WOIN USF Officer Pregens


Doctor Ph'nglui
A large brilliant Solurial medical officer who ‘liberates’ domesticated and houseplants whenever possible.

When life gives you lemons…make friends with them. Ph’nglui’s family has served in Space Force for 2 generations now. Unlike most Solurials, they’ve accepted the notion of animals eating animals, but absolutely despise the “plant slavery” practiced by most species and seek to free their brothers and sisters when they can. Ph’nglui went into medicine because it was obvious to him that the violent tendencies of his animal Space Force friends created a constant need for someone to patch them up.

STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 7 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 4 (2d6) REP 7 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 5 (natural); VULN Fire (1d6)

SPEED 4; CLIMB 3; JUMP 12'/6'
CARRY 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)

REACH 15' (lashing vines)

🅜 Brawling 4d6 melee (2d6+3 blunt damage)

🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 (2d6+5 heat, range 15, sidearm, stun setting, beam)

Skills Animal handling 1, Astronomy 1, Botany 1, Bureaucracy 3, Brawling 1, Computers 3, Dodge 1, Driving 1, Engineering 1, Exobiology 3, Forensics 1, Hardy 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 4, Meditation 1, Perception 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1, Piloting 1, Pistols 1, Surgery 3, Survival 1, Toxicology 3, Xenology 1, Zero-g 1

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform.
Requisition cap 3,500cr

Analytics. Studying your target’s behaviour, you notice a pattern to its actions. You grant all allies within 30’ a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until the start of your next turn. This costs one action.

Brilliant. Your mind is honed, sharp, and analytical. Once per day you may replace any other attribute check with a LOG check.

Camouflage. Solurials get +1d6 to hide in natural surroundings.

Extended Families. Solurials have extended families in the hundreds or thousands, and can remember every single name. Solurials never forget information they have learned.

Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action.

Healing hands. Using basic medical equipment, you can heal 2d6 points of HEALTH to an adjacent creature as a single action. Any given creature can only benefit from your healing in this way once per day.

Lashing Vines. A Solurial has a melee reach of 3 squares (15'), as they lash out with long limbs and vines.

Long-lived. When creating a Solurial character, multiply their career lengths by 7.

Naval Operations (USFN). You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.

Petrolhead. You have a familiarity with vehicles of military design. When driving or piloting a military vehicle (but not a starship), you gain a +1d6 bonus to checks to operate it.

Photosynthesis. Solurials do not eat animal or vegetable matter. Instead, they absorb sunlight directly. A Solurial’s requirement for sunlight is similar to a human’s requirement for food—it can go a few days without but if left too long the Solurial will grow weak before withering to death. On starships, they will have special chambers or lamps.

Ponderous. Solurials suffer a -2 SPEED penalty

Plant. Solurials have the plant creature type. They are vulnerable (1d6) to fire, but have 5 natural SOAK. They are ignore difficult terrain (this cannot reduce SPEED to less than 3), and -1d6 to INITIATIVE (to a minimum of 1d6).

Roots. Solurials can grip the ground and surroundings tightly with roots and vines; they are immune to forced movement.

Character build (for reference)
Solurial: STR 2, AGI -1, END 1, WIL 1; Animal handling 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1; plant, lashing vines, ponderous, photosynthesis, extended families, camouflaged, roots, long-lived.

Jungle homeworld: AGI 1, END -1; climbing 1

(1) Navy Brat: AGI 1, END 1, LUC 1, REP 1; Driving 1, Piloting 1; Petrolhead

(2) Academy: (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, WIL 1); Meditation 1, Dodge 1; Curriculum (Brawling 1, Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Botany 1, Zero-g 1)

(3) Medical Branch: INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Exobiology 1, Surgery 1; Curriculum (Bureaucracy 2, Computers 2, Exobiology 2; Medicine 2, Toxicology 1, Xenology 1)

(4) Advanced Medical Academy; INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Medicine 1, Forensics 1; Curriculum (Toxicology 2, Surgery 2)

(5) Cadet Cruise: (AGI 1, END 1, LOG 1, WIL 1); Hardy 1, Perception 1; Naval Operations

(6) Tour of Duty (Colonial Operations, Medical Officer): INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Survival 1, Bureaucracy 1, Medicine 1; Healing hands

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This is probably my last one.

Lt. Commander Blewlore
A young ambidextrous Borian tactical officer, who loves things that go "Bang!"

Blewlore was born into an asteroid mining collective of red Borians, and was sent to the USF Academy to gain more experience with the kinds of explosives that could be useful for mining. As he completed his training, however, he found he loves starship weaponry far more than he did digging through rocks. Bigger bangs are just more fun!

He is a tactical officer on the USF Copernicus, sometimes manning the bridge tactical station, but more often supervising the weapons operators directly from the weapons control deck. His motto, when it comes to starship weapons, is that there's no kill like overkill. His team of gunners is regularly in the running to win Lt Commander Clarke's TACSIM tournaments, demonstrating aggressiveness that usually stops just short of becoming recklessness. He writes up after action reports of their competitions in comic book format, and especially enjoys adding sound effects. "Bzoop! Zorch! Krang!"

When he goes off the ship for a mission, he prefers to take with him an antique military combination carbine he's customized to fit his small hands extremely well. It took some persuading to get the Quartermaster to authorize the use of a personalized weapon, and it counts against his requisition cap. He also carries a regulation phaser pistol too, to keep everything above board. He often spends his free time chatting with the ship's Marine armorers, and hopes one day to get to play with their heavier ordinance.

STR 3 (2d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 8 (3d6) INT 8 (3d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 3 (2d6) REP 8 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)


SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN none

IMMUNE radiation, poison

INITIATIVE 3d6 (6d6 in space combat)
SPEED 5; CLIMB 2; JUMP 20'/3'
CARRY 90lb (max lift 150lb)


🅜 Martial Arts 5d6 melee (1d6+2 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 5d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)
🅡 Military Combination Carbine (bullets) 6d6 ranged (2d6 ballistic damage; range 10; sidearm)
🅡 Military Combination Carbine (frag grenade) 6d6 vital (2d6 heat damage; range 15; burst 2)
🅡 Military Combination Carbine (stun grenade) 6d6 vital (2d6 force damage; range 15; burst 2, stun)
🅡 Military Combination Carbine (gas grenade) 6d6 vital (3d6 poison damage; range 15; burst 2)

Skills astrogation 3 (2d6), astronomy 1 (1d6), carousing 1 (1d6), chemistry 1 (1d6), comics 1 (1d6), computers 1 (1d6), cooking 3 (2d6), demolitions 3 (3d6), dodging 1 (1d6), engineering 1 (1d6), geology 1 (1d6), gunnery 3 (2d6), hardy 3 (2d6), law 1 (1d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), martial arts 1 (1d6), medicine 1 (1d6), mining 1 (1d6), persuasion 1 (1d6), piloting 1 (1d6), pistols 1 (1d6), resistance 1 (1d6), sensors 3 (2d6), starship tactics 3 (2d6), zero-g 1 (1d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform, high-quality (tinkered) military combination carbine, 5 frag grenades, 4 stun grenades, 2 gas grenades
Requisition cap 4000cr (2000 remain)

Aim. This is identical to the Feint exploit, but for ranged combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the aiming action.

Artisan. Choose a [crafting] skill. You gain 3 ranks in that skill. (Cooking 3, included above)

Young. Once per day, when rolling a dice pool, you may declare it to be an exploding dice pool. Any 6s that you roll may be rolled again, the new roll adding to the existing 6. If you roll a 6 again, repeat, until you roll less than a 6.

Darksight. Borians can see in the dark to a distance of 10' per point of INT.

Fire everything! You can fire your ship’s entire weapons complement at a single target. This only applies to weapons that can actually be brought to bear on the target. You total up all the damage, and apply the target’s SOAK once. This drains your ship’s power, and your shields offer only half SOAK for one minute.

Hunker down. Cover grants you one extra die of cover.

Iron Constitution. Borians are not affected by poisons, including alcohol. They are also immune to radiation
damage and radiation sickness.

Long-lived. When creating a Borian character, multiply their career lengths by 3.

Naval Operations. You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.

Personable. Borians are noted for their cheerful demeanor and likability. When taking a new career, a Borian may optionally exchange one of the listed four attribute increases for CHA, as long as it doesn’t result in a duplicate attribute advancement.

Tactical scan. Allies aboard your bridge gains +1d6 to their INITIATIVE checks.

Tinkerers. Borians may designate one item of equipment which they own. That item permanently gains
one bonus quality level. If the item is lost or destroyed, the Borian may designate a new item after 24 hours.

Career Path:
  • Borian Apprentice (62 years)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Navigation Branch School (1 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Naval Operations (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Naval Operations
    Tactical Officer (3 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Naval Operations
    Tactical Officer (6 year)
Age: 77
Cadet Evaluation: 15 (Adequate)

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OK, I was wrong, I do have one more character to share.

Commander JPH86 "Jeph"
a mighty small Android EVA specialist, who loves climbing tall things

Jeph was fabricated far from Union Space by a society of arachnoid-bodyplan scavenger Androids, who live and reproduce themselves among the ruins of an ancient alien city, long overgrown by the surrounding jungle. Jeph loved to climb from the first day he was activated. He often scaled the tallest tree growing from the top of the tallest building in the city. He'd look up and dream of climbing all the way to space, where he'd climb among the ruined satellites that featured so prominently in his planet's night sky.

Eventually he did get a chance to go to space, hitching a ride with Borian traders into the Union proper, where he enrolled in the Academy. He specialized in engineering, particularly on EVA work. He impressed his trainers so much that they urged him to attend command school and eventually become a chief engineer. But Jeph is not very interested in the bureaucratic and management side of being an officer, he'd much rather spend his time working in vacuum, or at high elevations. He declined the invitation in favor of a tour of duty on a mountainous colony, and later served on an orbital debris mitigation ship in Sol. He was eventually assigned to the USF Copernicus, where he leads a small EVA maintenance team under the supervision of the Chief Engineer.

Jeph has been customizing his chassis for several years, and currently looks a somewhat like a stylized sculpture of a terran jumping spider made out of scrap metal, though he's a bit larger than any biological spider that has lived on Earth in modern times. Exotic artificial musculature, closely coupled with a system of hydraulic actuators make him much stronger than he looks.

STR 10 (4d6) AGI 10 (4d6) END 3 (2d6)
LOG 10 (4d6) INT 3 (2d6) WIL 3 (2d6)
CHA 3 (2d6) LUC 6 (3d6) REP 10 (4d6)
PSI - (0d6)

MELEE DEFENCE 23 / 25 (with forcefield active)
RANGED DEFENCE 23 / 25 (with forcefield active)

SOAK 4 (uniform); VULN Ion (2d6); Electricity (1d6)

IMMUNE None; Does not need to eat, sleep or breathe

SPEED 8; CLIMB 5; JUMP 20'/10' or 30'/30' with rocket boosters
CARRY 130lb (max lift 500lb)


🅜 Martial Arts 6d6 melee (2d6+4 blunt damage, or 3d6+4 electrical damage with electrical discharge)
🅡 Phaser pistol 5d6 ranged (2d6+2 heat damage; range 15; stun, beam, sidearm)

Skills acrobatics 3 (2d6), archaeology 1 (1d6), astronautics 3 (2d6), astronomy 1 (1d6), climbing 3 (2d6), computers 3 (2d6), electronics 3 (2d6), engineering 3 (3d6), gambling 1 (1d6), hardy 1 (1d6), jumping 1 (1d6), law 1 (1d6), linguistics 1 (1d6), martial arts 3 (2d6), medicine 1 (1d6), perception 1 (1d6), piloting 1 (1d6), pistols 1 (1d6), reactions 1 (1d6), resistance 1 (1d6), robotics 3 (2d6), running 1 (1d6), survival 1 (1d6), zero-g 3 (2d6)

Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform, integrated climbing toolkit
Requisition cap 5000cr (4925 remain)

Ageless. Androids do not age, do not have an age category, or access to age-based exploits.

Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action.

Jury-rig. You can temporarily repair and jury-rig a broken item of size medium or smaller by spending five minutes with it. The item will operate for a number of minutes equal to your LOG check. If you spend one hour with it, it will operate for a number of hours equal to your LOG check. If you spend a day with it, it will operate for a number of days equal to your LOG check.

Mechanoid. Androids share the same range of traits as other mechanoids: they are immune to any attacks
which target MENTAL DEFENSE; an Android’s PSI attribute can never rise above zero, and an Android cannot spend LUC dice to gain bonus dice when making attributes; Androids are vulnerable (1d6) to electricity damage, and vulnerable (2d6) to ion damage, and Androids do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe.

Mighty. You do +1d6 unarmed damage.

Modification. Choose two modification exploits. Androids can take the Android-only Systems Upgrade universal exploit at any time to gain additional modifications (Systems Upgrade taken 4 times, for 6 total modifications):
  • 360-degree Sensors. The Android has visual sensors which cover a full 360-degree circle, or a fully rotating
    head or sensor apparatus, giving it all-round sight. It is not affected by crossfire or flanking.
  • Electrical Discharge. The Android can shock a target by using a regular unarmed attack; this increases the Android’s unarmed damage by +1d6 and changes it to electricity damage.
  • Forcefield. The Android can generate a protective forcefield which operates just like a worn forcefield generator. It grants the Android +2 DEFENSE, but takes an action to activate and can only operate for one minute at a time before needing an hour to recharge.
  • Integrated Equipment (Climbing tools). Gear like fire extinguishers, communicators, even magboots or parachutes can be integrated into the Android.
  • Multiple Legs (Eight legs, plus manipulating pedipalps). The Android has four or more legs. It ignores difficult terrain.
  • Rocket Boosters. The Android’s JUMP scores increase to 30' horizontally and vertically.

Career Path:
  • Experiment (5 years)
  • Academy (4 years)
  • Engineering Branch School (2 years)
  • Cadet Cruise: Naval Operations (1 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Colonial Operations
    Engineer (3 year)
  • Tour of Duty: Naval Operations
    Engineer (4 year)
Age: 19
Cadet Evaluation: 26 (Honors)

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
So we have 12 new pre-gens -- thanks guys! It's not enough to make a print book with, but we'll take these, add the four existing pre-gens and make a little 16-page PDF of pre-gens and put them up for free!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Here we go, folks!


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