D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin's Table of Contents Leaked (Spoilers!)

The full table of contents leaked by YouTuber 'Gamemasters'.

Check out Vecna: Eve of Ruin's full table of contents! Warning--spoilers are to be found below! YouTuber 'GameMasters' posted this leak in a video earlier today (you can see the video below the contents image), saying that the image was sent to him via email, but is not disclosing the identity of the sender.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 23.40.47.png


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I have got my own suspects about the "future spoiler" but even if I was right, it wouldn't be final word about certain facts or characters.

My curiosity is if Vecna is going to reboot the D&D multiverse again.

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My curiosity is if Vecna is going to reboot the D&D multiverse again.
I think they’re up to something. Folks have said Greyhawk will be a default setting in the core books. This might be reset to 576CY.

So in Eve of Ruin, where a lovers' tiff brings the multiverse to its knees, they have fertile ground to make some retcons with the revised books. The PCs will defeat Vecna but his Spell will have done irreparable changes/resets to the multiverse before he is stopped.


I think they’re up to something. Folks have said Greyhawk will be a default setting in the core books. This might be reset to 576CY.

So in Eve of Ruin, where a lovers' tiff brings the multiverse to its knees, they have fertile ground to make some retcons with the revised books. The PCs will defeat Vecna but his Spell will have done irreparable changes/resets to the multiverse before he is stopped.
Rereading some old 2E books, Vecna's plot against Sigil in Die Vecna Die! was supposed to rewrite the cosmos, but I don't think it was ever followed up on (being at the end of 2E). I wonder if this is going to revive/rewrite some of that?


I have more people talk about it being the example setting in the DMG, that does not make it the default setting. I imagine that will continue to be the multiverse as it has been for this edition
My shelf full of adventures suggests that the Realms has been the default setting for 5E.

I still don't buy Greyhawk as the example setting in the 2024 DMG. It seems like a lose-lose situation. Anyone who cares about Greyhawk would be mad it gets such short shrift, and no one else is going to want just another bland medieval fantasy setting in the DMG.

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