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[Vile] Puppy-Kicking PCs at Work, part 2

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First Post
Sunedilar al Hazir, Human/Male Fighter

Irritated still further at his failure to finish off the wizard before he could summon his creature, Sunedilar turns towards the two who decided to attack him, trusting that between Lydia and Accalon that the wizard's life will soon be escaping into the street. His face is a amsk of fury as he whirls as best he can, whipping his sacred chain at the eyes of the nearest attacker, chanting a prayer of wrath to the twice-venomed god.

(standard attack on the nearest enemy)


First Post
Flashback, Neevis Loquiter – Pest Extermination

Neevis sits back, ignoring his paperwork, and says “A plaything? That certainly sounds interesting. Someone completely under your control, I hope. Or at least unable to tell anyone anything about us. But if not, bring him or her anyway… I can bring a few rats with Kronig’s Silencing Disease… will rot their tongue right out of their head.”

“And the Aberrance doesn’t have any effect during incubation, just when the disease would normally start to attack the body. They wouldn’t have to take it until they started showing the barest hint of symptoms. Now, if you don’t want to wait so long… six moths isn’t it? Horribly slow…” He opens a drawer in the desk he’s sitting at, and pulls out a small vial, handing it to the warrior; Accalon can see there’s a dozen or so identical small containers in the drawer. “That’s an Infection Accelerant. Halves the incubation time of any diseases in the body, unless your body rejects it. I take one every other day or so, always on the days of our meetings, just because I hate waiting to feel the effects of one or our master’s glorious diseases. I can only spare the one, unless you have some money, but if your subject took half a dozen, they’d feel Asteral’s Doom upon them within days instead of months.” Neevis offers more of the Accelerant at 50 gold each, if Accalon is interested.

[OOC target’s get a fortitude save vs DC 12 to resist the Accelerant. Technically, by the rules, one can voluntarily fail a save, even a fortitude save, but I think the target would have to be doing something harmful to himself, going without eating, subjecting himself to extremes in temperature, or something similar to say they were voluntarily giving up their save chance]

Current (later than the Boone fight), near Max’s Martial Training School

Alicia from her vantage point in the alley, can see Girdra through the window of the training school, in what appears to be a heated conversation with two people. After a few minutes, a horse-drawn cart pulls up in front of the place, the cart having a sturdy looking metal covering over it. It’s driver hops down, leaving another man sitting up front, and Alicia sees both wear just a simple white robe. The driver steps to the back of the cart, pulls out a key, and unlocks a panel in the metal enclosure. He takes out a small rack of vials, then quickly closes and locks the panel again, as one of the men Girdra seemed to be arguing with steps outside and approaches the cart. This man is wearing a chain shirt and has a sheathed longsword at his side.

Alicia quickly downs two of her potions, her skin becoming tougher and muscles rippling with new strength. Feeling like she can take on anything like this, she decides since only the man from the school is armed, it’s best to take him out first. Alicia charges at him, the man failing to see the danger he’s in before it’s too late. Alicia slams into the man with her greatsword, ripping into his flesh, sending blood and entrails everywhere. The man is critically wounded, barely managing to stay on his feet after the vicious attack, and backs away twenty feet from the hulking half-ogre, yelling “We’re under attack!” to whoever might still be inside.

[Alicia rolled Hide 8+1(dex)+10(potion)-4(size)=15, man failed to see her coming, gets a surprise round Alicia’s attack rolled 16+8+2(charge)+2(new Str)=AC 28, hit. Rolled 10+13+3(new Str)=26 damage. Man makes a fortitude check and is disabled instead of dying; he can now only take move actions without leaving him dying, and any damage will also leave him dying or kill him. Won’t bother mapping yet; the man is 20 feet away from Alicia, one robed man is adjacent to her, the other is 15 feet away on the cart. The man next to her wouldn’t get an AOO if she moved since he’s still flatfooted.]

[Characters by initiative, damage:
Alicia, unhurt
Two robed men, unhurt
Armed man, disabled]

Current, Outside Boone’s Antiques

Lydia tries to strike Azallin with her mace, but the dodging wizard easily avoids the attack.

[Lydia rolled 7+3=AC 10, missed]

[Accalon was up next by initiative, but I thought his actions might change from circling around and attacking the wizard with the bat here sinking his teeth in him. Waiting to hear from BS on that before resolving his actions, then waiting to give GFA a chance to post T’aria’s actions this round. Since their actions probably won’t affect him, Aligor could say what he’s doing next as well.]

[Characters by initiative, damage:
Accalon, HPs:22/32
T’aria, unhurt (probably; she’s at HPs: 5/13 with no healing)
Aligor, HPs:11/37
Bane, dying
Men with short swords, unhurt
Man on Aligor, very hurt
Leeza, unhurt
Sundilar, unhurt
Hectaras, unhurt
Azallin, very hurt
Fiendish dire bat, unhurt
Lydia, HPs:10/20]

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aligor Thunderaxe Male Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian

Aligor, looking down on his dog bleeding to death, and the apparent number of foes, quickly withdraws to Boone's. He shouts a familiar warcry to only those who know him at the top of his lungs. (If Sunedilar can hear, then he can think whatever he wants about the cry.)

OOC - DAMN SCARFACE!!! Withdraw to Boone's and go straight for the potions. Hopefully he can reach his pack..Let the mutt die...


First Post
Telsar said:
Current (later than the Boone fight), near Max’s Martial Training School

Alicia quickly downs two of her potions, her skin becoming tougher and muscles rippling with new strength. Feeling like she can take on anything like this, she decides since only the man from the school is armed, it’s best to take him out first. Alicia charges at him, the man failing to see the danger he’s in before it’s too late. Alicia slams into the man with her greatsword, ripping into his flesh, sending blood and entrails everywhere. The man is critically wounded, barely managing to stay on his feet after the vicious attack, and backs away twenty feet from the hulking half-ogre, yelling “We’re under attack!” to whoever might still be inside.

[Alicia rolled Hide 8+1(dex)+10(potion)-4(size)=15, man failed to see her coming, gets a surprise round Alicia’s attack rolled 16+8+2(charge)+2(new Str)=AC 28, hit. Rolled 10+13+3(new Str)=26 damage. Man makes a fortitude check and is disabled instead of dying; he can now only take move actions without leaving him dying, and any damage will also leave him dying or kill him. Won’t bother mapping yet; the man is 20 feet away from Alicia, one robed man is adjacent to her, the other is 15 feet away on the cart. The man next to her wouldn’t get an AOO if she moved since he’s still flatfooted.]

[Characters by initiative, damage:
Alicia, unhurt
Two robed men, unhurt
Armed man, disabled]

Alicia snarls at the wounded man, "Lost your guts, Scaredycat?" but chooses to ignore him for the moment. If she can move so that both the robed men are within her reach (10ft+5ft+10ft) she will move towards the man on the cart and attack him savagely (Full Reckless attack, no Power attack), cleaving into the other man if possible.

ooc: Did you take her PA and RA into account in her last attack?
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[OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get back, I got swamped after GenCon because I started a new job this past Monday. And don't worry, that is pretty much exactly what T'aria would have done. :)]

Current, fight outside Boone's

T'aria snarls at the two men as they turn back to Sunedilar, but is silently agreeable to them not attacking her. She steps up to flank the man who seemed to have no compunction with the idea of attacking her, leaving the other one alone... for now.

[OOC: I am not sure if T1 or T2 is the one I am attacking, but according to the map I believe that I can get to either with no AoO? Attack with rapier for sneak attack since I am flanking.]

Flashback, Elixander’s Elixers

Telsar said:
The tall elf, with that same plastic smile on his face, says “I should be able to accommodate you. Assuming you have money of course. You do have money, correct?” After T’aria convinces that man that she actually can afford his wares, he has the following available that match watch she asked for: Light Wound Curative for 60 gold each, Moderate Wound Curative for 350 each each, Serious Wound Curative for 800 gold each, and some Burn Salve, for 150 gold. He says “The Burn Salve is especially catered to repair burned flesh, although it must remain on for a day, and is itself highly flammable, so the person using it will need to avoid flames until the day is over and it can be washed off. But it is much better for burns than the all-purpose curatives.” The half-demon realizes that, at least on the “curatives”, the potions are a bit overpriced compared to the costs she’s seen in other towns.

Pompous ass. She subtly glances about the interior of the shop, considering coming back here later to clean him out. It would serve him right.

She wanders over to one of the shelves and inspects the potions therein. Without looking at the man, she responds. “Those prices seem a bit high. I’ve seen them elsewhere for 15 gold less, at least. And I had heard from a friend such good things about your establishment! How about….” She starts to haggle with the man, seeing if she can get a better price.
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Accalon Darcanda: Human/Male (Unholy Warrior)

Flashback, Neevis Loquiter – Pest Extermination

Even though Accalon had quickly written off the idea of accelerating the disease he takes the offered bottle with some interest, you just never new when accelerated affects could be useful, “While it is an incredible long wait for the disease to spring to life it does have it’s uses… An unknowing carrier is sometimes more useful than the most dedicated carrier.”

“Speaking of unknowing, who checks Brie’s boarding house for disease? Are they one of ours, and if so, do we have any control over their results?”

Current, fight outside Boone's

Ignoring the bat Accalon takes another swing at the wizard as he speaks to the dark haired cleric next to him, “My dark lady, its a pleasure to see you again. Though I do find myself wish your combat skills would improve.”


First Post
Flashback, Elixanders’ Elixirs

Looking around the shop, she sees potions for most conceivable applications [anything from the DMG is here], as well as spell components and even a section with exotic spices and other ingredients to add to food. There’s so many different vials, flasks, and other containers, it could take her a week to see everything, but her eyes do catch something called an “Elixir of Fiend Enhancement”. In one corner of the shop, she spots something that could be trouble were she to try to rob the place: a 7-foot tall crystal statue, unmoving, but conceivably a golem of some kind. Different parts of the statue are different colors, and T’aria realizes each “body part” is crystal containing a different colored liquid.

Elixander says “My prices are high because I guarantee quality, madame. And because I only use the finest chemical compounds and creature extracts in my potions. I give regular customers a small discount,” still giving her that disingenuous smile, “but I do not know you. I do not know the strength of your character, or the honor of your soul.” T’aria wonders why a shop owner would need to know such things, but he adds “And I do give discounts on large purchases. If you’re ready to buy, let me get my book.” He returns to his counter and grabs a huge book, at least 2 feet by 3 feet, brings it to a table near T’aria and opens it. Looking within, T’aria sees he keeps meticulous records of who has purchased what, and when, and for how much. He even has notes on what purchased potions are intended to be used for.

[T’aria rolled Diplomacy to haggle down the price, rolled a 5+3=8.]

Flashback, Neevis Loquiter – Pest Extermination

Neevis says “Ah, I see. I thought with you wanting your subject to survive, that he or she knew of it. Yes, Asteral’s Doom should spread well here with it’s long incubation… just such a shame it causes no sensation for so long. And a boarding house? I’m not familiar with it. Oh, given your favorite disease, I can imagine what sort of house it really is… but I’m afraid I don’t frequent such places. I’m pretty sure that none of us would check the place for disease… I have to assume if that’s happening, it’s so the lovely diseases can be,” he shudders, “eradicated. We give quite a lot to some of the local churches to ensure that they don’t call upon their lesser gods to remove any diseases. If not for that, I might think your whorehouse is using one of them. As it stands, I have no idea who would be doing the checking.”

Current (later than the Boone fight), near Max’s Martial Training School

[OOC, Serpenteye, yes did PA and RA. With neither, you’re at +8 to hit, +9 damage, 19 AC; with RA, +10 to hit,17 AC; with PA, +6 to hit, +13 damage; with both +8 to hit, +13 damage, 17 AC. If my math is faulty, let me know :) ]

Alicia takes a step, where she can threaten both robed men, and swings her sword at the man on the cart, who has yet to react to her sudden attack, her sword cutting deep into him. As the man tries to scramble off the cart to attack her, she swings again, this time cutting so deep into his thigh that he just collapses on the ground, blood pooling underneath him. Her sword continues to swing around, but travels far over the head of the other robed man, who rushes her, trying to knock the sword from her hand. Somehow his bare hand strikes hers with such force that she is forced to drop the weapon.

[Alicia rolls attack roll 16+10+2=AC 28, hit. Damage rolled 8+9+3=20 damage. Got an AOO as the one approached, rolled 9+10+2=AC 21, hit. Rolled 13+9+3=25 damage. Geez. The man fails a fortitude check and is dying. Got a cleave against the other robed man, rolled 2+10+2=AC 14, missed. Alicia rolled 9+10+2=21 on her attempt to resist the disarm, but the man rolled 25]

The door to the training school opens, and a lightly armored, and somewhat handsome man is standing there, gleaming long sword in hand, with Girdra standing behind him. The man yells “Stop, creature! Harm another person and I will take your head!”, and Girdra says to him “I shouldn’t even care, but you’ll get my help just the same.” She begins incanting and waving her arms around, looking quite insane, but then magical energy begins forming in her hands. The first man she hurt, the one with the sheathed weapon, continues to stumble down the street.

[Characters by initiative, damage:
Alicia, unhurt
One robed man, dying
Other robed man, unhurt
Man with gleaming longsword, unhurt
Girdra, unhurt
Armed man, disabled]

Current, Outside Boone’s Antiques

Accalon slices at Azallin with his weapon, cutting a vital artery. Azallin looks shocked at the pain and grabs at his neck, keeping the blood from gushing out.

[Accalons attack rolled 20. Crit confirmation rolled 8+6=AC 14, not a crit. Rolled 3+2=5 damage. Azalin makes a Fortitude check and is disabled.]

T’aria moves up on the man so willing to kill her just seconds ago [T1, BTW], and stabs him deep in the back with her rapier, through his heart, killing him instantly.

[T’aria rolled 11+6+2(flank)=AC 19, hit. Rolled 6+5=11 points of damage. He rolls 1 on a Fortitude check, dies.]

The man who had refused to attack her has no trouble hitting Sunedilar, cutting a nice slash across his chest. Even further enraged by this, the warrior slashes his chain across the young man’s face and the man collapses, blood pouring out on to the soft ground.

[Sunedilar took 3 points of damage. He attacks rolling 16+8=AC 24, hit, doing 6+3=9 points of damage. Man is now dying.]

Next to Boone’s, Aligor tries to retreat, but avoiding Hectaras puts him a bit too close to leather-armored man who left Bane dying, but that man’s sword bounces off the dwarf’s armor. Aligor rushes into Boone’s, to his box of potions. But Leeza and Hectaras gives chase while the remaining man stabs his sword through Bane’s head, killing Aligor’s poor occasionally-loyal dog. Inside the shop, Hex gives Aligor an evil smile. “Not even going to beg? They always try to fight, then run, and when that doesn’t save them, then starts the begging. C’mon dwarf, surely you have some friends who’d like to see you come home alive. They’d want you to beg. Do it for them.”

[Note: On withdraw, only the square you start in is safe from AOO. There was no way to withdraw without either Hex or the man (S1 on map) or Leeza getting an AOO. But luckily the man missed anyway. :) ]

The bat, apparently not fond of being ignored, tries once again to bite Accalon, but this time misses. Azallin looks frantic, wanting to do something to save himself, but unable to take his hand away from the wound in his neck. He stumbles backward, trying to get away, but Lydia follows, avoiding the bat’s bite, and with an evil snarl, she strikes the wizard in the face hard with her mace. The man collapses, and as blood flows out, he dies in seconds. With a fiendish screeching, the large bat disappears.

[Lydia is missed by an AOO from the bat. Her attack rolled 16+3=AC 19, hit. Damage rolled 6. He fails a fortitude check, and is dead.]

[OOC Now the question, and keep it in character as much as possible… but with the fight appearing to be over, would anyone remember about poor threatened Aligor?]

[Characters by initiative, damage:
Accalon, HPs:22/32
T’aria, unhurt (probably; she’s at HPs: 5/13 with no healing)
Aligor, HPs:11/37
Bane, dead
Unchivalrous Man with short sword, dead
Chivalrous man with short sword, dying
Man on Aligor, very hurt
Leeza, unhurt
Sundilar, HPs: 26/29
Hectaras, unhurt
Azallin, dead
Lydia, HPs:10/20]

[Not going to bother updating the map. Aligor is at P18, Hex and Leeza are inside, but by the door (M15 and M16)]
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First Post
Telsar said:
Alicia takes a step, where she can threaten both robed men, and swings her sword at the man on the cart, who has yet to react to her sudden attack, her sword cutting deep into him. As the man tries to scramble off the cart to attack her, she swings again, this time cutting so deep into his thigh that he just collapses on the ground, blood pooling underneath him. Her sword continues to swing around, but travels far over the head of the other robed man, who rushes her, trying to knock the sword from her hand. Somehow his bare hand strikes hers with such force that she is forced to drop the weapon.

[Alicia rolls attack roll 16+10+2=AC 28, hit. Damage rolled 8+9+3=20 damage. Got an AOO as the one approached, rolled 9+10+2=AC 21, hit. Rolled 13+9+3=25 damage. Geez. The man fails a fortitude check and is dying. Got a cleave against the other robed man, rolled 2+10+2=AC 14, missed. Alicia rolled 9+10+2=21 on her attempt to resist the disarm, but the man rolled 25]

The door to the training school opens, and a lightly armored, and somewhat handsome man is standing there, gleaming long sword in hand, with Girdra standing behind him. The man yells “Stop, creature! Harm another person and I will take your head!”, and Girdra says to him “I shouldn’t even care, but you’ll get my help just the same.” She begins incanting and waving her arms around, looking quite insane, but then magical energy begins forming in her hands. The first man she hurt, the one with the sheathed weapon, continues to stumble down the street.

Alicia laughs insanely when the robed man falls to her attacks, but cries out inarticulately in anger when she loses her grip on the blood-slick hilt of her sword. Cursing loudly she steps back (5ft) and bends to retrieve her weapon (MEA?). Once her hands once again grip the sword she lifts the large blade upwards in a savage arch, putting all the power of her hate into a blow aimed at the man's groin. (full PA+RA)

Her mind is so deep in the haze of battle that she barely notices what the newly arrived man said, only that it was hostile, and Girdra's apparent betrayal is completely lost on her.

Telsar said:
[OOC, Serpenteye, yes did PA and RA. With neither, you’re at +8 to hit, +9 damage, 19 AC; with RA, +10 to hit,17 AC; with PA, +6 to hit, +13 damage; with both +8 to hit, +13 damage, 17 AC. If my math is faulty, let me know :) ]

ooc: No, no you're right. Sorry about that :).
I wonder what Girdra's up to... It wouldn't really make sense for her to side against Alicia after having helped her and chosen the target for Alicia's attack. I'm thinking her line was just an attempt to trick their common enemy, otherwise this could get really scary :uhoh: :D .
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