D&D 5E Vs Vecna battle simulations.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Flight of the Damned isn't. I guess you have to allow that it's similar to the apparently non-magical dragon breath. The other three are magical, since they have spell names in their description, and assuming we allow that the name of the ability counts as "in the description."
No, Vile Teleport and Fell Rebuke have the English word “teleport” in their description. Spell names are always italicized in 5e. Dread Counterspell doesn’t have the word counterspell in its description, italicized or otherwise.
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
The names of all those abilities are italicised in his stat block.
The names of the abilities, not the words in their descriptions. The relevant guideline is, “does it let you create the effects of a spell that’s mentioned in its description?” None of Vecna’s abilities do that.


I personally would rule that IDS does not work in an anti-magic field....I mean how else are you producing radiant damage....is your sword just always radioactive or something?

But considering Sage Advice, I wouldn't be opposed to letting the damage work, but not the rest of the attack. It doesn't suddenly turn all of your damage into radiant afterall, and the immunity to slashing damage would still apply. We have specific effects that make mundane attacks magical (such as Ki empowerment), and since none of that language is used on IDS, I would not give it that extra benefit.

So to settle the monk flurry argument, the technically reading of "Making an attack" specifically says:
  1. Choose a target. Pick a target within your attack’s range: a creature, an object, or a Location. (emphasis mine)
So attacking a pillar seems to be completely fine. Frankly I've always allowed a player to take an attack action and not make attacks if they really want to (its still using their action afterall), so I think attacking the pillar to get in a flurry is perfectly fine, and seems to be completely within RAW. Hell you could even take it one step further and just allow them to swing at a location that is a patch of empty air or the ground, as locations are also targets.
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No, Vecna has to KNOW they're casting a spell.

Would you allow a readied action with the trigger of 'When a creature I can see is casting a spell, my attack happens' to go off with a Stilled spell?

If so, how does the creature know the trigger has just occurred?

A regular caster with a regular Counterepell CAN'T do what Vecna can do, it's NOT the same wording.

If SOMEHOW a character was able to mimic dread Counterepell then yes they could.


The names of the abilities, not the words in their descriptions. The relevant guideline is, “does it let you create the effects of a spell that’s mentioned in its description?” None of Vecna’s abilities do that.
Well, Rotten Fate is definitely ruled out, because its description mentions what happens to a creature "killed by this magic" - so it's explicitly defined as magical.

Well, Rotten Fate is definitely ruled out, because its description mentions what happens to a creature "killed by this magic" - so it's explicitly defined as magical.
Yeah, that's what I suggested back on page 10. :D



With respect, if you think that all you need at 20th level to optimize is a 20 in your prime stat and one feat....you have never seen a truly optimized 20th level character:)

My point was, the characters were minimally optimized, just enough to warlock for what he needed them to do.

But he optimized (maybe white roomed is a better word) the situation. Assuming both characters win initiative, assuming Vecna hasn't scryed them beforehand and was ready etc. to prove his point.

Voidrunner's Codex

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