VOLO'S GUIDE Around The Web - The Ultimate Preview Compilation

Folks have been posting photos of their purchases of Volo's Guide to Monsters (out in preferred stores on Friday, and the rest the world on November 15th) around the web. Here's a few posts that I know of - including the table of contents! WotC has shown off tons of the book to various websites over the last few weeks, and I've tracked all of them. Don't miss hags & slithering trackers, goblins, nilbogs, kobolds, hobgoblins, & barghests, flinds, gnolls & yuan-ti, froghemoth, giants and orcs, mindflayers and beholders, fire giant dreadnoughts, giant lore, and the book's preface. Plus, of course, the 10 new monster PC races! The images below courtesy of @GarettKP, @darjr, and Lexjeid on Reddit.

Folks have been posting photos of their purchases of Volo's Guide to Monsters (out in preferred stores on Friday, and the rest the world on November 15th) around the web. Here's a few posts that I know of - including the table of contents! WotC has shown off tons of the book to various websites over the last few weeks, and I've tracked all of them. Don't miss hags & slithering trackers, goblins, nilbogs, kobolds, hobgoblins, & barghests, flinds, gnolls & yuan-ti, froghemoth, giants and orcs, mindflayers and beholders, fire giant dreadnoughts, giant lore, and the book's preface. Plus, of course, the 10 new monster PC races! The images below courtesy of @GarettKP, @darjr, and Lexjeid on Reddit.







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Just as an FYI, WotC had the Reddit admins take down the AMA from the guy who posted the above pictures, so the same might happen here.



Yuan-Ti: "Snake people" seems a little uninspired when reading some of their predecessors on the list. "Little Dragons" just makes Kobolds feel completely adorable to me. Totally stoked on the idea of fallen Aasimar, reminds me of some of the "fallen Deva" stuff from 4E.


Book-Friend, he/him
Yuan-Ti: "Snake people" seems a little uninspired when reading some of their predecessors on the list. "Little Dragons" just makes Kobolds feel completely adorable to me. Totally stoked on the idea of fallen Aasimar, reminds me of some of the "fallen Deva" stuff from 4E.

I think they were going for adoreable/pathetic/comedic with the Kobolds in this edition, so it fits?

Based on the Orc previewed stuff...anybody else think that somebody at WotC was playing "King of Dragon Pass" too mich (not that there's anything wrong with that), and they decided to just make Orcs into Orlanthi with tusks? The "Godsworn," all the Orc variants seem like HeroQuesters...

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