Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye

WotC Vecna: Nest of the Evil Eye--Deets On The Prequel Adventure

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They are offering a what, 8 page bonus for people who pre-order and only for people who pre-order. It's a one shot adventure.

You'd think they shot someone's dog by the hyperbole going on here.

If you don't want to pre-order, that's groovy. I'm not going to. Which means, OH SHOCK AND HORROR - I'm not going to get a one shot adventure that is in no way actually needed for the actual adventure. 🤷

Look, I know that bashing on WotC is in vogue and all, but, wow. This is a stretch.


So I can have Vecna: Nest of the Eldrich Eye, OR the #flgs Alternative cover to #Vecna: Eve of Ruin? That is not fair. It should be available with the digital purchase or as a code with the physical book purchased at my local game store. Please stop cutting out brick-and-mortar stores.
I appreciate the FLGS-support in this post!

It would be really nice, and likely beneficial to the entire industry, if WotC would consider giving us LGSes the ability to sell codes for DDB. In some ways, they'd be "using" us on their journey to cut us out, but OTOH, they'd be letting us in on some of the money they make selling digital books (which cost them nothing on a per-copy basis). In a lot of ways, we both win.

They should also let US sell physical-digital "bundles" like they're doing on Beyond.

I won't hold my breath, though!
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I appreciate the FLGS-support in this post!

It would be really nice, and likely beneficial to the entire industry, if WotC would consider giving us LGSes the ability to sell codes for DDB. In some ways, they'd be "using" us on their journey to cut us out, but OTOH, they'd be letting us in on some of the money they make selling digital books (which cost them nothing on a per-copy basis). In a lot of ways, we both win.

They should also let US sell physical-digital "bundles" like they're doing on Beyond.

I won't hold my breath, though!
They tried that. I remember getting a DDB discount code for the Theros book when I bought the physical copy from my FLGS. That's the only time I got one, though, so maybe they decided it wasn't worth it or something?


It's far more common for folk to be able to upgrade to the "collectors edition" etc. for more $ after buying the base game- but the preorder bonuses are typically not available for purchase right after release. Sometimes they'll be added a long while afterwards.
If companies make the pre-order bonuses available right after release, then that kills the FOMO- so they don't usually do that.
Still you can get it after a while as video game companies mostly get that its looks ludicrous trying to limit sale of digital goods. Those things never run out. It is one thing when in a crowdfunding there is a limited run of lets say miniatures that are only available as physical goods during that crowdfunding. Its is another thing if as companies lets say tries to say: Oh you can only get this PDF during a limited crowdfunding time period.

If a company tries this there will always be a sizeable number of their customers who are angered of by stuff like this.

In this case well WotC reaps what the sowed themselves. A part of their customer base now have way less trust in the company and assume now the worst of them. Trust is build slowly slowly and can get lost in an instant.

In this case well WotC reaps what the sowed themselves. A part of their customer base now have way less trust in the company and assume now the worst of them. Trust is build slowly slowly and can get lost in an instant.
You may be overestimating the number of people actually upset by this fairly basic sales/marketing tactic. They are trying to get people to use their online service. They are offering a small, super minor and unimportant bangle to do so. If you don't want to subscribe, stop caring about the bangle.


$10 says it ends up showing up for purchase somewhere down the line after Eve of Ruin gets released. They may tell us now that it's a one-off special in order to help juice pre-sales... but there's absolutely no reason not to release it later as an actual product down the line once the Vecna adventure has moved on and get a bit of extra cash from those people who end up deciding they actually want this little thing. I don't see it any different than a company that did a Kickstarter deciding to start selling the supposedly special "stretch goals" from the KS as actual products for purchase after the fact.

I like the cover art better than the actual Vecna adventure cover art. Great scene depicted there.

Agreed its a fun piece. My only quibble is that the undead thing looking down has both hands?

Weird in that if Vecna is know for three things it's missing an eye, missing a hand, and his obsession with early 70s muscle cars. I get why they didn't include a 71 Hemi Cuda, but the only reason I can think that they put both hands in is to prove it wasn't AI generated.

Side note: I'm working on an RPG game world right now that's whole premise is a curse that mutates hands. This should cut my art budget to zero.


Is this the beginning of the trend to have digital only content? I'm still concerned my theory of D&D as a service is showing up a bit more..... Hope not.
This might be a pilot product for just that. But I'm expecting to see this become the norm for WotC by next year.

Voidrunner's Codex

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