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Vigwyn's The Transmuter's Last Touch [IC]


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Cyrus, HP 19 (max)

Figuring that the rest have the situation under control, Cyrus stays back to make sure nothing else shows up to attack Idruma. He'll keep an eye on things back here.

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ic - Tranmuters

Lazarius remains where he is. He drifts back a little, and leans against the wall, content to let his companions finish the job of clearing up the last of the kobolds. The last of these kobolds anyway. Meanwhile, the crafty mage will watch their back. From here he can listen for anyone coming down the passage. And keep an eye on Idruma.

Hopefully it should not take to long. Seeing Cyrus stay back as well, Lazarius indicates the alcove with the force transmutation. "Perhaps you should power up as well."

And when they are done, Lazarius might suggest a few more of them get themselves some balls of force. Even Norbit and Zazz might find the extra option useful.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
As Lazarius and Cyrus make clear their desire to hang back and let Zazz and Norbrit "mop up", Idruma attempts to talk them out of it. "Don't think it's going to be that easy, my fellows. Who knows what lurks near the pit? We should follow and see if our help is needed." With that, Idruma hangs her morningstar from her leather belt and moves toward the stairs, pulling a dart from within her robes as she goes.

In the meantime, Zazz flat-out runs to chase down the escaping kobold. As he takes the steps two at a time, he sees the kobold crest the staircase and move around the eastern corner. As the kobold does so, he seems to gain magical speed, making it around the corner in a blur of movement. As Zazz himself rounds the corner, he also feels a supernatural burst of speed, as if he can do everything almost twice as fast as before! Surely this is some new transmutation left behind by the ancient wizard.

Zazz also notes that the chamber at the top of the steps is quite large. However, a yawning chasm takes up most of it. A crude plank and rope bridge has been strung up to replace a stone bridge whose crumbled remains still jut out over the gap. The kobold continues to move, making its way quickly out into the middle of the bridge. However, Zazz is too fast for it and catches up! It will have to turn and fight or allow Zazz a free shot if it continues to flee. Before Zazz can strike or the kobold can react, the elf becomes simultaneously aware of two facts. First, the creaking bridge holds the two figures up about 40 feet over the surface of a slowly moving underground river. Second, two more kobolds stand at the end of the rope bridge. They had been looking out down the southern hallway, but are now more than aware of the mad chase taking place on the bridge!

[sblock=OOC]Lazarius: Delays. Will be Forceful for 3 more rounds.
Kobold2: Moves.
Zazz: Runs. Affected as by the haste spell for 5 rounds.
Idruma: "Sheaths" morningstar. Moves, drawing a dart as she goes.

Both the stairs and the rope bridge are being treated as difficult terrain.

I'm going to pause here because I need to know Norbrit's action this round before the new kobolds (5 & 6) get to act.[/sblock]


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"Bah!" Norbrit yells as he takes off up the stairs. He stops as soon as he sees the gaping chasm and the two kobolds on the other side. 'Tain't no way ima crossin' that thing, he thinks to himself.

He decides he'd rather take his chances with a ranged attack than to cross the bridge, and pulls his shortbow, ready to fire at first opportunity.

[sblock=ooc]Not sure if he can fire this round or not, but he'll do it as soon as he can regardless. Sorry for the delay, been wicked busy lately.[/sblock]


ic - Transmuters

Lazarius frowns as his companions go chasing off after the kobolds.

"The target is this way," Lazarius sighs, indicating the corridor beside him with a tilt of his head. "Why waste time chasing down minions?"

But no one is listening to Lazarius.

"The longer we wait here, the more chance there is that we will find ourselves trapped with kobolds on both sides, and no where to go.

"But if it must be done this way, let it be with style."

Lazarius heads of towards the stairs at a brisk walk. Passing Cyrus, he says, "Remain here and watch our backs. I will be back shortly."

Marching up the stairs, he begins throwing balls of force at what ever inconvenience is holding things up.


First Post
Cyrus, HP 19 (max)

"Stay here?" Cyrus replies. "That's the plan .. Cyrus stays here?"

Cyrus sighs and leans against the wall. "Dumb plan if you ask me .. which you didn't by the way."

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Lazarius sets off to move up the stairs. As he makes his way up the steps, he sees Norbrit crest the staicase. Norbrit, moving through the magical location, becomes hasted like the others. At the top, he makes a strategic decision and draws his shortbow, eyeing his possible targets carefully.

As this unfolds, the action continues on the rickety bridge. The gravely wounded kobold decides that running is still a better option than fighting, and continues moving down the bridge with Zazz hot on his heels. The elf takes a stab at the fleeing kobold, but misses badly, nearly losing his balance on the swaying bridge. The kobold makes it all the way to the other side of the bridge, and moves beyond one of his companions for safety.

Meanwhile, the two new kobolds at the end of the bridge begin furiously attempting to untie the bridge ropes, in hopes of dumping Zazz into the river far below...

[sblock=OOC]Lazarius: Moves 60'. Will be Forceful for 3 more rounds.
Norbrit: Runs up the stairs, drawing shortbow as he goes. Will be Hasted for 5 more rounds.
Cyrus: Delays.
Kobold5: Begins untying rope. Will take a full-round action.
Kobold6: Begins untying rope. Will take a full-round action.
Kobold2: Moves, drawing AoO. Zazz AoO 2 + 6 + 1 = 9, misses. Will be Hasted for 4 more rounds.

Initiative order will be:
Zazz, Idruma, Lazarius, Norbrit, then the kobolds, with Cyrus delaying and able to jump in at any time.[/sblock]


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First Post
"Oh no you don't you little bastards!" cries Zazz, surging forward, sped on by the strange transmutation magic imbuing his body. Reaching solid ground, the elf thrusts with his rapier, hoping to drop one of the nearby foes before they can drop the bridge.

[sblock=Combat Info]
AC18 (w/haste), HP 10/14
Attack vrs Kobold 5
Rapier +7 (w/haste), damage 1d6+1 (18-20)


ic - Transmuters

Lazarius doesn't stop to explain to Cyrus. It would take more time than the mage has got. Reaching the top of the stairs, Lazarius sets to work knocking down the kobolds as fast as possible with the balls of force. He does take care to try and avoid hitting the bridge itself. And Zazz of course.

Lazaruis decides to stay on the north* side of the chasm if at all possible. He would rather not test the bridge any more than it has been.

[sblock=ooc]* assuming the side he came up is north.[/sblock]

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