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Pathfinder 1E Version 12.0 of the Pathfinder files for Hero Lab is now available!

Aaron Beal

First Post
I'm happy to announce that our latest Pathfinder release, including Occult Adventures and the completed Giantslayer adventure path, is now available! As usual, you can add Occult Adventures to your license on our web store.

New Releases

  • Occult Adventures is now available as a new package! Unlock the mysteries of the mind! The only portion of this book that we don't have finished for this release is Chapter 5: Occult Rules. The Occult Skill Unlocks section of that chapter is complete, but the rest of that chapter is will be added as a free update for those with this package in a future update. The remainder of the book is complete.

Enhancements & Changes

  • GM Content from Pathfinder from Pathfinder #95, "Forge of Fire" and Pathfinder #96, "Shadow of the Storm Tyrant" has been added to the Giantslayer GM Content package.
  • All users now have access to player content from Pathfinder #95, "Forge of Fire" and Pathfinder #96, "Shadow of the Storm Tyrant". To see this content, check the "Giantslayer" setting under "Pathfinder Adventure Paths" on the Configure Hero form.

Bug Fixes

  • The Shadow rat race had the wrong default HP.
  • The Monstrous Companion feat was always failing the "effective druid level 7th" pre-req when added.
  • The Phase Spider was missing it's grab special, and didn't get the right CMD bonus vs. trip.
  • Unstable accelerant had incorrect default stacking behavior.
  • Characters who equipped a shield with Shield Specialization were showing all maneuvers underneath their base CMD value.
  • The Burning Trap modification for Ranger Traps had an incorrect description.
  • Configurables which add spells were not correctly displaying the number allowed.
  • The Mortal Herald mythic ability was not able to add the spell like abilities of the selected domain.
  • The Save Bonus adjustment could not add resistance bonuses.
  • Core Campaign characters could not add the ethnicities necessary to grant them free native languages.
  • The Spell Resistance evolution was not functioning for Synthesist summoners.
  • The Multiweapon Fighting feat was not counting as Two Weapon Fighting for the purposes of fulfilling pre-requisites.
  • The familiar's BAB was not being updated to match their master early enough to increase the effects of feats basing their bonuses on BAB (like power attack).
  • The Hair attack granted by the White Haired Witch archetype was not getting 1.5x attribute bonus to damage when it was the only natural weapon on the character.
  • The Vanish spell had an incorrect target text, and incorrectly was showing a material component description.

Data File Authoring

  • The Hide.ClSpecList tag can be added to class specials. The items with this tag will not be shown on the "Special" mouseover at the top of the Class tab. For example, the Kineticist's Kinetic Blast ability is implemented by adding a class special to describe the rules and a table of custom abilities for the user to select the particular Kinetic Blast option they want, so the class special gets Hide.ClSpecList, so that the text "Kinetic Blast" doesn't appear twice on the Kineticist's 1st level abilities list.
  • There is now a table to add class specials, similar to how custom specials are added. This is used for the Medium's Trance of Three ability, to add the intermediate spirit ability of a second spirit.
  • There is now a table for Tertiary spells. It works just like the Secondary spells table, but using tags which replace "Sec" with "Ter" in their unique IDs. This was necessary for the Spirit Dancer archetype, which can allow a hero to host both the Archmage and Heirophant spirit, each of which need their own table for spells.
  • Added the #trkuser[<i>pick</i>] macro. This can be used to look up the current trkUser value of the selected child, in the same way that #trkmax[<i>pick</i>] looks up the trkMax field.
  • Configurables now have a second spell table.
  • Added the Helper.AbilDC tag, which is meant to be applied to bootstrapped spell like abilities. It changes the ability from the normal way of calculating a DC (based on spell level) to one based on caster level and similar to the standard DC calculation of class and racial abilities. In other words, a normal Spell like ability has DC of 10 + spell level + attribute modifier, but one with this tag has a DC of 10 + 1/2 caster level (round down) + attribute modifier.
  • In the editor how-to (accessible from the "Help on Using the Editor" option in the editor's help menu), a new page "Creating specific types of abilities" has been added. At this time, the only type of ability that covers is Kineticist Blasts, but this section will be expanded to cover other ability types in the future.

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