[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


The other harrowblade keeps its eyes focused on Yin Hun (with Belgeon right next ot him) and it opens its mouth and breathes a lines of acid towards the two of them.

"Oh damn! Look out!" Belgeon yells. He throws himself out of the way at the last second. The line of acid barely misses the Flaming Fist. Yin Hun only has seconds to react.

OOC: Yin Hun Reflex Save: [1d20+7] = 2+7 = 9

Yin Hun reacts too late. He takes the full brunt of the line of acid, impacting onto his chest and spraying all over his limbs. "Nrraargh!" the soldier let out through gritted teeth as he falls back. The burn is indescribable. He falls onto the dirt ground, trying to smother the acid. Getting the pain under control, panting, Yin Hun ignore the exposed flesh and bone. Only one thing was on his mind. Kill the threat.

He tossed the bow to the side, and swung his rifle up, aiming straight at the harrowblade that spat at him. With numerous obscenities in his mind, Yin Hun squeezed the trigger.

Using Soldier's Onslaught to make 3 attacks at -6 penalty to attack roll:
Attack 1: [1d20+12] = 17+12 = 29; dmg: [4d8+18] = 16+18 = 34
Attack 2: [1d20+12] = 15+12 = 27; dmg: [4d8+18] = 19+18 = 37
Attack 3: [1d20+12] = 13+12 = 25; dmg: [4d8+18] = 17+18 = 35
On the off chance that the harrowblade dies in the first 2 attacks, the remaining attacks target the other harrowblade.
Remaining ammo in rifle: 6 longarm rounds

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First Post
Silhouette grimaces at the slip...they'd looked vaguely draconic, but it was hard to tell sometimes. And now a perfectly good monologue was wasted. What a night.

She lifted a hand, collecting swirling violet motes of light that appeared into a small sphere that hovered over her palm.

With a casual flick of her wrist, she sent the spell sizzling at the newcomer harrowblade; the one Thrak had so ably cut into. If he'd weakened it enough, perhaps she could finish it off!

(Mind Thrust at 4th level. Will save DC 25 for half damage, otherwise take [roll0] psychic damage and gain fatigued condition for 1 round)


World of Kulan DM
Silhouette grimaces at the slip...they'd looked vaguely draconic, but it was hard to tell sometimes. And now a perfectly good monologue was wasted. What a night.

She lifted a hand, collecting swirling violet motes of light that appeared into a small sphere that hovered over her palm.

With a casual flick of her wrist, she sent the spell sizzling at the newcomer harrowblade; the one Thrak had so ably cut into. If he'd weakened it enough, perhaps she could finish it off!
The spell dig's into the harrowblade's mind but it manages to sluff off the worst parts of the Silhouette's mental barrage -- but just barely. The harrowblade shakes its head in agony and claws at the ground, but it doesn't fall.

OOC: 2nd Harrowblade's Will save > 1d20+11=25

Yin Hun reacts too late. He takes the full brunt of the line of acid, impacting onto his chest and spraying all over his limbs. "Nrraargh!" the soldier let out through gritted teeth as he falls back. The burn is indescribable. He falls onto the dirt ground, trying to smother the acid. Getting the pain under control, panting, Yin Hun ignore the exposed flesh and bone. Only one thing was on his mind. Kill the threat.

He tossed the bow to the side, and swung his rifle up, aiming straight at the harrowblade that spat at him. With numerous obscenities in his mind, Yin Hun squeezed the trigger.
The first two shots find their mark. The first shot penetrates into its chest while the second shot hits its left shoulder. The third shot nearly penetrates its head, the harrowblade's hard armored horn deflects the shot at the last second. It roars at Yin Hun in defiance.

Buddha the DM

Soumral continues her stabbing onslaught on the harrowblade that she's embroiled in melee with doing her best to avoid any attacks that come her way.

OOC Rolls:
Stealth check for Trick attack: [roll0]
Dagger Atk Roll: [roll1]
- Dagger Dmg: [roll2] (Slashing)
- Trick Attack Dmg (if successful): [roll3]

Current Statistics:
- SP: 112 - 25 = 87
- HP: 88
- EAC: 33 / KAC: 34


World of Kulan DM
Soumral continues her stabbing onslaught on the harrowblade that she's embroiled in melee with doing her best to avoid any attacks that come her way.
Soumral manages to remain in the dragon's blindspot and her dagger finds another opening between several scales. The blade sinks in to the hilt and the dragon groans in agony.

"Gods!" Soumral hears a femine voice exclaim. She pulls out her blade and looks back to see the Flaming Fist named Loranys rushing into the fight with her longsword drawn. She rushes past both Yin Hun and Belgeon towards the harrowblades. She moves in, recklessly, and the harrowblade that Soumral stabbed snaps its wing around at the woman and connects just before the Fist slashes at it.

While her blade cuts deep against the first dragon, the other harrowblade comes back at her with all its attacks. It quickly decimates the young Flaming Fist with its wingblades and then follows up with a deep bite. She doesn't cry out but the wounds cause her to stagger in pain and she nearly loses her grip on her sword.

Belgeon fires his arrows against the same harrowblade -- hoping to put it down. But his shots fail to connect.

OOC: Harrowblade #1's Perception check > 1d20+19=39 (failure), AoO > 1d20+23=31+6=37 (hit), Damage > 3d4+16=25

Loranys' Attack > 1d20+30=36 (hit), Damage > 4d8+18=43

Harrowblade #2's Multiattack vs. Loranys > 1d20+23=37 (hit), 1d20+23=41 (hit), Augmented crit. confirm* > 1d20+23=42 (success), 1d20+20=32 (hit); Wingblade damage > 3d4+16=26, Wingblade critical damage* > 9d4+48=68, Bite damage > 3d4+16=24
* The harrowblade's wingblades do triple damage on a critical. I missed this when it got a crit vs. Thrak. It also has a chance to crit on a roll of 18 or 19.

Belgeon's Full Attack > 1d20+14=21 (miss), 1d20+14=15 (miss)
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First Post
Thrak twists around, leaving the harrowblade something to remember him by as it moves to attack new prey...

(AoO: [roll0] to hit, for [roll1] damage.)

As much as he'd like to finish the job on it, he's not eager to give the first one a clear shot at his back either. It wasn't just any monster that could give him a beating like it had after all! He focuses his wrath on that one first then, hoping to bring it down!

(Full attack on Harrowblade 1, taking -4 for 2 attacks:
[roll2] to hit, for [roll3] damage.
[roll4] to hit, for [roll5] damage.)


World of Kulan DM
Thrak twists around, leaving the harrowblade something to remember him by as it moves to attack new prey...
The harrowblade manages to shrug off the quick attack from Thrak. The goliath's massive blade only finds armored scales, which causes sparks but no injuries.

Shayuri said:
As much as he'd like to finish the job on it, he's not eager to give the first one a clear shot at his back either. It wasn't just any monster that could give him a beating like it had after all! He focuses his wrath on that one first then, hoping to bring it down!
His first attack catches the beast's neck flush. It cuts right through it sending blood and spittle everywhere. The spray drenches Loranys, which causes her to retch.

Thrak slams his next attack against the second harrowblade and cuts deep into its back. While the beast doesn't fall, it is near the end of its strength.

OOC: Can you cleave on a full attack? The feat says you have to make a single attack in order to cleave. ( Hmm? :erm: ) If not, it is Silhouette's turn.


First Post
(OOC - Can't cleave, but he can take his second attack on a different target. Cleave would be a standard attack action, not a full attack action.)


First Post
Silhouette lifts her dagger so it rests on the palm of her hand. It rises into the air and seems to suddenly split into a dozen versions of itself, each one glimmering darkly as it orbits her. Collectively the daggers formed a kind of swarm pattern, dizzyingly complex.

She then sends the daggers zooming through the air at the remaining harrowblade! In the end of course, only one of the daggers is real...the others exist only to attempt to make it harder to dodge or deflect that one, fatally precise throw.

(Bluff to use Improved Feint: [roll0]. If successful, Harrowblade remains flatfooted.
Attacking with dagger: [roll1] atk, for [roll2] damage, plus [roll3] if it's flatfooted from Wraith Strike.)

The dagger then returns to Silhouette's hand.

Voidrunner's Codex

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