WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin Preorder Issues


I've received good help from en world in the past and I am hoping to see some folks here rally again.

For many folks that did the preorder for Vecna Eve of Ruin, the early access that they would receive was not granted. I was one of them so I am speaking with first hand experience.

I have been vocal in their (d&d) official discord only to get censored (my feedback was deleted).
I have made several posts on the dndbeyond forums (I go by zombiemall there but this is my most recent post: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-...-of-ruin-issues-and-support-thread?page=3#c58 ) which sums up everything.
I initially made a livestream : Vecna Eve of Ruin Early Access Denied - Live Stream
Then I did a follow up video : and today I posted a part 2 "issues" video :
I realize that this is a big ask, and I am normally fairly quiet and prefer to do fun videos of reviews and game mechanics, but.. I really do not want to see others fall into the same trap, so I am seeking your rally.

Mods, if this is an inappropriate ask of me, please forgive me and feel free to delete this.

Thank you,

-GameMasters (edited to fix a link)
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"If you have qualified for Early Access - it has released, but may take time for access to be fully rolled out. A specific time was not promised - it will be rolled out by end of the day. You will need to check your entitlements are in Sync by going to your Account and clicking Licenses. At the top is an Entitlements section. If there is a button to re-sync click that. If you are in sync it will say so.

Quick Link: https://www.dndbeyond.com/account/licenses

If you are in sync and it is now May 8th and you still don't have access - please contact support by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page.

Quick Link: https://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Information"

I'm confused, so I pre-ordered the bundle on the 2nd and I haven't been able to access the early access. I did get the Eldritch Eye mini adventure pretty much immediately. Am I understanding correctly that I would have needed to pre-ordered before April 30th to get access? I sent an email but all they have told me to do was sync my Entitlements (which I have). The last email I received, I was told the issue was fixed manually by DDB. Still no luck accessing. It's not a huge deal but I would like to read it.

Also, I didn't get an email with a code.



"If you have qualified for Early Access - it has released, but may take time for access to be fully rolled out. A specific time was not promised - it will be rolled out by end of the day. You will need to check your entitlements are in Sync by going to your Account and clicking Licenses. At the top is an Entitlements section. If there is a button to re-sync click that. If you are in sync it will say so.

Quick Link: https://www.dndbeyond.com/account/licenses

If you are in sync and it is now May 8th and you still don't have access - please contact support by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page.

Quick Link: https://dndbeyond.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055233654-Contact-Information"
again, all of this is in the video. I show myself syncing the entitlement in the livestream. no access. I emailed support. They told me that all I would get is the Nest of the Eldritch Eye, I showed all of this in the video.


I'm confused, so I pre-ordered the bundle on the 2nd and I haven't been able to access the early access. I did get the Eldritch Eye mini adventure pretty much immediately. Am I understanding correctly that I would have needed to pre-ordered before April 30th to get access? I sent an email but all they have told me to do was sync my Entitlements (which I have). The last email I received, I was told the issue was fixed manually by DDB. Still no luck accessing. It's not a huge deal but I would like to read it.

Also, I didn't get an email with a code.
Hi Mockingbird, that is what WotC is currently citing, however, they have tweeted out that the early access bundle could also have been purchased from the marketplace. What they never did was cite that there was a cutoff date from ordering on the marketplace. This is, in part, what some of my issue has been trying to bring awareness to. They instead are depending on two articles that were published days before the marketplace update, but were updated 2 days AFTER the marketplace was changed to explain that you don't get early access. The issue is, people were still visiting the marketplace and purchasing their preorders FROM the tweeted advertisement that said you could get it from the marketplace.

Nowhere did the order page or anywhere during checkout did they cite that there was a cutoff date on early access if you did the preorder. They (a wizards employee) also admitted in their forums that it was because of the marketplace update that the early access no longer worked, but again, they failed to provide that notice on the order page.

Voidrunner's Codex

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