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[Vile] Puppy-Kicking PCs at Work, part 2

Isida Kep'Tukari

"I believe a toll must be paid if we wish to pass this bridge in safety," Lydia says thoughtfully. She digs into her belt pouch for a piece of gold and drops it in the urn.

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Fangor the Fierce

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Looking around the area, and listening to Boone's words, Aligor finally belts outa hearty, "Nice ta see yer in a good mood today! Now who the hell stole my stuff?" He looks at Boone, for answers.

Dammit! First I go and try ta help Rusty outta his jam, and then it all turns on me! And that damn Sunny didn't even do :):):):) to help out! I hope to the god of war and death that Hex's men are stupid enough to stay around! There's some paintin to do! And Im usin their blood!

He looks around the scene, and knows Boone's reaction is not going to be a good one. Considering Boone left the Urgrosh in his hands. But a dwarf keeps his word. And he will wait to see what Boone has for Aligor to do as payment for losing the Urgrosh. Perhaps he even has a way to track the weapon?


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Alicia looks at Lydia sceptically, "Toll, but there no guard..." she glances over her shoulder at the gargoyles, "Maybe."
When she passes the urn she drops a gold coin into it, frowning slightly.

Guilt Puppy

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Alev drops omr golden coin into the urn, wordlessly -- although it's clear he takes a moment to measure the width of his arm against its entrance.

"Vorlash, right?" he asks of Sunedilar, observing some similarity. "Tell me, does he have a... sense of humor, about things?"


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Boone’s antiques

Boone turns and looks at Aligor incredulously. “Your stuff? I was cleaned out! Someone took just about everything from my display cases! I figured it was either one of Hex’s men, or one of your friends… and since you said your friends were leaving town, and the guards tracked the culprit to the edge of the city, well… I’m just betting it’s your friends. Which is too damn bad, because when I get my hands on them, they’re going to curse the day they met you.”

Boone eyes the dwarf carefully, then his eyes narrow in anger. “Where’s my urgrosh, Aligor!?! The rest of the stuff was monetary, but that was magic! Where’d your so-called ‘friends’ take everything? Damn it, I’m going to find a tracker, have them brought back here, and their heads are going to decorate my shop!”

After he calms down a bit, and Aligor asks if there’s a way to track the weapon, Boone says “If it had been here in the last half hour, I think I could have, but not after a day, the aura’s too weak now.” A voice interrupts him, saying in a deep, low tone “It may not be too weak for me. Your sign says you need a tracker.” Turning, Aligor and Boone see a man in the doorway. He’s dressed in a crimson robe, with a hood that he keeps over his head, masking his facial features. “I am Fury and I can find what you’re missing… for a price.”

Boone and this new man begin negotiating, and they eventually reach a figure of 200 gold per day, but Fury explains that’s just to find the items… he has no intention of fighting anyone to obtain them. Boone says “That’s fine… Aligor here will do the fighting. The thieves are his friends anyway, and he owes me. Don’t you, dwarf?” He scowls a bit at Aligor, and the dwarf thinks on the fact that Lieutenant Modrin is expecting him in the morning to help clean out Hex’s lair.

Glind River Bridge

Girdra, the dwarf, scoffs at the party. “Before I give up my hard earned gold, I’m going to at least get to see who’s collecting the toll.” Girdra refuses to put any money in the urn [Not sure if Gwyn or Sunedilar did either], and the party continues on. Once they are about halfway across the bridge (see map), they can see a large basin ahead, about 12 feet across and 3 feet high, on the left abutment. Then suddenly, they hear the sound of an arrow slicing through the air, to land 10 feet ahead of them on the bridge. Following the direction the arrow came from, they see a man in a tree on the other side of the bridge. [position I-29 on the map] He’s dressed in leather armor, armed with a bow, and he shouts to the group.

“Halt right there, evil ones! Take another step, and I aim for a horse, and imagine watching them throw you off the side of the bridge will be amusing. Especially with how long a drop it is.” Gwyn looks carefully and sees another man in a tree as well [R29 on the map], aiming another bow at them. The original man keeps talking, “We know what you did. And to a celestial, even. The heavens themselves will likely punish you, but you still have to make it up to us first. We know that one of you is a fiend, sent from the lower planes, and most likely, the one who decided that murdering a great creature like Ezuvial was worthwhile. Turn him over to us, and we’ll let the rest of you, his lackeys, go. We can wait for the gods to punish you, but the fiend will be ours, now.”

Alicia, occasionally looking back at the animal following the party, notes that it’s looking this way very intently, looking like an animal ready to pounce on its prey, although it’s still hundreds of feet away.


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Alicia chuckles, leaning on her sword. "The little man is not who killed Easyvile. I killed with the final blow, I killed the doggies and I'll kill you too you little whores, when I've had my fun with you. Shoot all the arrows you want, you are still dead if you don't run now."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Lydia Shardweaver, female human cleric 4 of Wee Jas

"You just stay right there, little man. We outnumber you, and we'll be over to deal with you shortly," Lydia says with a languid wave of her hand. "Stand still!"

[OOC - casting hold person]


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Glind River Bridge

As soon as the party makes it clear they have no intention of meeting their attackers’ demands, three things happen simultaneously. As Lydia begins to cast, one of the archers pops an arrow into her shoulder, while the other archer takes aim at the giant, loud half-ogre, but misses. The third thing is the most sudden though, as Gwyn jumps off his horse, the yellow-furred animal disappears from behind the party to reappear right next to the half-demon, the animal now clearly a blink dog like the ones he fought before, perhaps the one that escaped death.

[Lydia took 4 points of damage from an arrow]

The blink dog lunges at Gwyn, and, unprepared for the attack, the half-demon loses his footing and falls over the edge of the bridge. The fall is long, 70 feet, but quick, and Gwyn feels the impact of hitting the water hard. Although the force nearly knocks the wind from him, Gwyn manages to stay on the fast-moving river’s suface and not be dragged under.

[Gwyn failed a Strength check, rolling 4+2=6, against the Blink Dog’s bull rush. Gwyn falls and takes 3D6=5 normal damage, and 2D3=3 non-lethal damage. Gwyn rolled a Swim check to stay afloat, rolled 10+2=12, success.]

The horses are spooked by the sudden appearance of the dog, as well as the spellcasting and arrow attacks occurring around them. Alev’s previous threats to his horse seem to have helped, as did Girdra’s soothing of Sunedilar’s mount, as theirs are under control, but Lydia’s and Gwyn’s mounts are terribly frightened and refuse to move for the time being; if they get too spooked, they are likely to fall off the edge of the bridge.

[Made Ride or Handle Animal checks for everyone, 2 per horse. If both fail, the horse falls off the bridge; if just the first fails, the horse refuses to move for the time being. Gwyn’s rolled 1+2+4(wild empathy)=7 and 5+2+4=11. Lydia’s rolls 3+2=5 and 11+2=13. Alev’s rolls 10+2=12. Sunedilar rolls 5+1+4(wild empathy)=10, just made it.]

Lydia manages to ignore the pain in her shoulder, and cast her spell at the nearer archer, since the farther is just a bit beyond the range of her magic. The archer seems to freeze on the tree limb he’s sitting on, fortunately for him not falling to the ground.

[Lydia rolled Concentration 17+4=21. I made a happenstance roll for chance he’d fall from the tree, but he didn’t.]

As Lydia finishes her spell, everyone can still hear the intonations of spellcasting, but it takes a moment to realize the sound is coming from far below, somewhere under the bridge. A quick look over the side shows two more potential adversaries, both standing low on the steep cliffs, near the river’s edge [At postion I-06 on the map]. One is a man dressed in white robes and is reading from a scroll, the source of the intonations, while another is a woman dressed in light leather armor who places a dagger in her mouth and dives into the river, apparently swimming towards the fallen Gwyn.

Meanwhile, Girdra drops from Sunedilar’s horse and rummages around in her backpack to grab a particular potion.

[Characters by initative, damage:
Alicia, unhurt, poisoned (-3 Dex)
Sunedilar, unhurt
Alev, unhurt
Blink Dog, unhurt
Archer 1, unhurt
Archer 2, unhurt
Man in white robes, unhurt
Woman in leather armor, unhurt
Lydia, HP:22/26
Gwyn, HP:21(+3 NL)/26
Girdra, unhurt]

[Update map included. Note, scale is still 10’ per square. Alicia can’t reach the blink dog over Lydia’s and Alev’s horses. She could move past those horses to get to the other side, but this will allow the Blink Dog (BD on the map) an attack of opportunity. Anyone else can attack the Blink Dog hand-to-hand (except Gwyn of course), as could Alicia if Alev moved his horse (Lydia can’t get her horse to move)]


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Paxus Asclepius

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Gwyn smiles and begins treading water, keeping his station. When the woman arrives, he simply slashes her with both claws, practically leaping onto her.

OOC: Readied full attack.

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