Virtual Happy Hour (Brews & Spirits, Pics & Reviews)


Beer while grilling thoughts. Maybe my tastes have changed, but after having a few hefe- and dunkel-weiss over the past couple months, I think my favorite weiss is a non-or-not-too banana hefe like Maisel's original, instead of the dunkel-weiss it used to be.


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Guest 7034872

I should give it a try. Their original lager isn't amazing but has sentimental appeal to me, as it was my grandfather's beer of choice.
For $7.50/6-pack, it really is good. It ain't the Celebrator Double Bock I'm drinking right now, but it also doesn't cost anywhere near so much.

Their lager is okay, but I'd never choose it over other options. This one I would.


For $7.50/6-pack, it really is good. It ain't the Celebrator Double Bock I'm drinking right now, but it also doesn't cost anywhere near so much.

Their lager is okay, but I'd never choose it over other options. This one I would.

Not gonna get much that's decent at that price here.
Krombacher used to be in that price range but I think they figured out how underpriced it was for it's quality.

Heineken or Carlsberg on special is what you would expect at that price otherwise it's the nasty swill beers.


Guest 7034872

Not gonna get much that's decent at that price here.
Krombacher used to be in that price range but I think they figured out how underpriced it was for it's quality.

Heineken or Carlsberg on special is what you would expect at that price otherwise it's the nasty swill beers.
I think with Yuengling it might be a local/state thing: when my brother buys it up in upstate New York, he pays a lot more than I.


Guest 7034872

Rough day. Buying one house and selling the current in this market is.....challenging. I won't usually allow myself a double because I try to govern my habits, you know?


This was a rough day.


Mac's Apparation Hazy IPA 5.6%


Left this out of the fridge for about an hour. Wasn't an overly warm day but it is winter.

Well bought a 6 pack of this for around $10 usd. Cheap macro brewed IPA. Expectations were low it was about 1/3rd cheaper than my last non Emerson's purchase.

Reasonably low ABV by IPA standards more like the other cheap IPAs one can buy. Expectations fairly low. Not the biggest IPA fan either as it's a crap shoot.

The one ray of sunshine was the brand. Mac's is owned by Lion Nathan who own Emersons and are the better macro brewery NZ company (owned by Kirin iirc).

As fair as macro beer goes Mac's is quite good. They make a nice hoppy pilsner and most of their range is drinkable to reasonably good.

Anyway first impressions. It looks like a hazy APA/IPA last one wasnt very hazy and tasted a bit meh.

On the nose it did smell like an IPA with hints of fruity/tropical scent. Unusual in the cheap ones at best it's normally fainter.

Had a sip and didn't hate it. In fact pleasantly surprised even tasted nice. Double checked the can. Finished the can and enjoyed it

Not the best beer in the world or even IPA. But for it's price it's an awesome beer as I've had worse at double and triple the price.

Probably a poor IPA if I didn't know in a blind taste test I would probably call it an APA but there's a bit of overlap between them.

8/10 overall, 9/10 in cheap IPA category. Macro beer RPing as something better. Well done Mac's.
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