUC dice to another character as a free reaction to their attempting an attribute check. You must declare this before they roll the dice.

Egotistical. You have a very high opinion of yourself, which manifests itself as extreme confidence and surety. You gain a +4 MENTAL DEFENSE bonus. Unfortunately, you sometimes ask “don’t you know who I am?”

Character build (for reference)
Human – Chosen: REP 2, STR 1, CHA 1; Negotiation 1, Tactics 1, Sociology 1; fast healing, skill focus, destiny, legend

City homeworld: CHA 1, END -1; Diplomacy 1

(1) Scion: INT 1, CHA 1 , REP 2; Negotiation 1, Concentration 1; quick step

(2) Academy: (STR 1, AGI 1, CHA 1, INT 1); Dodge 1, Carousing 1, Curriculum (Brawling 1, Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Sociology 1, Zero-g 1)

(3) Communications branch school: INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Dodge 1, Bureaucracy 1; Curriculum (Computers 2, Linguistics 2, History 2, Diplomacy 2, Bureaucracy 1, Starship tactics 1).

(4) Cadet cruise: (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, CHA 1); Hardy 1, Pistols 1; Science Operations. Merit roll 21 (3d6 CHA+ 3d6 LOG) for +2 REP

(5) Command School: INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 2; Starship Tactics 1, Dodge 1; Curriculum (History 1, Law 1, Computers 1, Linguistics 1, History 1, Diplomacy 1)

(6) Tactical Officer: AGI 1, INT 1, LOG 1, REP 1; Pilot 1, Gunnery 1; Tactical scan

Voidrunner's Codex

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