[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


World of Kulan DM
Rodan says, "For now we should help the people prepare for their trip. We need to send out messengers and ourselves to explain that the city will likely be attacked soon, and that they need to pack up anything that will help them survive a long journey to this Waterdeep place. Simple tools, backpacks, and whatever food they can manage. We need to have them hurry, while somehow avoiding a panic, and leave it to local neighborhood leaders to take account for their own. After that we can escort Haspur to Candlekeep. Between now and then, maybe we'll be able to take a ship over that can carry us off world, or maybe learn more of what's happening when we get to Candlekeep and make the best guess we can on where a smaller force might be landing."
"Mmm. With respect, I think if the plan is to get Haspur to Candlekeep, we should leave immediately. We've no way of knowing when fire will drop from the sky after all. The Duke has ways of addressing his people, and their trust and goodwill. Our efforts to warn people would largely come down to a handful of strangers babbling nonsense, in their view. We'd have to work hard to achieve very little, and waste precious time in doing so."
"Agreed. While the people here start getting ready to move, we can head out ahead of them, and get Candlekeep ready to accept them. We'll move much faster as a small group anyways, and less noticeable. And we can focus our efforts instead of worrying about a large, vulnerable group of refugees. In any case, I say we head to Candlekeep. I don't know who this Miirym is, or how they could help, if we can trust Haspur's insight, they can help. And we should speak with the Magister if possible."
Idriane speaks up for her and fellow Gondites. "There are things in the temple's House of Wonders that cannot be left behind. With the High Artificer in the state he's in, its left to me to safeguard what we can from the hall. And there could be something useful stored in the hall's museum." She looks at Rodan. "I doubt there is anything as wondrous as you and the others have, but there is history there cannot be lost. We can decide what best to save but there are a few... odd things that are kept in a hidden room, which might be useful to you all."

"Like what?" Tocrhor asks.

"Strange mechanical devices that have been unearthed from digs across the continent. None of it works, but we're certain that some of them are older than the time of the Arcane Age. There are wild theories that that a few of devices are from the time known as the Dawn Age, which seems very unlikely."

"How long ago was that?"

"The Dawn Age was before the First Epoch, around -24000 DR. Our current year is 1374."

Tocrhor does a quick calculation in his head. "That would put the founding of the Dragon Empire at -3666 on your calendar and your Dawn Age at around 22626 AE on the Imperial Standard Calendar.

If these relics truly came from that time, they would be older than even the Star League that predated the Empire, which is doubtful. That would make them devices of the Ancients. More than likely they come this Arcane Age of yours."

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World of Kulan DM
Rodan says, "If we discover where one of the command posts of the ground invasion is, we might be able to capture an ansible there and send the message. We would have to sneak past many of the forces that command post is communicating with, but it might be easier and more survivable than trying to board a large warship."
"Yes, that, I suggest you try that rather than storm an Imperial battleship." Tocrhor nods his head in agreement.

"If we are voting a plan of action, I agree that we should leave immediately and get this Haspur to Candlekeep. We take anyone of import, be it the Grand Dukes or the High Artificer, prepare the location for the coming of the people of this city. Once ground forces have landed, we can seek them out and try to secure an ansible to reach out to Grand Duke Kupric, barring finding a scroll of sending. Nelalwe, my wesham, should be able to use such a scroll if we can find one. This Candlekeep may have such a scroll on hand as well, all the more reason to move quickly with a small force." Rubbing his eyes with a bit of exaustion, "I am known to the Grand Duke, though he and I are not familiar, he will heed an important communication from me."
"Well that will makes things a little easier, if he believes the message. Domain leaders tend to get a lot of messages through ansibles and sendings and some of them are considered garbles."

The acolyte returns with a large tome in his hands and a large bag stuffed with scrolls but when Idriane asks him about the sending spell, he shakes his head. "There wasn't one in the written archives." He hands the book to the Gondite cleric. "I figured I should bring this... if we have to leave, we should not leave it behind."

"Thank you, Calark."

OOC: Garbles means the same thing as email spam.


World of Kulan DM
She looks at Tocrhor and shrugs. "Dragons are not exactly commonplace, but there are enough that most roving bands of adventure-seekers can claim to have squabbled with a hatchling or juvenile at some point during their travels. Wyrms of power great enough to affect an all-out war are rare...but each is a power to be reckoned with. If the Empire is willing to meet their undoubtedly exorbitant demands, they ould become one more thorn in the side of our forces."

"Even one of them could be an even more deadly foe if backed up by an Imperial legion. And the Empire wouldn't just give them gold. There are billions of worlds in the Empire and Emperor Mezzenbone could offer a greedy dragon a world to rule or even an entire solar system, if the dragon agreed to be educated in Imperial politics."

"There are dragons who, it is rumored, would possibly join us against the Empire as well of course...but such dragons tend to be far more secretive. I'm afraid we would most likely be obliged to wait for them to contact us, rather than seek them out ourselves. Though if there was anywhere in the realms to seek information about how to find them, Candlekeep could be it."
"I assume you mean Metallics. It's good to know that you have both here. If there were only Chromatics on this world, I would suggest fleeing the planet as fast as possible."

Tocrhor gathers up what is left of his possessions and helps a human male to his feet. "This Candlekeep sounds like the best place to go if we're to find aid, draconic or otherwise. But first, I'd like to see this Hall of Wonders."

She considers then and adds, "Several times now you've mentioned the Empire once had a presence here. Am I misunderstanding that? Is it possible they may have left anything useful behind? With some time to study their magic and devices, we might find things to exploit...or ways to imitate."
"The reach of both the Golden and Iron Kingdoms reached throughout the galaxy and little is known of the earliest time period the Star League, unless you're a gnome from a major Imperial world near the galactic core. It seems these answers might be closer than both of us were aware. If this hall has pre-Imperial devices in it, it could be a huge boon for resisting the Empire."

The hobgoblin looks at Idriane with increasing curiosity.

"I'll get the key," she says, suddenly excited, before quickly dashing into the High Artificer's sanctum.

Dakashi adds, "As a Diamond Dragon and Devotee of Saridor, I may be able to barter for assistance with some of the gem dragons when the time comes. However, we should be prepared to pay for their assistance should they agree to grant it."
"Is Saridor a major god on your world?" Tocrhor asks. "Would he have survived the destruction of your world's gods?"


First Post
"He can't be too major," Siel chortled. "I've never heard of him. It seems the destruction of our gods is, as yet, incomplete."

Hall of Wonders. Tools from an ancient age. Silhouette felt her fingers itch.

Ahh, if only it hadn't taken an invasion from beyond the stars to open this door to her! But then again, if the invasion WAS fought off, it would still shatter kingdoms, break empires, and send much of civilization tumbling into chaos. That chaos could be a ladder, to one prepared to climb it.


First Post
Dakashi says, "He is the lord of the gem dragons... mostly worshiped by those of his kin or those who practice mind magic. Would the DragonStar empire destroy a Dragon God?"


Imperial Mountain Dew Taster
"I would very much like to see this Hall of Wonders before we depart, there should be some time to get our things together before we get on the march." Pipping in Nelalwe adds, "I will stay with this Haspur and see that he is cared for and protected Lord."

Responding only with a nod, Shazer'a responds to Dakashi's question, "that is more complicated a question than we can probably answer. The Unification Church of the Empire teaches that there are only 12 gods, throughout the universe. It is they who created all the sameness we see. Why there are humans on all worlds, and elves, and halflings who make the same dishes across the stars. Local dieties are called aspects and comprise a combination of two of the twelve to make a deitype. This dragon god you speak of, if he is worshiped by the gems of your world, would likely be made of the Magus and the Smith or perhas the Magus and the Mother as she is of earth. I do not know how he would fare from an attack by a true Aspect from the Unification church, which it apperas your Ao was, but likely not well."


World of Kulan DM
"He can't be too major," Siel chortled. "I've never heard of him. It seems the destruction of our gods is, as yet, incomplete."

Dakashi says, "He is the lord of the gem dragons... mostly worshiped by those of his kin or those who practice mind magic. Would the DragonStar empire destroy a Dragon God?"
"If the Unification Church has its way, they'll try to subvert your faith," Tocrhor replies. "Try to use your god as a tool against your own worshipers. That is, if they feel so inclined."

Responding only with a nod, Shazer'a responds to Dakashi's question, "that is more complicated a question than we can probably answer. The Unification Church of the Empire teaches that there are only 12 gods, throughout the universe. It is they who created all the sameness we see. Why there are humans on all worlds, and elves, and halflings who make the same dishes across the stars. Local dieties are called aspects and comprise a combination of two of the twelve to make a deitype. This dragon god you speak of, if he is worshiped by the gems of your world, would likely be made of the Magus and the Smith or perhas the Magus and the Mother as she is of earth. I do not know how he would fare from an attack by a true Aspect from the Unification church, which it apperas your Ao was, but likely not well."
"Yes, there are many lesser Aspects in the Unification Church that could be called upon to challenge this Saridor and take his divine essence by force." Tocrhor says to Dakashi, "I doubt one of the greater Aspects would come for your god unless he proves a difficult challenge. Dozens of lesser Aspects could come one after another, however, as long as a Divine Sphere has a foothold in your solar system."

Hall of Wonders. Tools from an ancient age. Silhouette felt her fingers itch.

Ahh, if only it hadn't taken an invasion from beyond the stars to open this door to her! But then again, if the invasion WAS fought off, it would still shatter kingdoms, break empires, and send much of civilization tumbling into chaos. That chaos could be a ladder, to one prepared to climb it.

"I would very much like to see this Hall of Wonders before we depart, there should be some time to get our things together before we get on the march." Pipping in Nelalwe adds, "I will stay with this Haspur and see that he is cared for and protected Lord."
Idriane returns with the key and leads Silhouette, Shazer'a, and Tocrhor (and anyone else inclined to follow) to the Hall of Wonders. {ooc: continued below}

Dakashi and Hadyri stay in the temple of Gond and try to commune with Saridor. The results they get are strange. Dakashi senses that the god is there but he refuses to speak to the elan devotee. Hadyri hears the sound of hissing, which Dakashi does not hear.

Kethrendil works with Nelalwe to tend to Haspur. The man remains unconscious, completely exhausted. The sun elf and air gnome find him a comfortable spot on a wagon that is loaded with other wounded outside the temple. The people preparing the wagon promise to help Nel with the Chosen.

Soumral works alongside Rodan to help the citizens that are gathering at the temple. The one wagon is soon joined by many other carts and wagons, as well as dozens of horses and mules with packed saddlebags. Members of the Flaming Fists work with the two companions. Foodstuffs and water are brought to help feed those that need it and the rest is stored in a ironclad wagon normally used for transporting prisoners.

Keth leaves Haspur in Nel capable hands and heads back to the Blade and Stars where he finds that G'axir's body is where he left it. The inn is abandoned, as the staff has already fled. He does find another body upstairs in one of the rooms. An old halfling has died in his sleep, it seems. With the aid of several Flaming Fists, he has G'axir's body escorted to the man's home for burial in his family crypt. The halfling's body is taken to a public crypt along with many other of the city's dead.

With his old friend taken care of, Keth starts his search for a scribe to pen the letters for the Hill Council and House Symbaern. Several hours have passed and the streets are emptying quickly. The Fists are working hard to move people out of the city. It is a hard process and many refuse to leave, if when threatened.

Then Keth hear it (they all do). A sound like distant thunder echoing from far away. Looking up, he sees a flash of what first appears to be red lightning in the distance. But then there is another and another. A rhythmic echo of destruction. Fire is burning through the sky from somewhere above the clouds. He can see it to the northwest and to the southwest. And then there is a flash of white light that streaks from the heavens and hits somewhere far off to the northeast. The boom that roars through the air to his ears is surprisingly loud.

"What in the Nine Hells is that?" a member of the Flaming Fist, a young man named Neven, says in fear.


In the Hall of Wonders (beginning two hours previous)
Idriane opens the locked door to the Hall and opens it for the trio to enter. A quick scan of the hall's main room shows that there are unique things, to be sure, but nothing that would be considered advanced technology to Shazer'a and Tocrhor. Silhouette notes a small handheld flintlock that is beyond anything she's ever seen. It looks complicated to her but Tocrhor doesn't seem interested in it.

"What about this secret room of relics you mentioned?" Tocrhor asks the cleric of Gond.

"Yes, this way," Idriane replies while motioning them to the back of the hall. Shaz notes that the artifacts on display are a great history of technology on Toril, but most of it would be of little use against Imperial Legions.

The Gondite cleric leads them into a old storeroom and opens a secret door that leads down a ste of spiraling stone stairs. They come to a stout iron gate with no discernable lock. She mumbles several divine words and a keyhole appears on the wall. She puts in the key, takes a deep breath, and turns the key.

At first, nothing happens. Then the gate fades away into nothingness and the dark room beyond is suddenly lit by a central brazier. Here, the trio finds many odd things that are beyond what Toril has in its present day. The two offworlders see an old computer that looks archaic. It has a stylized apple on it. It's not familiar to either Shaz or the hobgoblin.

"Elminster of Shadowdale brought that from another world," the Gondite cleric says. "He called the place Terra. The high Artificer told me that a few of these devices came from that world. Where it is, i do not know. I don't think the high Artificer has been there either."

"I see something useful," Tocrhor says in surprise. "Shazer'a, your help, if you please?"

The two offworlders pull an old tarp off a large mechanical device that looks lie it could be an old castoff from a starship.

"A teleport suppressor," the hobgoblin says with a grin. "If we can find a way to power it, it could give us an advantage."

"This is from your empire?" the cleric asks.

"It's old, maybe three or four generations behind what is used in the Dragon Empire today, but it looks intact. I can hardly believe this is here!"

"It was found in a deep cave in the Forgotten Forest, near Evereska."

"Amazing! It's in really good shape."

"There were other things there too," Idriane says. "Most of it was destroyed or so big that we couldn't move it here without attracting attention. Well, at least that's what the High Artificer told me."

"Did he bring anything else?" Tocrhor asks.

"I'm not sure," the cleric muses. "Wait, I asked him about a strange cylinder I was studying, and he told me to put it back and never touch it again."

She goes to an alcove and pulls out a metal cylinder that is roughly a foot long. She hands it to Tocrhor and he nearly drops it.

"Wow, this is old," he says with teeth bared in a twisted grin. He looks at Shazer'a. "A sunsword!"

The hobgoblin steps back and tries to operate the blade. It does nothing. He pops out its old energy cell and roots around in his pack for a new one that could fit it. The last cell fits it and he presses the button again. From the end of the cylinder erupts a brilliant blade of silver-white energy that hums as it passes back and forth through the air. Idriane gasps.

"Amazing! it still works!"

"I- I can't believe it. All this time it was here," the Gondite exclaims.

Tocrhor powers the blade down and hands it to Shazer'a. "I trust you will use it wisely."

Over the next few hours, the four of them go through every inch of the hidden cache. They find several archaic datachips and dozen of old electronic devices that appear to be Imperial in design.

"The Empire was here," the hobgoblin says plainly. "That could be good or bad depending on how things are interpreted."

Just before the loud booms roar in the sky outside, Shaz finds something, odd. It is a device that is more complicated than anything he's ever seen before. It is spherical and at first he thinks it's an ansible, but it much smaller and is covered in weird writing that he doesn't recognize. Its metal is cold to the touch and as he holds it in his hand, he has this sense that the world is vibrating all around him. And then, it stops.

And then the Centurion opens fire on the world of Toril.

OOC: Sunswords (Imperial Supply, p. 50) are going to be rare in this campaign. The standard sunsword is consider to be a weapon for use by the most trusted servants of the Dragon Empire. It isn't mass manufactured. Standard sunswords are still martial weapons but older sunswords, like this one, are considered exotic weapons that require a feat to use properly. An old sunsword does twice the damage listed in Imperial Supply and they are always masterwork and most of them are enchanted. Each one is marked with the symbol of an Imperial House. This one is marked with the symbol of House Sarava. :D


For a moment, Keth stared off in the distance at the aftermath of the tremendous display of power. Dread filled him. He turned to the Flaming Fist guard. "Get the people out of here. Keep them calm as much as possible, but get them to safety!"

The elf then ran back to the wagon with Nelalwe and Haspur. "We need to gather the others. I've got a feeling we need to leave now."

Deuce Traveler

Rodan part flies, part glides towards the wagon with Haspur. "I agree... we've done all we can for the people here and it is time to go. Let's get Haspur out of this city by the closest exit and proceed to the cover of the woods. Hopefully the others can figure out a way to contact us once this initial strike is over."

Rodan every so often lifts off with his wings to take a quick look at their surroundings and help the group navigate around obstacles and stopped or frightened citizens.


First Post
It very quickly becomes apparent to Siel that her disguise isn't going to last for the duration of the search. There's just too much to go over, even if the vast majority is junk. She considers borrowing her companion's enchanted disguise...but the reality is that the longer this reckoning is postponed, the worse it's going to be. And if she is going to be cooperating with these people, it will come eventually.

Better to get it over with now, she thinks. While there are still options.

So while the search in the Vault of Wonders takes place, Siel says at one point, "Excuse me for a moment, I need to just do one thing..."

And the half-elf melts away, replaced by a somewhat taller, more statuesque humanoid with skin the color of a clear sky at midnight, yellow eyes, and lacking any kind of hair on her head. Not a member of a 'race,' but one of those carrying the unpredictable touch of the lower planes in their line; each one different, but with certain similarities that mark them of a kind. A tiefling.

"I do apologize for the deception," she lied smoothly, "but I've found it wise to assess prospective associates before revealing too much. There are many who are quick to assume the worst from the least of evidences."

Voidrunner's Codex

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