[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)

Deuce Traveler

Rodan studies the High Artificer and says, "That man is no longer the respected patriarch. He is now one of the Subsumed. A cleric that has given himself over to an Aspect of the Unification Church. The Subsumbed are nearly unstoppable! The more powerful the cleric was before being changed, the tougher they are! I suggested flight before! I suggest it once again!"

That said, Rodan decides to cast Break Enchantment on the High Artificer in the hopes that will have an effect on the possession.

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World of Kulan DM
Rodan studies the High Artificer and says, "That man is no longer the respected patriarch. He is now one of the Subsumed. A cleric that has given himself over to an Aspect of the Unification Church. The Subsumbed are nearly unstoppable! The more powerful the cleric was before being changed, the tougher they are! I suggested flight before! I suggest it once again!"

That said, Rodan decides to cast Break Enchantment Dispel Magic on the High Artificer in the hopes that will have an effect on the possession.
Rodan steadies himself and directs his divine magic towards the High Artificer. As his spell finishes, he can feel a resistance against his magic emanating from the subsumed cleric. He adds several powerful gestures and manages to break through the magical barrier. His dispel hits another barrier and tries to latch onto it, but it is even strong that High Artificers spell resistance.

His dispel fizzles against the barrier and he knows what it is instantly. The High Artificer is protected by a Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, which seems to be part of the aura surrounding the subsumed cleric.

Hadyri is going to attack the {blazing bones} acolyte who is nearest to {her}.
After dodging the firestorm from the blazing bones, Hadyri moves in to battle the undead creature hand to hand. She punches the former acolyte hard on her first blow but it manages to avoid her second one. Then snap kicks the creature while its off balance. She hears a satisfying crack as she breaks one of the undead's burning ribs.


Kethrendil grit his teeth in pain as he pats out the remaining flickers of fire upon him. What in the Nine Hells was happening? One moment, they only had to be concerned with harming the High Artificer. The next, all hell broke loose, and now the concern is the High Artificer harming them! The transformed priest was a sight to behold, but Keth is shocked by his eyes. They were the same as G'axir, just before he died! Was his friend about to undergo the same transformation? Did he have the foresight to stop it with the final resort?

Keth pushes these thoughts aside. He has to help end the danger. Calarek was smolders on floor. Tossing his singed roll of rope aside, the elf rushes towards the now burning undead initiate, drawing his blade. He swings across, charging it with magical electricity. "For the People!"

Courtblade attack: [1d20+14] = 17+14 = 31; Damage: [1d10+4] = 8+4 = 12 plus [5d6] = 12 electricity from shocking grasp
Crit confirm roll: [1d20+14] = 20+14 = 34 (if applicable; crit range is 15-20)


World of Kulan DM
Kethrendil grit his teeth in pain as he pats out the remaining flickers of fire upon him. What in the Nine Hells was happening? One moment, they only had to be concerned with harming the High Artificer. The next, all hell broke loose, and now the concern is the High Artificer harming them! The transformed priest was a sight to behold, but Keth is shocked by his eyes. They were the same as G'axir, just before he died! Was his friend about to undergo the same transformation? Did he have the foresight to stop it with the final resort?

Keth pushes these thoughts aside. He has to help end the danger. Calarek was smolders on floor. Tossing his singed roll of rope aside, the elf rushes towards the now burning undead initiate, drawing his blade. He swings across, charging it with magical electricity. "For the People!"
Keth's blade finds some resistance due to the blazing bones nature but the power of the strike tears through bones and flame alike and the lightning rips the undead acolyte apart. As it falls to the floor in a smouldering pile of charred bones, Keth hears a voice whisper to him. "Thank you."

There is a pause and then it says, "But beware him."


World of Kulan DM
Dakashi and Rodan watch as the High Artificer moves towards the open doorway of his former chambers. He doesn't walk but float through the air, hovering just above the ground. As he moves, Dakashi can see that some of the burns the high Artificer took from the elan's energy current heal. It is obvious.

As he passes through the doorway his aura flashes out to expand to twice its size. It is as bright as a burning forge and the divine light touches all within 40 feet of High Artificer. With comes a verbal compulsion, "Stand fast and yield up your souls to the forges of the Dragon Empire!"

Within the unnatural light, all feel their bodies begin to stiffen due to a magical force that compels them not to move. Keth watches in horror as the light hits and burns Calarek. The young acolyte is consumed by flames in agony. His screams become a roar as he stands up as a blazing bones!

Yes! Serve your master once again, Calarek! Destroy them with fire! The light of the High Artificer's aura recedes back to surround the man up to a range of 20 feet all around him. He comes to a stop 10 feet outside the door and unfastens a warhammer from his belt, still hovering. "Those who do not serve the Empire will be swept away! Even your gods!"

OOC: Aura of the Subsumed > Will saving throw (DC 25) negates Mass Hold Person. Everyone in the temple is close enough to be in the aura. If save is failed by 5 or more good and evil characters take 2d8 points of divine damage while neutral characters take only 1d8 points, in addition to being held by the spell effect. Any character with 5 HD less than the High Artificer must also make a Fortitude saving throw equal to 25 plus any damage taken or be killed outright and turned into a blazing bones.

I've already checked, and the only non-NPC character currently in the temple this could happen to is Hadyri. (I'm fairly certain.) All the PCs in the temple have 9 levels or more. Note that only HD matter, not level adjustment.

Calarek, as an NPC, automatically failed both saves. Sorry guys, but that was my evil plan from the beginning.:devil:


First Post
As Silhouette and the others left the 'wonders' in the Hall, she frowned slightly and looked towards the temple. What was that sound she was hearing from over there? Thak immediately noticed her and went to her side.

"Trouble?" he asked quietly.

"Maybe," the tiefling said after a moment. "I think...yes."

She caught a glimpse then, of flickering flames, and swore under her breath.

"Raise arms," warned Silhouette to the others with her. "There's something going on in the temple of Gond, and it's the opposite of good."

With that she skirted to one side of the door...not wishing to be cut down on her way over...and approached the mighty stonework of the cathedral.


World of Kulan DM
Dakashi watches in horror as his cohort and friend is consumed and transformed by the High Artificer's unnatural aura. The blazing bones that was Hadyri chuckles in broken despair. It turns to look at Dakashi. "You! You will join the master or die."


World of Kulan DM
As Silhouette and the others left the 'wonders' in the Hall, she frowned slightly and looked towards the temple. What was that sound she was hearing from over there? Thak immediately noticed her and went to her side.

"Trouble?" he asked quietly.

"Maybe," the tiefling said after a moment. "I think...yes."

She caught a glimpse then, of flickering flames, and swore under her breath.

"Raise arms," warned Silhouette to the others with her. "There's something going on in the temple of Gond, and it's the opposite of good."
Idriane looks towards her temple, quizzically. She missed whatever Silhouette saw through the doors but she 'trusts' the tiefling's senses. She follows Lady Siel towards the temple's open doors. "I hope the High Artificer isn't causing a scene."

Tocrhor looks towards the wagons leaving the city and absentmindedly starts heading in that direction, having missed Silhouette warning, initially. It takes him a moment to realize his mistake and head back towards the temple of Gond.

OOC: Forgot to roll Initiative for Idriane. :p

With that she skirted to one side of the door...not wishing to be cut down on her way over...and approached the mighty stonework of the cathedral.
Silhouette peers around the edge of the door and is shocked for a moment, a rarity for her, by what she sees. The others are fighting against what looks like a skeleton made of fire, which is being directed by the High Artificer who is floating in midair off to one side of the temple. The heroes quickly cut it down.

A powerful aura emanates from the cleric of Gond. The light of the aura is bright and then it flares to twice its size and encompasses all facing him. The light hurts Silhouette eyes. The effect it has on the others is... disturbing. Both Calarek and Hadyri are both devastated by the light. It burns them up and transforms them into burning undead like the other undead they just defeated. Soumral is burnt by the light as well, but isn't changed by the magic the High Artificer is emanating.
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