Doctor Ph'nglui
A large brilliant Solurial medical officer who ‘liberates’ domesticated and houseplants whenever possible.
When life gives you lemons…make friends with them. Ph’nglui’s family has served in Space Force for 2 generations now. Unlike most Solurials, they’ve accepted the notion of animals eating animals, but absolutely despise the “plant slavery” practiced by most species and seek to free their brothers and sisters when they can. Ph’nglui went into medicine because it was obvious to him that the violent tendencies of his animal Space Force friends created a constant need for someone to patch them up.
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 7 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 4 (2d6) REP 7 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)
SOAK 5 (natural); VULN Fire (1d6)
SPEED 4; CLIMB 3; JUMP 12'/6'
CARRY 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
REACH 15' (lashing vines)
🅜 Brawling 4d6 melee (2d6+3 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 (2d6+5 heat, range 15, sidearm, stun setting, beam)
Skills Animal handling 1, Astronomy 1, Botany 1, Bureaucracy 3, Brawling 1, Computers 3, Dodge 1, Driving 1, Engineering 1, Exobiology 3, Forensics 1, Hardy 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 4, Meditation 1, Perception 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1, Piloting 1, Pistols 1, Surgery 3, Survival 1, Toxicology 3, Xenology 1, Zero-g 1
Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform.
Requisition cap 3,500cr
Analytics. Studying your target’s behaviour, you notice a pattern to its actions. You grant all allies within 30’ a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until the start of your next turn. This costs one action.
Brilliant. Your mind is honed, sharp, and analytical. Once per day you may replace any other attribute check with a LOG check.
Camouflage. Solurials get +1d6 to hide in natural surroundings.
Extended Families. Solurials have extended families in the hundreds or thousands, and can remember every single name. Solurials never forget information they have learned.
Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action.
Healing hands. Using basic medical equipment, you can heal 2d6 points of HEALTH to an adjacent creature as a single action. Any given creature can only benefit from your healing in this way once per day.
Lashing Vines. A Solurial has a melee reach of 3 squares (15'), as they lash out with long limbs and vines.
Long-lived. When creating a Solurial character, multiply their career lengths by 7.
Naval Operations (USFN). You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.
Petrolhead. You have a familiarity with vehicles of military design. When driving or piloting a military vehicle (but not a starship), you gain a +1d6 bonus to checks to operate it.
Photosynthesis. Solurials do not eat animal or vegetable matter. Instead, they absorb sunlight directly. A Solurial’s requirement for sunlight is similar to a human’s requirement for food—it can go a few days without but if left too long the Solurial will grow weak before withering to death. On starships, they will have special chambers or lamps.
Ponderous. Solurials suffer a -2 SPEED penalty
Plant. Solurials have the plant creature type. They are vulnerable (1d6) to fire, but have 5 natural SOAK. They are ignore difficult terrain (this cannot reduce SPEED to less than 3), and -1d6 to INITIATIVE (to a minimum of 1d6).
Roots. Solurials can grip the ground and surroundings tightly with roots and vines; they are immune to forced movement.
Character build (for reference)
Solurial: STR 2, AGI -1, END 1, WIL 1; Animal handling 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1; plant, lashing vines, ponderous, photosynthesis, extended families, camouflaged, roots, long-lived.
Jungle homeworld: AGI 1, END -1; climbing 1
(1) Navy Brat: AGI 1, END 1, LUC 1, REP 1; Driving 1, Piloting 1; Petrolhead
(2) Academy: (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, WIL 1); Meditation 1, Dodge 1; Curriculum (Brawling 1, Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Botany 1, Zero-g 1)
(3) Medical Branch: INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Exobiology 1, Surgery 1; Curriculum (Bureaucracy 2, Computers 2, Exobiology 2; Medicine 2, Toxicology 1, Xenology 1)
(4) Advanced Medical Academy; INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Medicine 1, Forensics 1; Curriculum (Toxicology 2, Surgery 2)
(5) Cadet Cruise: (AGI 1, END 1, LOG 1, WIL 1); Hardy 1, Perception 1; Naval Operations
(6) Tour of Duty (Colonial Operations, Medical Officer): INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Survival 1, Bureaucracy 1, Medicine 1; Healing hands
A large brilliant Solurial medical officer who ‘liberates’ domesticated and houseplants whenever possible.
When life gives you lemons…make friends with them. Ph’nglui’s family has served in Space Force for 2 generations now. Unlike most Solurials, they’ve accepted the notion of animals eating animals, but absolutely despise the “plant slavery” practiced by most species and seek to free their brothers and sisters when they can. Ph’nglui went into medicine because it was obvious to him that the violent tendencies of his animal Space Force friends created a constant need for someone to patch them up.
STR 6 (3d6) AGI 6 (3d6) END 6 (3d6)
LOG 7 (3d6) INT 6 (3d6) WIL 6 (3d6)
CHA 6 (3d6) LUC 4 (2d6) REP 7 (3d6)
PSI 0 (0d6)
SOAK 5 (natural); VULN Fire (1d6)
SPEED 4; CLIMB 3; JUMP 12'/6'
CARRY 120 lb. (max lift 300 lb.)
REACH 15' (lashing vines)
🅜 Brawling 4d6 melee (2d6+3 blunt damage)
🅡 Phaser pistol 4d6 (2d6+5 heat, range 15, sidearm, stun setting, beam)
Skills Animal handling 1, Astronomy 1, Botany 1, Bureaucracy 3, Brawling 1, Computers 3, Dodge 1, Driving 1, Engineering 1, Exobiology 3, Forensics 1, Hardy 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 4, Meditation 1, Perception 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1, Piloting 1, Pistols 1, Surgery 3, Survival 1, Toxicology 3, Xenology 1, Zero-g 1
Gear planetary communicator, phaser pistol, emergency medpatch, USF uniform.
Requisition cap 3,500cr
Analytics. Studying your target’s behaviour, you notice a pattern to its actions. You grant all allies within 30’ a +1d6 bonus to attack the target until the start of your next turn. This costs one action.
Brilliant. Your mind is honed, sharp, and analytical. Once per day you may replace any other attribute check with a LOG check.
Camouflage. Solurials get +1d6 to hide in natural surroundings.
Extended Families. Solurials have extended families in the hundreds or thousands, and can remember every single name. Solurials never forget information they have learned.
Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action.
Healing hands. Using basic medical equipment, you can heal 2d6 points of HEALTH to an adjacent creature as a single action. Any given creature can only benefit from your healing in this way once per day.
Lashing Vines. A Solurial has a melee reach of 3 squares (15'), as they lash out with long limbs and vines.
Long-lived. When creating a Solurial character, multiply their career lengths by 7.
Naval Operations (USFN). You are so accustomed to the starship environment, instinctively knowing how to brace yourself, that you never take damage from external starship fire.
Petrolhead. You have a familiarity with vehicles of military design. When driving or piloting a military vehicle (but not a starship), you gain a +1d6 bonus to checks to operate it.
Photosynthesis. Solurials do not eat animal or vegetable matter. Instead, they absorb sunlight directly. A Solurial’s requirement for sunlight is similar to a human’s requirement for food—it can go a few days without but if left too long the Solurial will grow weak before withering to death. On starships, they will have special chambers or lamps.
Ponderous. Solurials suffer a -2 SPEED penalty
Plant. Solurials have the plant creature type. They are vulnerable (1d6) to fire, but have 5 natural SOAK. They are ignore difficult terrain (this cannot reduce SPEED to less than 3), and -1d6 to INITIATIVE (to a minimum of 1d6).
Roots. Solurials can grip the ground and surroundings tightly with roots and vines; they are immune to forced movement.
Character build (for reference)
Solurial: STR 2, AGI -1, END 1, WIL 1; Animal handling 1, Poetry 1, Resistance 1; plant, lashing vines, ponderous, photosynthesis, extended families, camouflaged, roots, long-lived.
Jungle homeworld: AGI 1, END -1; climbing 1
(1) Navy Brat: AGI 1, END 1, LUC 1, REP 1; Driving 1, Piloting 1; Petrolhead
(2) Academy: (STR 1, AGI 1, END 1, WIL 1); Meditation 1, Dodge 1; Curriculum (Brawling 1, Astronomy 1, Computers 1, Engineering 1, Law 1, Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Pistols 1, Botany 1, Zero-g 1)
(3) Medical Branch: INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Exobiology 1, Surgery 1; Curriculum (Bureaucracy 2, Computers 2, Exobiology 2; Medicine 2, Toxicology 1, Xenology 1)
(4) Advanced Medical Academy; INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Medicine 1, Forensics 1; Curriculum (Toxicology 2, Surgery 2)
(5) Cadet Cruise: (AGI 1, END 1, LOG 1, WIL 1); Hardy 1, Perception 1; Naval Operations
(6) Tour of Duty (Colonial Operations, Medical Officer): INT 1, LOG 1, CHA 1, REP 1; Survival 1, Bureaucracy 1, Medicine 1; Healing hands