[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


First Post
Silhouette grins. "You're sassy for a librarian," she replies. "Silhouette will do just fine."

"As for what I wish, it's access to some of Candlekeep's books, and maps. As much as it must pain you to hear, my companions and I are only planning a stopover here. Alas, we must press on, but we'll need some bit of the knowledge of this place to do so. Specifically, maps of the Anauroch and surrounding areas, as well as any relevant books."

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Emiko greets the innkeeper in kind. "Thank you, Mr. Winthrop, I'll take it into consideration. We should get set up in the rooms first, though."

Once inside the room, Emiko scopes it out. She mentally maps out entry points and exit routes. Taking several more minutes, she examines the integrity of the room's construction, checking for any gaps that anyone outside could take advantage of peeking or listening in.


"Neither are likely, the Fraal want to remain uninvolved as much as possible," Yin Hun tells Bentley. Turning to Belgeon, he says, "Good. It won't be easy, but I will get you ready to fight. But Loranys is right. Get some food and rest, and we'll start fresh tomorrow morning. And bring anyone else who is willing to fight."

Yin Hun contacts Emiko over his comm unit. After confirming where their temporary lodgings is located, Yin Hun enters the inn and heads into the room.

"Go ahead and get refreshed, and get a meal in," he tells her. "I'll secure my things, then do the same after you. I'll meet up with you there. And afterwards we'll meet up with the others at that 'Binder' place with the old man."


World of Kulan DM
Silhouette grins. "You're sassy for a librarian," she replies. "Silhouette will do just fine."
"As you wish, Miss Silhouette," Ulraunt replies with a bow.

Shayuri said:
"As for what I wish, it's access to some of Candlekeep's books, and maps. As much as it must pain you to hear, my companions and I are only planning a stopover here. Alas, we must press on, but we'll need some bit of the knowledge of this place to do so. Specifically, maps of the Anauroch and surrounding areas, as well as any relevant books."
"Ah, a true seeker of knowledge," he replies. "Of course you may gain access to one of the reading-rooms after you've gone through the mental and physical tests required by the order. You will have to answer questions truthfully about you, your life, your struggles, and about what it is you hope to learn while here. Anauroch is a vast place and out collection on it is so as well. It might help for you to think about narrowing down what it is you want to learn about the great desert. Ancient history? Flora and fauna? The history of the shades? The various tribes of the Bedine and D'tarig? Magical mysteries and hidden treasures, perhaps? There is a great deal to learn but you only have a tenday to study what we have in the archives." He pauses. "You do understand that you cannot take anything with you when you leave unless you pay to have one of our illuminators make a copy. And it cannot be a magical tome. An illuminator could probably copy a nonmagical book on Anauroch within a tenday, as long as it isn't exhaustive. You can get only certain sections of a book copied but anything less than a page has a minimum cost of 100 gold. You should have a clear idea of what you want after the 24 hour meditation period is completed."

Ulraunt walks with her and the Magister until they reach the temple of Oghma. "When you are ready to sit down with one of our monks to make you case for entry past the Emerald Door, head over to the necessariums," he points to a series of buildings. "You will be taken into an audience-chamber to begin answering questions. While the questioning won't last the entire time, it will be extensive. 'Truth is the key to the door'." He pauses for effect. "The bulk of the time must be spent in quiet reflection, but you cannot sleep. You may eat and study any written missives you already possess. Once you've completed the time in meditation, you will be allowed to enter through the Emerald Door and be granted access to the reading-rooms within the keep, within limits, of course. While reading through your selections, one of the order will stay with you to answer any questions you may have and find other tome or scrolls that might interest you. Time will go quickly, so have a plan before you enter. You can chat with members of the order in the necessariums before you begin the ritual, but do not tarry. You only have a tenday before you must leave Candlekeep."

He stops in front of the temple's doors and smiles at Silhouette. "I hope you find your answers, Seeker Silhouette." He bows again and steps through the doors into the temple.

"If you want a good general reference on Anauroch, I recommend a book called 'A Stranger in the Great Desert' by a dwarven scholar named Arastrukara Darkbranch," the Magister suggests. "It gives good overview of the desert and its dangers without detailing every rock and crevasse. Matron Darkbranch penned it ten years ago but the information is still reliable. If you get it illuminated by the monks, it should cost you roughly 200 gold, and they'll be able to finish it before you have to leave. If you want something more exhaustive, I suggest you take a look through the massive tome called 'Eras of Anauroch'. There is no way for you to get even one chapter of it illuminated within a tenday and it would cost you and companions a large fortune. But reading even parts of it could save your lives."

Emiko greets the innkeeper in kind. "Thank you, Mr. Winthrop, I'll take it into consideration. We should get set up in the rooms first, though."
"As you wish," Winthrop replies cheerfully. He points towards the stairs. "Just head up stairs and pick one of the rooms with a copper plate tacked to the door."

KainG said:
Once inside the room, Emiko scopes it out. She mentally maps out entry points and exit routes. Taking several more minutes, she examines the integrity of the room's construction, checking for any gaps that anyone outside could take advantage of peeking or listening in.
The room is cozy and well insulated. There aren't any huge gaps in the walls, although they aren't very thick. She can clearly hear another guest snoring 'loudly' through the walls of one of the rooms. She doesn't pick that one.

KainG said:
"Neither are likely, the Fraal want to remain uninvolved as much as possible," Yin Hun tells Bentley.
"Darn, that's too bad," Bentley says. "They sound they could be quite powerful allies."

KainG said:
Turning to Belgeon, he says, "Good. It won't be easy, but I will get you ready to fight. But Loranys is right. Get some food and rest, and we'll start fresh tomorrow morning. And bring anyone else who is willing to fight."
Belgeon nods. He heads towards the Hearth to get a meal. The smell of foods draws the young soldier quickly inside.

KainG said:
Yin Hun contacts Emiko over his comm unit. After confirming where their temporary lodgings is located, Yin Hun enters the inn and heads into the room.

"Go ahead and get refreshed, and get a meal in," he tells her. "I'll secure my things, then do the same after you. I'll meet up with you there. And afterwards we'll meet up with the others at that 'Binder' place with the old man."
Emiko nods and heads out. The room will do. It's primitive but clean and safe. Emiko managed to get a room with two beds and a large wooden cabinet with an option for an iron lock. There is also an old chest that has seen better days. The blankets on the bed are warm and woolen. It will be a restful night's sleep at least.

Yin Hun passes the inn's owner on his way out. The man seems friendly, as well as wise beyond the rustic surroundings he's likely lived in his whole life. Yin Hun also notes that Thrak is schmoozing up the locals for information. The big goliath seems to have a way with people when liquor is flowing. That could prove useful in the conflict to come.

Entering the Hearth, Yin Hun feels like he's steps into a holo-novel about the days of yore. Well, as much yore as there ever was in the Empire. It feels surreal, but he knows just how real these peoples lives are going to get over the next few decades. There is hope and joy in their eyes, which might dim or might turn into fierce resistance. If he does his job right, it will be the latter.

He finds Emiko sitting and eating at a table with Soumral and the two plainclothes Flaming Fists. The matron of the eatery greets him with a smile and a plate of food. Yin Hun can tell its good by the enticing smell and by how much Emiko is putting away. Hunger quickly takes over, and he's three plates in before he realizes he'd been famished. He truly enjoys himself for the first time since coming to Toril. There is laughter, music, and local jokes he doesn't quite get.

Time passes and eventually the goliath joins them. The hostess and Winthorp's wife, Elisabet, eyes bug out when she sees him enter. She shakes her head and laughs at herself before heading back into the kitchen to tell her cooks to put some more meat on the fire and dig deeper into the pantry.

Thrak enters with several other people in tow. Yin Hun and Emiko saw them in the inn. There is a big man with a tattoo on his face, a young woman who looks like a local spellslinger, a savage looking half-elf, and a tough-looking ronin who looks like he could be of Yin Hun's bloodline. With those come another man that hadn't been in the inn. He is tall. So much so that he has to duck his head like Thrak had done when entering. There is something arcane about him, but he also has a sword strapped to his back.

Thrak points to you and the others while taking a look around the eatery. He shrugs and then finds the sturdiest chair in the place and moves it to your table. He sits downs and Elisabet brings him a platter with a bit of everything on it. The newcomers come over to the table and Thrak (semi-)introduces you all to them before digging into his meal. He stops to gulp down a huge mouthful of food before speaking again. "These adventurers are seeking help in getting to Waterdeep," he says to Yin Hun and Soumrel. "An opportunity has come up and they need more bodies to help protect a caravan. The lord who owns the caravan is named Gruen Bleth. They aren't leaving right away, so I thought we might travel with them."

"Have you explained what happened in Baldur's Gate," Belgeon asks.

"No, I decided that should come from Yin Hun or Rodan," Thrak replies. "They can descibe it better than I could hope to do."

"We do know that something big is happening," the human woman says. "The monks never let so many strangers in Candlekeep without the required books. Ever."

"Imoen," the tall man says. "Lets wait and hear what they have to say."

"Aw, c'mon Landor, there is danger in the air — like... like it was then — m-maybe worse," the woman named Imoen muses. The tall man gives her a firm look, and she crosses her arms sullenly.

"Swords, not words!" The tattooed man exclaims.

"Not now, Minsc," the half-elven woman insists calmly. "Sit down over there and make sure Boo is okay."

The tattooed man's eyes go wide and he nods fiercely. He rushes over to a corner and opens up a pocket on his belt. A... rodent scampers into his hand and he cradles it like a delicate egg.

Is, is he alright?" Loranys asks.

"Yes, he'll be fine," Landor says. "Minsc's a great warrior, but he's not much for conversaton. And he can come off as odd."

"That is an understatement," the ronin says. "I am pleased to meet you all. I am Yoshimo Nishimaru." He bows gracefully. "I hope we can come to an agreement on traveling together. I have this sense that the roads will extremely dangerous without great numbers."

"I am Landor Sombragard," the tall man says. "Imoen and I grew up together here in Candlekeep, although I don't live here anymore. I spend more time in the North."

"And who's fault is that?" Imoen mocks.

"Winthrop is a nice man, but his not my father, Immy."

Imoen sticks her tongue out at him, and he smirks, barely.

"I guess we're doing introductions," the half-elf says. "I am Jaheira Virsatraen." She says nothing else.

"Way to be friendly, Jaheira," Imoen says while rolling her eyes.

"The merchant lord should be along shortly," Thrak says as the hostess refills his platter. "He seems eager to hire as many bodies as he can. It could be beneficial to all of us. There's another option as well, but I don't know the details."

"Is Silhouette going to be here soon?" Belgeon asks. "Oh, I'm Belgeon," he adds to the newcomers. Imoen shakes the Flaming Fist's hand and grins.

"She'll get here when she gets here," Thrak replies. "What she's doing is important but hopefully she's not ruffling the monks' feathers... too much" He grins.

Loranys stands and bows to the newcomers. "I am Loranys of Baldur's Gate. We come to Candlekeep to seek knowledge that will help stop an invasion from the stars."

"An invasion from the stars?" Landor looks at his allies and then notices Yin Hun and Emiko's clothes. "So my visions aren't just dreams." He takes up a chair and sits down next to the offworlders. "Tell me of these invaders and I will tell you what I have seen of the possible future to come."

Before Yin Hun can start. Bentley and Rodan walk in. Rodan notes the look on others faces. The raptoran sighs. "What happened now?"


Yin Hun greets the newcomers with a sharp nod. He gives them a quick introduction to himself and Emiko, and their purpose on their planet. He then goes on to explain the Dragon Empire and their intent on conquering Toril, and the opening salvo at Baldur's Gate. "The Imperials have crippled your magic, and their gods are co-opting your priests. Their technology is far beyond yours, and they can call upon the resources of hundreds of worlds. In short, conquest is inevitable. But resistance, if done carefully, is possible. With time and resources, your world might regain its autonomy, even under the boot of the Empire."

The alien soldier had already gotten his estimation of these adventurers. They were well-armed and carried themselves with a manner Yin Hun had seen in special forces operators. They might be useful in the coming fight.

Yin Hun turned to Soumral and the others. "Waterdeep is on our way to Anayroch, correct? Joining them on this caravan might be useful."


First Post
Silhouette listened to the man prattle with outward calm she didn't feel. Clinging to rituals while the world literally burned! A small man, with a small mind, cowering behind the only defenses he'd ever known long after finding out they would not protect him. Their magic was gone now though...would it be so hard? A spell, a command...taking Ulraunt would mean all further barriers would melt away. Even those morally opposed to such acts would be forced to admit, in time, that one man's freedom of will was a small price to pay for information that could save lives! Who was he to stand in her way?!

She closed her eyes for a long moment, riding out the storm, then opened them again and nodded.

"Thank you, Ulraunt, for your suggestions. I'm sure I'll find them useful."

Magic was ever a sword with two edges. The apprentice's mistakes was in believing that the second edge was on the opposite side of the blade from the first. It wasn't though. It was in the handle. To wield magic was to be wielded by magic. This was the key to Mystra's power...and the other goddesses who had borne the weight of the domain of magic. Power used was power offered.

Silhouette had learned long ago to touch a different magic altogether, but its touch was on her as well. Sometimes the line between using and being used was thin indeed.

Twenty-four hours was a long time to be sequestered with no one knowing. She decided to visit the others first and explain the situation. Perhaps she could set them to some of the tasks she would have done herself in that time, and thus lose less to this idiot's charade.

Well...she'd done far more demeaning things for far less rewards before, though those days were not ones she was eager to relive.


"They call it 'technology,'" Thrak adds, "But it is like magic. Magic machines. Some large enough to carry soldiers and horses, that fly through the air. Some small, but able to throw fire like wands...except they don't need wizards to do it. I haven't seen much of them yet, but we have a few from the same world as the invaders who have come to help."

He bobs his shaved head towards Yin Hun and Emiko and the others. Then he leans forwards and says with a grim smile, "I have heard them say many times that conquest cannot be stopped...but for my part it is not the outcome of the war that defines us, it is the struggle and the clash!"

Thrak settles back in his chair then, which creaks alarmingly under him. "It is said my ancestor once wrestled a mountain...betting it that if he did not lose, the mountain would give his people a home for all time." He nods. "He wrestles still...for though he cannot win, until he stops he has not lost. At times the mountain shakes with the contest, but until the last days we will have our home."

"Gods of light and dark, Thrak, not that story again."

The voice was feminine, amused more than impatient. Silhouette had arrived, tall and onyx and statuesque. Her eyes roved over the new faces at the table in turn, weighing each and moving on.

Thrak moved over and made space for her to pull a chair up.

"I see we've made some friends. I am Silhouette."


World of Kulan DM
Silhouette listened to the man prattle with outward calm she didn't feel. Clinging to rituals while the world literally burned! A small man, with a small mind, cowering behind the only defenses he'd ever known long after finding out they would not protect him. Their magic was gone now though...would it be so hard? A spell, a command...taking Ulraunt would mean all further barriers would melt away. Even those morally opposed to such acts would be forced to admit, in time, that one man's freedom of will was a small price to pay for information that could save lives! Who was he to stand in her way?!

She closed her eyes for a long moment, riding out the storm, then opened them again and nodded.

"Thank you, Ulraunt, for your suggestions. I'm sure I'll find them useful."
He beams a smile at her before he enters the temple.

"I think he likes you," the Magister says quietly. "Well, he likes your determination and zeal. Be quick of mind and physically tempered and the monks might become more pilable." She glances at Sil's face. "If you let anger guide you, however, you will make enemies of them long before the Dragon Empire subjugates our world." She sighs and stares at the sky. "Elminster told me about it once, but I could hardly wrap my mind around it. For while I've studies the planes, I've rarely delved into the subject of Arcane Space. Most of what has been written about that subject is poor conjecture, of course. Air envelopes and galleons sailing from world to world, bah!" She shakes her head. "No, the universe we live in is a great deal more dangerous than that."

She notes that Silhouette's face is less angry and more, impatient. "I'm sorry to ramble on so," she apologizes with a beaming smile. It is so genuine that it hurts the tiefling's gut. "I must stay with Ulraunt, for now. But we can speak more later. Well met, Seeker Silhouette."

Shayuri said:
Magic was ever a sword with two edges. The apprentice's mistakes was in believing that the second edge was on the opposite side of the blade from the first. It wasn't though. It was in the handle. To wield magic was to be wielded by magic. This was the key to Mystra's power...and the other goddesses who had borne the weight of the domain of magic. Power used was power offered.

Silhouette had learned long ago to touch a different magic altogether, but its touch was on her as well. Sometimes the line between using and being used was thin indeed.

Twenty-four hours was a long time to be sequestered with no one knowing. She decided to visit the others first and explain the situation. Perhaps she could set them to some of the tasks she would have done herself in that time, and thus lose less to this idiot's charade.

Well...she'd done far more demeaning things for far less rewards before, though those days were not ones she was eager to relive.
The Magister watches Silhouette walk away, for a while. There is something about the woman's eyes being on Sil that makes the tiefling's heart race.

Yin Hun greets the newcomers with a sharp nod. He gives them a quick introduction to himself and Emiko, and their purpose on their planet. He then goes on to explain the Dragon Empire and their intent on conquering Toril, and the opening salvo at Baldur's Gate. "The Imperials have crippled your magic, and their gods are co-opting your priests. Their technology is far beyond yours, and they can call upon the resources of hundreds of worlds. In short, conquest is inevitable. But resistance, if done carefully, is possible. With time and resources, your world might regain its autonomy, even under the boot of the Empire."
"I will not bend a knee to these gods," Jaheira says plainly. "Nature is my goddess."

"Technology, like what the priests of Gond use?" Imoen asks, hopefully.

Shayuri said:
"They call it 'technology,'" Thrak adds, "But it is like magic. Magic machines. Some large enough to carry soldiers and horses, that fly through the air. Some small, but able to throw fire like wands...except they don't need wizards to do it. I haven't seen much of them yet, but we have a few from the same world as the invaders who have come to help."

He bobs his shaved head towards Yin Hun and Emiko and the others.
"Worlds, not a single world," Rodan corrects. "The Dragon Empire is an empire of thousands of stars. Its people come from countless worlds and there are more intelligent species than I'd ever be able to count in my lifetime."

"That sounds awfully big," Imoen says glumly. She looks at her childhood friend.

"Aye," Landor nods. "It is as I've seen in my dreams." He pauses to let Thrak continue.

Shayuri said:
Then {Thrak} leans forwards and says with a grim smile, "I have heard them say many times that conquest cannot be stopped...but for my part it is not the outcome of the war that defines us, it is the struggle and the clash!"

Thrak settles back in his chair then, which creaks alarmingly under him. "It is said my ancestor once wrestled a mountain...betting it that if he did not lose, the mountain would give his people a home for all time." He nods. "He wrestles still...for though he cannot win, until he stops he has not lost. At times the mountain shakes with the contest, but until the last days we will have our home."

"Gods of light and dark, Thrak, not that story again."

The voice was feminine, amused more than impatient. Silhouette had arrived, tall and onyx and statuesque. Her eyes roved over the new faces at the table in turn, weighing each and moving on.

Thrak moved over and made space for her to pull a chair up.

"I see we've made some friends. I am Silhouette."
Introductions are made all around while food piles onto the table. Elisabet goes well beyond the norm. Imoen gives her a hug and a peck on the check and says, "Thanks mum." Once everyones plates are full, Landor speaks of his visions.

"At first, I thought it was a dream of previous horrors I've faced. My past is, bloody, and I often relive those events in my dreams. But this time, there was no voice of Bhaal or visions of... Sarevok."He pauses and Imoen pats him on the arm.

The warrior named Minsc puts his rodent on his shoulder and pulls his chair closer at the mention of that name. He listens intensely to his old friend's words—although his mind doesn't fully understand everything that is said.

He takes a deep breath and nods. "No, this was quite different. I saw all of Toril burning. Not just Faerûn. I saw these magic machines lay waste to towns, fortresses, and cities. Even the stongest of the world's castles and cities fall, eventually. Even Candlekeep. Endless hundreds of massive walking metal monsters that tower over defenders like giants lay seige to Athkatla, Calimport, Selgaunt, Silverymoon, Suzail, Waterdeep... and even Thaymount. They do indeed throw fire, like Thrak says, but also lightning, cold, all the known elemental energies. And some shoot powerful metallic spearpoints, from strange metallic bows, that can tear through flesh, bone, wood, stone, steel, and even mithral.

"At the same time, the Gods of Faerûn are forced to battle strange avatars that walk the lands of Mulhorand. The Mulhorandi pantheon and their followers go over to the empire—and are changed. Gods battle gods across the landscape, skies, and seas. There are avatars that look like metal machines and they carry weapons that can burn cities to dust and shatter mountains. The other gods of Toril eventually join the fray and the result is a cataclysm beyond anything I've ever witnessed."

"Aspects of the Unification Church," Rodan whispers in awe. The fear grips him and his heart races. 'No, no, no, no, no, no!' His mind races. 'Not that! Anything but that!'

"Its way worse than we thought," Loranys says. The Flaming Fist's eyes are full of tears. "It's the Time of Troubles all over again."

"That's not the worst of it," Landor replies. "In my dreams I see colossal metal—ships?—flying high above the world. Dozens of these ships bombard the ground from the sky. They rain down fire and deadly energy that my mind cannot fathom." He stops at looks and Yin Hun and Rodan.

"It's called radiation," Rodan says angrily. 'If the empire bombs the world with radioactive weaponry, Toril is doomed', he thinks. He looks at Yin Hun and Emiko. "We should flee as soon as we can and take as many people as possible."

"It does not end there," Landor continues. "For while this 'ray-dee-aye-shon' kills millions of people, the conquest of Toril becomes a war against freedom and nature. Those that survive are rounded up into camps and taken away in these magical flying machines Thrak mentioned. Those that resist are killed or put to work as slaves. Archmages and kings are shackled almost as easily as merchants and serfs. They are all forced to cut down the forests and dig up the mountains—timber and precious metals, and mithral. So much mithral is taken. This empire takes every vein of the metal they can find and any arms or armor made from it as well. The steal half of the world away in a heartbeat and then builds massive cities on the world's ruins made out of glass and metal, which are then ruled by infamous chromatic dragons of the world who choose power over freedom."

"Your world is destined to become like mine," Rodan says glumly. "The empire came and took everything we had. Yes, we fought back. Half of the world gave its lives to try and stop them. And my world was more advanced than yours. We had just begun learning to build guns and ships and some understanding of space and its rules." The raptoran pauses and sighs. He looks at Landor and the others with a sadness in his eyes. "I am sorry."

"Is there no hope, Landor?" Yoshimo asks.

"The future is not set," Landor replies. "But it will take more than hope to change it." He looks at Rodan and Yin Hun again. "In some of my dreams, it is not as dark a landscape. The end result is the same, but more of the world's people and culture survives. The world becomes balanced between cities of technology and the natural world. A powerful force called Golion comes to rule the world and in a strange throne room, an ancient red dragon seethes in anger."

"Mezzenbone, the Red Emperor," Rodan answers. "If his minions can be thwarted by Grand Duke Kupric and House Golion, your world might have a chance to merge into the empire more naturally. Somehow, we need a way to get the Grand Duke on our side. After all, he was the previous Dragon Emperor before passing the Dragonstar Throne onto Mezzenbone 40 years ago. His political power is immense."

"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves," Landor says with a nod.

"Do any of those fates have us winning?" Belgeon asks.

"None that I have seen," he answers.

"Do not worry so, old friend," Minsc says happily. "Boo says all our enemies will fall! Minsc will lead with blade and boot! Boo will take care of the details."

Landor smiles. Imoen laughs. Yoshimo nods. Jaheira sighs and shakes her head.

The platters and mugs are soon empty and your bellies are filled. Elisabet comes around to see if anyone wants more food or drink.
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Buddha the DM

Yin Hun turned to Soumral and the others. "Waterdeep is on our way to Anayroch, correct? Joining them on this caravan might be useful."

"If we're forced to travel up the coast Waterdeep would be on the way to the Anauroch desert," Soumral says and she idly picks at her food while thinking. "The only problem with travelling past Waterdeep from here is that we'd have to go past Baldur's Gate which could pose problems."

"If we go that route I'd recommend we stock up on supplies perhaps a little more than normal as a precaution,"
she says looking around.


First Post
"Any course we take must avoid the cities," Silhouette says quietly. "To go near them now is to risk annihilation or capture. Our only protection against eyes in the sky is the sheer size of Faerun. We must be lost in it."

Her gaze lingers on Landor.

"Dreams of a dead god, and of the man who attempted to assassinate his way to sole rulership of Baldur's Gate...and now a prophecy as well. You're no ordinary mercenary, are you?"

Her mouth twists in a scowl and she sighs and looks away.

"As much as I'd like to explore that further, it will have to wait. The monks are insisting I follow their forms to gain access to the library, and that means a full day of explaining and proving myself to them, in isolation. Unfortunately if anyone else wants in, they'll have to do it as well. As well, they'll be charging me handsomely for any information I take out with me so...Thrak, I'll need whatever's left of the gold."

The goliath leaned forward and put a purse on the table, which she collected and peered into before putting it into a pouch.

"So," Silhouette said, "it's probably the best use of our time if I take all of our questions in myself to research, rather than each of us going in individually. I know what I mean to look up, but have any of the rest of you information you seek from Candlekeep?"


"Soumral and Silhouette make good points," Yin Hun says to Landor. "We should avoid major settlements. And if Waterdeep is as important Baldur's Gate, then you can be sure that it'll be under assault as well. Still... it would be good to assess the situation there while we're on our way."

The soldier turns to his companions. "I think it'll be a good idea to join up on this caravan. Do you all think the same?"

Emiko slides the Biotech implantation manual over to Silhouette. "Here, you might be able to use to pay them off. It seems like something they would definitely want," she says. "I was planning on trying to access the archives as well, but you're right that only one of us needs to go. I can instead help the boss train the locals. I wanted to look up for any means to return magic to full power, or if there are any weapons of mass destruction hidden on your planet. I'll transmit the details to your communicator. In fact, while you're doing the research, we can stay in touch and update each other immediately through the comms. I can show you how."


First Post
Silhouette glances at Yin Hun with a slight frown. "You confuse me. On the one hand, you say I'm right to avoid Waterdeep...on the next breath you propose we join a caravan traveling...to Waterdeep. No. I do not think the same. The situation in Waterdeep isn't relevant to us right now. The risks of 'assessing' it far outweighs any benefit I would expect to gain."

She accepts the 'implantation manual' with a curious expression, and turns it over in her fingers. It crosses her mind to correct Emiko's assumptions...she seems under the impression that the monks could be 'bought off' with this. Similarly, there was no need to consult the libraries of Candlekeep for the answer to her question. With Mystra dead, the answer was plain; nothing. Presumably the divine mantle could be claimed by another, but how that would happen was unlikely to be in any mortal library, or a mortal could attempt to resurrect the Weave...and it just so happened that the only place that had been tried before was exactly where they were going.

But you never knew when something like this thing Emiko was giving her would come in handy. Handing it off to the monks would simply ensure no one ever got use of it. Better, perhaps, if it was looked after by someone who wasn't so eager to toss it away. And if Emiko didn't think Silhouette was going to use this, she'd probably want it back.

She pocketed the manual with a nod at Emiko.

"I'll let you know what I find. Does anyone else have any requests for me?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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