[v.3.5] Realmsian Dragonstar: The Battle of Toril PbP Game [IC] (Game Cancelled)


First Post
Silhouette's skin crawled, and somewhere in her mind she was mewling and screaming in a locked box she kept far from her face. A god's presence was a brilliant spotlight, focusing attention from this world and worlds beyond on one spot...and just for a moment that spot would be her, and it felt like death itself. She did not seek attention, but worked from shadows in secret. She wore faces and names, guided other people to do her will while believing it was their own. Even the name she'd chosen for herself on winning her freedom was the name given to a shape in darkness, devoid of features.

Would an ice mephit take a roll through hot coals and feel any differently?

Best to get it over with.

She got to her feet and swept her gaze around the table, as if inviting those gathered to judge her strange appearance. Countering her inner fear with outer defiance.

"You may call me Silhouette," the tiefling said, turning her attention to Torm. "And while the details of our plan may best be discussed with a smaller audience, the broad strokes involve a trip to the Anauroch, in search of old knowledge, both historical and arcane."

"You see, we have discovered evidence that this is not the first time these offworlders have visited Toril. Old artifacts long thought to be forgotten magic now defunct have turned out to be based on the same strange sciences that the invaders use. And, of course, when it comes to matters magical there are few who know more of the Weave than those who's forebears once tried to co-opt it... Restoring even some of its power will assist us in defending our world."

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Ever since joining the fight against the Dragon Empire, Yin Hun had faced the supernatural more times than he ever would have imagined. While this isn't the first time he's come face-to-face with a godlike being, it still unnerves him just as much as the first time. Even as jaded as he is, Yin Hun still feels awe at the divinity emanating from Torm, ex-god or no.

While Torm speaks to the crowd. Yin Hun taps his comm. "Emiko, intel on Torm?"

"Checking." A few seconds passes while Emiko looks up the data package on Toril. "Torm, aka Torm the True, aka the Loyal Fury. God of duty and loyalty. Part of an alliance with Tyr and Ilmater known as the Triad."

A soldier god, then. "Thanks. Stay online and record this. We'll need intel on these other gods as well," as Torm debriefs the crowd on the current situation. At least now they have a good idea of where things currently stand. When Torm calls upon his group to introduce themselves, and Silhouette has done so, Yin Hun steps up to stand beside her, facing the god.

"I am Yin Hun. I am not from this world. I came to Toril on behalf of the Freedom League to help this planet survive the coming Dragon Empire invasion. As Miss Silhouette said, part of this is recovering possible weapons and fully restoring your native powers."

"There are others like me, agents of the Freedom League with similar missions to mine, although we've encountered difficulty in coordinating in our efforts. If you come across any of them, it would be beneficial to work with them. The Dragon Empire is too powerful to be stopped, but we can form the beginning of an organize resistance to bring the Empire to the negotiation table instead of completely crushing your world. Part of that will require your people to steal or scavenge whatever weapons and tech you can from the invaders. My people can help you understand them, how to use them, and eventually build your own."

Buddha the DM

Soumral quietly observes, and listens to, everything that is going on around her as she tries to wrap her mind around everything that's happening.


World of Kulan DM
Silhouette's skin crawled, and somewhere in her mind she was mewling and screaming in a locked box she kept far from her face. A god's presence was a brilliant spotlight, focusing attention from this world and worlds beyond on one spot...and just for a moment that spot would be her, and it felt like death itself. She did not seek attention, but worked from shadows in secret. She wore faces and names, guided other people to do her will while believing it was their own. Even the name she'd chosen for herself on winning her freedom was the name given to a shape in darkness, devoid of features.

Would an ice mephit take a roll through hot coals and feel any differently?

Best to get it over with.

She got to her feet and swept her gaze around the table, as if inviting those gathered to judge her strange appearance. Countering her inner fear with outer defiance.

"You may call me Silhouette," the tiefling said, turning her attention to Torm. "And while the details of our plan may best be discussed with a smaller audience, the broad strokes involve a trip to the Anauroch, in search of old knowledge, both historical and arcane."

"You see, we have discovered evidence that this is not the first time these offworlders have visited Toril. Old artifacts long thought to be forgotten magic now defunct have turned out to be based on the same strange sciences that the invaders use. And, of course, when it comes to matters magical there are few who know more of the Weave than those who's forebears once tried to co-opt it... Restoring even some of its power will assist us in defending our world."
"I thank you for your frankness, Silhouette," Torm replies. He clears his throat and speaks in a softer voice. "I am not surprised to hear that you discovered that the Dragon Empire was here in the ancient past—for that is the truth. Since Ao declared himself one of their Aspects, the remaining gods have learned that he has kept a great deal of the world's past hidden from all of us. Even Oghma wasn't aware of this true history." He pauses. "It seems only a handful of powerful mortals suspected such a connection existed, or at least, that this star empire was a threat to Toril's future. Both Elminister and Khelben Arunsun knew of it; I don't know if either of them knew that these stellar dragons once ruled here. I doubt it. If Ao could keep the truth from the gods, I doubt a mortal would be able to penetrate his magics."

He pauses again and takes a cup of mead offered to him by one of the monks. He drinks it down before continuing. "While I was born and lived as a mortal in the time of Netheril, I never heard of a stellar empire that ruled the cosmos. Perhaps the first goddess of magic, Mystryl, hid the truth from us as well. Maybe those old gods were Aspects as well or knew of the Dragon Empire's existance. I don't know. Without my godhood, I've lost a great deal of the innate knowledge that comes with such power."

He looks at Ulraunt. "It seems that Oghma and his priests might be the best choice to uncover the truth, although learning such knowledge might shake a being's resolve. Your god hasn't spoken to you like you are used to because Oghma is going through his knowledge of the world and the cosmos and is trying to discover what has been kept from him by Ao." He glances back at Silhouette. "My understanding is that other artifacts are being uncovered in various temples and ruins. Items that once seemed mundane or simply magical in an unusual way just sitting on shelves covered in dust. Mortals, it seems, are the best choice to uncover these items and discern the usefulness of them."

"It isn't surprising that such artifacts lay dormant on Toril," Rodan interrupts the ex-god. He doesn't stand but introduces himself to Torm. "I am Rodan. My world was invaded and conquered by the Dragon Empire and it seems yours was a well during a previous age. Perhaps your world was conquered during the time of the Kingdom of Qesemet, which was more than 5,000 years ago during what is known as the Ancient Era. Your system lies on the edge of the current Imperial boundary and might once have been a protectorate of the Royal House of Golion before the formation of the empire. If that was the case, the copper dragons of Meneer, that's Golion's throneworld, would have watched over your planet but not truly interfered. This Ao was probably the Aspect tasked with ensuring that Toril did not come to learn of the empire before it was ready to be annexed into Golion. But, then the Great War pit the Qesemet's Golden Kingdom against the Asamet's Iron Kingdom." Rodan glances at Torm. "The Qesemet are the Metallics and the Asamet are the Chromatics. The war lasted centuries, so knowledge of your world was probably lost during the war and this Ao was cutoff from the divine spheres of Empire, which would have been maddening for an Imperial Aspect."

"So if we could reach these Golions, they might stand with us against the empire?" Torm asks.

"I cannot promise that Grand Duke Kupric will make that choice. Before Emperor Mezzenbone ascended to the Golden Throne, the grand duke was the previous emperor of the Dragon Empire. Each house can only rule for 1,000 years, and the rule of Golion ended 40 years ago. Thus, Golion still has a great deal of prestige in empire, and when Kupric speaks, the galaxy listens. While his Royal House won't get into a shooting war with the loyalists of the Red Emperor, if he can prove that Toril was once under Golion's protection, the invasion could be stopped or altered into a more subtle annexation."

"And if we choose not to accept them on any terms?" Torm's voice rises again.

"Then Toril and its civilizations with burn under the weight of the military might of empire," Rodan replies flatly.

"Bah! We will not just give them Toril or the other worlds of Realmspace!"

"I understand your anger," Rodan replies calmly. "My world shared it, and we fought for every inch of land and ever sentient soul. And we had access to technology that goes beyond what you have on Toril. Even if the empire left behind a few dozen war machines or powerful weapons that can destroy orbiting ships, it will be minuscule against the full force of the empire's military might. If the emperor decides to take your world using ever resource, you have no chance." He pauses for effect. "I do not say these things to be cruel. I say them so that you understand that what you're facing goes beyond one world or one star system. If you have a way to relocate the people of Toril and the other planets in this star system to another sphere, as you call it, you should do so."

The gathered crowd murmurs in displeasure. Torm shakes his head in frustration.

Ever since joining the fight against the Dragon Empire, Yin Hun had faced the supernatural more times than he ever would have imagined. While this isn't the first time he's come face-to-face with a godlike being, it still unnerves him just as much as the first time. Even as jaded as he is, Yin Hun still feels awe at the divinity emanating from Torm, ex-god or no.

While Torm speaks to the crowd. Yin Hun taps his comm. "Emiko, intel on Torm?"

"Checking." A few seconds passes while Emiko looks up the data package on Toril. "Torm, aka Torm the True, aka the Loyal Fury. God of duty and loyalty. Part of an alliance with Tyr and Ilmater known as the Triad."

A soldier god, then. "Thanks. Stay online and record this. We'll need intel on these other gods as well," as Torm debriefs the crowd on the current situation. At least now they have a good idea of where things currently stand. When Torm calls upon his group to introduce themselves, and Silhouette has done so, Yin Hun steps up to stand beside her, facing the god.

"I am Yin Hun. I am not from this world. I came to Toril on behalf of the Freedom League to help this planet survive the coming Dragon Empire invasion. As Miss Silhouette said, part of this is recovering possible weapons and fully restoring your native powers."

"There are others like me, agents of the Freedom League with similar missions to mine, although we've encountered difficulty in coordinating in our efforts. If you come across any of them, it would be beneficial to work with them. The Dragon Empire is too powerful to be stopped, but we can form the beginning of an organize resistance to bring the Empire to the negotiation table instead of completely crushing your world. Part of that will require your people to steal or scavenge whatever weapons and tech you can from the invaders. My people can help you understand them, how to use them, and eventually build your own."
"Everything you and the raptorian have said tells me that this empire of yours thinks its undefeatable. And while I do understand that its power is immense, you have to understand we just won't surrender Toril to them. If we give over the people's lives, it could doom their souls for eternity. They could all end up condemed to the Wall of the Faithless!"

"Lord Torm," Landor replies. "While I cannot say for certain what will happen to those destinied to die under the empire's rule, what I can tell you from my visions of the future is that they will die under the rule of the Dragon Empire, one way or the other. What we need to do is make sure that the world and its people will survive in some form."

"You cannot ask people to become Faithless," Zorbath hisses at Landor.

"Faith. . . might have to change," Landor retorts. "All the gods of Toril might have to evolve beyond one world, one sphere for Toril's civilizations to survive."

"Be like the Mulhorandi?" Torm shakes his head in disgust. "And just merge with these outside gods. That would be worse than death!"

"Then you doom this world too much worse than annexation!" Rodan snaps. "Imagine your precious people taken away in chains by the millions and the world stripped of all its resources! Not just valuable minerals but creatures, trees, water, life, everything taken!" He slams his hands down on the table. "Why can you not see that you are doomed? You must flee this world and take every sentient being with you. One planet is not worth losing millions of lives over!"

Torm sits back in stunned silence.

"Do not raise your voice to him, offworlder! That is Torm the True!" Zorbath shouts. "Or I will cut out your tongue!"

"He is not a god anymore," Rodan replies in a calmer voice. "You cannot hope for him or your remaining gods or even magic to save you. You must flee."

Soumral quietly observes, and listens to, everything that is going on around her as she tries to wrap her mind around everything that's happening.
The raptorian's outburst causes many in the temple to look away or shield their faces. Perhaps many of them still think Torm is still a god. But the look on his face tells Soumral that he is not.

"We cannot do what you are suggesting," Jaheira replies. "To do so would be a betrayal of the world itself. There are spirits of the land and sea that must be considered, as well as ancient forests and other wonders that would be lost. Maybe some could make that choice to leave, but not I."

"Nor I," the Magister agrees. "Toril is my home. I will not leave it."

Rodan stands. "Then you will both die and doom all those that follow you," he says. He gives up his place at the table and walks out of the temple.

"He is no hero," Zorbath says.

"He never said he was one," Landor notes. "But he could be right about some of the world's people leaving, if it comes to that."

"It might be the only way some of Toril's history survives," Ulraunt agrees. "Something to consider."

Torm composes himself and looks at Yin Hun. "So, you think there is a chance this stellar empire might negotiate if we resist its forces just enough to be annoying but not so much as to be a real threat to its power? And how powerful is this Freedom League of yours?"


Yin Hun takes a deep breath before answering. Dealing with gods, even former ones, was always a pain. "The Freedom League has ships, but not enough to the Dragon Empire in a straight up fight. We just don't have the numbers or the support. But, assuming we get the opportunity to do so, we can provide ships and weapons in limited quantities. Just not enough to fight off Empire, unfortunately."

"We do have some options here, though, and not all of them are exclusive of each other." He begins ticking off his fingers in succession. "The ideal outcome is that Toril fights off the Empire and remains independent. However, your greatest weapon, your magic, has been crippled, and your tech level is nowhere close to the Empire's, so this is the least likely successful outcome. Still, getting your magic back online is an absolute necessity."

"Next, even though I agree Toril should remain independent, Rodan's suggestion has merit. Getting the support of House Golion can help stave off the worst of the Empire's plans for your world. Even I can recognize that Golion is dedicated in supporting the freedoms and independence of the worlds under their protection. It's an avenue we can pursue while we strengthen yourselves."

"Lastly, in conjunction of pursuing the previous two goals, we absolutely need get your world capable of making any occupation costly for the invaders. It'll be a very dangerous line to balance on, but if you can demonstrate to the Empire that it'll be too much trouble to occupy you while at the same time show yourselves willing to work with them, then there's a chance the Empire won't just come in with a massive and and smash your planet and just take what they want. Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be completely free of the Empire, but by going this route, you can buy some time to strengthen yourselves."

Yin Hun takes another deep breath. Crossing his arms, he gives the god a frank stare. "I understand that you don't want to submit one inch of your world to the invaders. But I'm sorry, your world has already changed, and you'll need to as well to survive. Adapt to the situation. Think up new strategies. Adopt new tactics."

The outworlder shrugs. "Doesn't mean that you'll lose yourselves, nothing's certain. You just got to remember who you are while keep moving forward. Like I said, we can still fight towards independence while still accepting annexation. Maybe not for you, but for your descendants. But we absolutely need to make preparations now to have any chance in the future."


First Post
"A great deal of the power of the invasion comes in the form of something called a 'divine sphere,'" Silhouette mentions casually. "They brought it with them. It seems to be a conduit of some kind for the outsider gods. It is, of course, well protected...as any vulnerability would be. It does remain a vulnerability though, if we can find a way to exploit it."

She shrugs.

"The stark reality facing us though is that there's simply too many unknowns to make long term plans and expect them to hold. That is why our immediate goals are fact-finding missions, not military strikes. We simply don't know yet how best to protect ourselves, or how to hurt them."

Her eyes fix on Torm.

"If you wish to slay a mighty foe, first find the hole in his armor, yes? Is that something you...and those you represent...can help us do?"


World of Kulan DM
Yin Hun takes a deep breath before answering. Dealing with gods, even former ones, was always a pain. "The Freedom League has ships, but not enough to the Dragon Empire in a straight up fight. We just don't have the numbers or the support. But, assuming we get the opportunity to do so, we can provide ships and weapons in limited quantities. Just not enough to fight off Empire, unfortunately."

"We do have some options here, though, and not all of them are exclusive of each other." He begins ticking off his fingers in succession. "The ideal outcome is that Toril fights off the Empire and remains independent. However, your greatest weapon, your magic, has been crippled, and your tech level is nowhere close to the Empire's, so this is the least likely successful outcome. Still, getting your magic back online is an absolute necessity."

"Next, even though I agree Toril should remain independent, Rodan's suggestion has merit. Getting the support of House Golion can help stave off the worst of the Empire's plans for your world. Even I can recognize that Golion is dedicated in supporting the freedoms and independence of the worlds under their protection. It's an avenue we can pursue while we strengthen yourselves."

"Lastly, in conjunction of pursuing the previous two goals, we absolutely need get your world capable of making any occupation costly for the invaders. It'll be a very dangerous line to balance on, but if you can demonstrate to the Empire that it'll be too much trouble to occupy you while at the same time show yourselves willing to work with them, then there's a chance the Empire won't just come in with a massive and and smash your planet and just take what they want. Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be completely free of the Empire, but by going this route, you can buy some time to strengthen yourselves."
"He's quite the orator," Landor whispers to Imoen next to Silhouette.

KainG said:
Yin Hun takes another deep breath. Crossing his arms, he gives the god a frank stare. "I understand that you don't want to submit one inch of your world to the invaders. But I'm sorry, your world has already changed, and you'll need to as well to survive. Adapt to the situation. Think up new strategies. Adopt new tactics."

The outworlder shrugs. "Doesn't mean that you'll lose yourselves, nothing's certain. You just got to remember who you are while keep moving forward. Like I said, we can still fight towards independence while still accepting annexation. Maybe not for you, but for your descendants. But we absolutely need to make preparations now to have any chance in the future."
Torm sits quietly as Yin Hun speaks. He nods at certain points and shakes his head at others.

"You speak well," he says. "But I don't know if the gods will accept being absorbed by this Dragon Empire. I know that neither Tempus nor Tyr will just bow down without a fight even if other gods submit. Even now, those gods fight with the rest of the pantheon against the Mulhorandi gods. The power of their new forms is, frightening, even to me."

"So, indeed, that part from my visions has already begun," Landor says. "That doesn't bode well from what I've seen."

"All the more reason to listen to Rodan and Yun Hun," Yoshimo adds. "Better to fight from the shadows or through political guile than on a battlefield against a superior foe."

"A great deal of the power of the invasion comes in the form of something called a 'divine sphere,'" Silhouette mentions casually. "They brought it with them. It seems to be a conduit of some kind for the outsider gods. It is, of course, well protected...as any vulnerability would be. It does remain a vulnerability though, if we can find a way to exploit it."

She shrugs.

"The stark reality facing us though is that there's simply too many unknowns to make long term plans and expect them to hold. That is why our immediate goals are fact-finding missions, not military strikes. We simply don't know yet how best to protect ourselves, or how to hurt them."
"That, I think we can all agree on," Ulraunt says. "Lord Torm, their mission to the great desert has to be the priority right now."

Shayuri said:
Her eyes fix on Torm.

"If you wish to slay a mighty foe, first find the hole in his armor, yes? Is that something you...and those you represent...can help us do?"
"The gods are doing what they can," Torm replies. "While they don't like to admit it, no deities power is completely unlimited. Talos is relishing this conflict and the destruction it is causing but that's his nature. Only Lord Kelemvor's rising power is keeping the Storm Lord in check, but if Kelemvor should fall. . ."

"You think he might switch sides," Ulraunt suggests.

"If it offers him a chance to spread destruction on a grander stage, then yes. However, what worries the gods more are the behaviors of Bane and Cyric. Bane, surprisingly, fights with the other gods against the Mulhorandi, which is not like him, at all. Cyric has gone completely dark during this conflict. Oghma believes that most if not all of the Zhentarim's network has gone over to the empire. I doubt they went over without either Bane or Cyric's blessing."

The ex-god pauses. "Oghma thinks that it is the knowledge of Dragon Empire that drove Cyric to force the scribe Rinda to create the Cyrinishad. And that its knowledge was somehow tied to the cosmic truths of what the empire calls the Dragonstar Galaxy. That forbidden knowledge nearly killed Mask and drove Cyric insane. It was lost near here. Finding it might a good idea, but I don't think anyone should read it."

He looks at Silhouette. "Perhaps it could drive these outsider gods insane, or maybe they will be immune. It could also be a key to this divine sphere but that's just a guess on my part. The Twelve don't seem to be aware of it, or it isn't important to them.

"Regardless, it seems your mission to Anauroch takes priority. It comes from not only Lord Kelemvor, but also Shar who is as I said eariler, surprisingly, standing side-by-side with Kelemvor in this fight. The other gods believe he;s taking Mystra's death harder than he lets on, and the divine rumor is he's turned to Shar for solace." (Torm motions with air quotes as he says 'divine rumor'.) "While her primary avatar stands guard over Calimport, she fight's side by side with him with amazing vigor."

"Ew, that's just not, right," Imoen mumbles with a look of disgust.

"Gods are strange creatures with strange desires," The Magister says. "Death and shadow often go hand in hand."

"Yes, well, you're going to need a quick way to get to the desert, and there might be an option near Nashkel in the Cloud Peaks. Rumors amongst the faithful of Gond of an ancient flying machine that some would call a spelljammer. Little is known about it other than it is shaped like a colossal insect as is guard by Death."

"What do you mean by death?" Yoshimo asks.

"Just that, Death. No other facts seem to exist," Torm replies. "Perhaps there is something here in Candlekeep."

"Well, that sounds just awful," Bentley replies.

"Aye, but if it does exist, it will get you all to Anauroch in no time. If it doesn't exist, you will need another option. A sailing ship, perhaps. Magister, can you Wind Walk them there?"

"By myself, unlikely," she replies. "I'd need another Chosen to help me, and even then, I could probably get us as far as Boareskyr Bridge, maybe Berdusk. And it would exhaust me, it could even kill me if I push too hard."

"Could you get them to Nashkel?"

"That would be easier, but I'm supposed to go to Waterdeep."

"You can do that afterwards," Torm insists, loudly. "And while I am primarily a warrior again, I can lend you my aid. Be your achoring point here and then guide you back."

"I am willing," she says.

Torm nods and looks at all gathered. "What say you? Will you seek out this fying ship to see if it exists?"


"A flying ship? That certainly would be useful. Considering how long it would take us to get to Anauroch by foot, it might be worth the risk to detour south instead of north."

"Does anyone know how to operate this... spelljammer?"


First Post
"Doubtful. If only there were a library around here somewhere," Silhouette said with an amused glint in her eye. "That said, having such a vessel under our control answers any number of questions that previously had no good reply. It would be worth our time to find it."

Voidrunner's Codex

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