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[Vile] Puppy-Kicking PCs at Work, part 2

Isida Kep'Tukari

Lydia Shardweaver, female cleric 4 of Wee Jas

*Lydia snarls mentally, trying to control her horse enough so that he won't bolt. Taking her holy symbol firmly in her hand, she holds it before the blink dog.*

Bright Star will owe us if we can get him out of this... Lydia thinks.

"Fear me, you mangy cur!" Lydia intones in a deep and resonate voice.

[OOC - Casting cause fear on the blink dog, taking a five foot step back if necessary to avoid the AoO.]

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Fangor the Fierce

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Boone's words ring true in the dwarf's ears. He does owe Boone, for loosing the Urgrosh. But it wasn't his fault. Someone has to pay... "Dammit Boone! I came ta see if you knew how ta find that Urgrosh, not send me trailin after that bunch Sunny got mixed up in. Besides, another day won't hurt ta wiat. Hex's place needs clearin out, and I intend to do just that! They may have the Urgrosh, as the man that killed Bane still has ta die! Hex's runts might have the weapon, and I'd rather go fer those punks now, than later. If'n Hex's men don't have the Urgrosh when I go clean that damn place out tomorrow, then I might as well head out with this guy." He glances over to the area where the blood is, knowing that some of that is his, while most of it is Hex's and his woman's.

"If'n Hex's men made off wit the urgrosh, they're sure ta be hidin out. This fella might come in handy ta help sneak up on them. After that is done, ya got my word on goin after those damn thieves!"

Aligor will start to leave, if Boone agrees to waiting one more day. If not, he will stay and argue. If he can leave, he will head over to the general store. He needs healing and supplies.

Guilt Puppy

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Alev guides his horse back out of the way (to J15), then dismounts.

"Go... Save Gwyn," he bids it with a pat on the rump, disappointed at the animal's lack of heroism.

Kneeling, he draws his bow and nocks an arrow; he then leans sharply over the edge, posing more than aiming, and takes a shot at the man in robes below.


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Sunedilar al Hazir, Human/Male Fighter

(OOC: Sorry for the delay, my computer is currently just about dead. Going to have to have the system wiped and restored. On my wife's laptop, on which the net connection has been spotty at best. I'll try to keep up)

Sunedilar spus his horse forward as best he can, moving past the press of the melee and heading towards the archer, his chain whirling free as soon as he gets clear enough to slash it out without hurting his comrades.

(Assumming I've been riding across, Sunedilar is moving out of the group and towards the archer, attacking as soon as he gets within range with his chain)


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Alicia, ignoring the too mobile Blink-Dog, turns and runs back to the beginning of the bridge. Then she will jump down onto the ledge, trying to land on the spellcasting man in white robes.


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Boone’s antiques

The man in the crimson robes continues keeping his hood over his face, and grunts at Aligor’s suggestion of helping at Hex’s. “This ‘fella’ has no intention of sneaking up on a band of rogues; I will track the stolen items, which may or may not lead to this group you clearly have a grudge against. What did you call them… Hex’s men?” He seems to stop talking for a moment, then begins repeating the name “Hex… Hex…”, as though just saying the name was allowing him to gleam information. After a moment, Fury shakes his head and says to Boone “I will begin my investigation, and if it turns out I need the dwarf, I’ll find him after his mission at… Hex’s place.” He still seems a bit fascinated by his own mentioning of Hectaras’ nick name.

Fury turns and leaves, and Boone will tell the dwarf that he better hope he finds the urgrosh at Hectaras’ place. “I’ve got little reason to give you that antidote if it takes that paid tracker to retrieve my magic item.” After Aligor gives Boone whatever response he thinks that deserves, the dwarf leaves and heads for the general store.

[We don’t have to roleplay that out, just tell me what you’re looking to buy.]

Glind River Bridge

Alicia heads back down the bridge from the direction she came. Before she can get to a point where she can leap on the spellcasting robed man, she hears a loud voice yell “Monstrous bitch! Get back here! We have unfinished business!” Alicia turns and sees, at the other end of the bridge [HG on the new map], the same handsome fighter with a gleaming longsword that she fought outside the training school. The one she seriously injured, but failed to kill. He had apparently been hiding among the trees where the archers were positioned, and looks completely healed from his fight with the half-ogre. He looks at Girdra and says “And you, duplicitous dwarf, will be next!” Girdra gulps once in worry, and another time to swallow a potion she pulled from her backpack.

Sunedilar spurs his horse down the bridge, passing the large basin which he notices is filled with water. On the bridge around the basin are painted symbols, all different pictures of what look like the sun, known to be holy representations of the sun god Pelor.

Alev guides his horse back and dismounts, readying his bow.

[Alicia and Sunedilar couldn’t quite make it to their destinations with double moves, and moving and dismounting was a full round for Alev.]

The Blink Dog finds that only Lydia remains nearby to attack, just nipping her, scratching her with it’s teeth. The evil priestess snarls, takes a step back, and unleashes her magic upon the dog. As she casts she feels an unusual surge in her magic, as though something else was adding to it’s power. The blink dog whimpers at the feelings of fear the evil magic is generating.

[Lydia is bit for 1 point of damage. Blink dog just failed his Will save, and will flee on his next action.]

One archer is unable to move, but the other, seeing no allies near the dangerous half-ogre, shoots an arrow long-range at her. She might have avoided it, but the poison still in her system slows her down, and she is hit deep into her chest, luckily not hitting anything vital.

[Alicia is hit by an arrow for 6 points of damage]

Meanwhile, the river’s current carries Gwyn and the woman a bit further downstream. As he waits for her approach, the half-demon notices the dagger she’s carrying between her teeth is glowing and pulsing, the pulses seeming to match the intonations of the robed man reading the scroll.

[Stopping here in case Alicia decides to answer handsome-guy’s challenge instead of leaping on the robed man. Also, the robed man is 50 feet down. A jump will definitely do damage to Alicia (but if you hit him it would do damage to him as well). Climbing down carefully would take 2 rounds, or 1 round with a Climbing check against DC 10, but failing that badly could cause you to fall in the river.]

[Characters by initative, damage:
Alicia, HPs: 32/38, poisoned (-3 Dex)
Sunedilar, unhurt
Alev, unhurt
Blink Dog, unhurt
Archer 1, unhurt, held
Archer 2, unhurt
Man in white robes, unhurt
Woman in leather armor, unhurt
Lydia, HP:21/26
Gwyn, HP:21(+3 NL)/26
Girdra, unhurt]


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Telsar said:
Glind River Bridge

Alicia heads back down the bridge from the direction she came. Before she can get to a point where she can leap on the spellcasting robed man, she hears a loud voice yell “Monstrous bitch! Get back here! We have unfinished business!” Alicia turns and sees, at the other end of the bridge [HG on the new map], the same handsome fighter with a gleaming longsword that she fought outside the training school. The one she seriously injured, but failed to kill. He had apparently been hiding among the trees where the archers were positioned, and looks completely healed from his fight with the half-ogre. He looks at Girdra and says “And you, duplicitous dwarf, will be next!” Girdra gulps once in worry, and another time to swallow a potion she pulled from her backpack.

ooc: If I understand the situation correctly Alicia can not reach the other side of the bridge in a reasonable abount of time because the bridge is congested with horses and people. Even if she could cross the bridge again it would take at least three rounds since she can't run or charge because of the traffic.

Alicia turns her head to look over her shoulder at the man and yells back at him, "Come over here and say that, pretty fop." She jumps down over the railing, aiming for the robed caster. If she has another action after landing she'll either attack the robed man or try to climb up to his platform.

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Baring her teeth in joy, Lydia whips around to find her next enemy. Seeing the robed man, she raises her crossbow and fires at him.*

[OOC - Targeting robed man.]

Paxus Asclepius

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Gwyn continues to wait, knowing that the first strike will be the decisive one.

OOC: Is it possible to take AoOs while swimming? If not, Gwyn will instead grapple the woman, attempting to force her under.


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[OOC Serpenteye: you are generally correct. Too congested for running and charging, and 3 rounds to cross at your current distance. Although Alev moved his horse, which would have given you room to attack the blink dog.
Paxus: I can find nothing in the rules which stops AoO while in water.]

Glind River Bridge

Alicia yells her counter-challenge to the handsome fighter, then leaps over the side of bridge, falling 50 feet. Her huge mass slams into the robed man hard, hurting her quite a bit, but nearly killing him. In seconds, Alicia swings her greatsword at the man, cutting him down and leaving him dead on the rocky ledge. As his voice dies with him, the dagger of the woman approaching Gwyn quits glowing.

[Alicia rolled Jump 15+6=21, which took 1D6 off of damage for fall, and deliberately jumping and landing on a yielding surface (the robed man) converts some damage to nonlethal. She takes 2D6=11 normal damage and 2D6=4 nonlethal damage from the fall. The robed man takes 6D6=24 damage, nearly all his HPs in one attack. Alicia’s attack rolled 8+9=AC17, hit. Damage rolled 3D6=4+12=16. Man fails a Fortitude check and is dead. And I gave this guy a huge Concentration roll, just so he could keep the spell going while attacked. Didn’t expect him to be pummeled with falling half-ogres, though :) ]

Sunedilar gets to the far side of the bridge, and sees a rather good looking, dark-haired man in armor wielding a glowing longsword. As this man stands in his path towards the archers, Sunedilar whips out his chain and attacks, but the man’s metallic armor deflects the weapon. [Note: if Sunedilar wouldn’t attack the man for some reason, let me know and I’ll edit] The handsome man says “My name is Maximillian, de facto leader of the Heironeous church of Taeirn. Our conflict lies with the ogrish bitch and the demon, not you, warrior, and… wait…”. It appears he’s listening for something. “What happened to…”, he moves to the side of the bridge and peers over, seeing Alicia standing over the dead spellcaster. His eyes fill with rage, and only one target, Sunedilar, is close enough for him to vent upon.

[Sunedilar’s attack rolled 8+9=AC 17, missed.]

Meanwhile, Alev and Lydia, their target now a bloody smear on the cliffs below, decide on who else is deserving of their attacks.

[Characters by initative, damage:
Alev, unhurt
Blink Dog, unhurt
Archer 1, unhurt, held
Archer 2, unhurt
Man in white robes, dead
Woman in leather armor, unhurt
Maximillian, unhurt
Lydia, HP:21/26
Gwyn, HP:21(+3 NL)/26
Girdra, unhurt
Alicia, HPs: 21(+4 NL)/38, poisoned (-3 Dex)
Sunedilar, unhurt]

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