The "Tank"
The room the PCs sleep in is called the Tank
[sblock=Physical Features]
The tank is small, perhaps 4.5m (~15 feet) wide and 10m (~30 feet) deep.
The floors, ceiling and most of the walls are made of unfinished concrete, all the surfaces are bumpy and irregular.
There is a tight central space (the "corridor") that passes between all the cells. Five cells line one side of the room, the left side as you come in, and four line the other. The right concrete wall is broken by what looks like natural stone rock in the middle, where the "missing cell" would be.
A single bulb is embedded in the ceiling, in the center of the room above the T (where the corridor meets the missing cell); when on it gives off a harsh glare. There is no exposed wiring, the switch is apparently outside somewhere.
Thick iron bars have been laid irregularly, forming
cells that are roughly square (2m by 2m). Each cell has a iron barred cell door (set into a door frame) that opens inward.
The only entrance is covered by occupied by a massive, old school bank vault door. When you come in from the outside you can see a big spinning wheel (or whatever the technical name is) used to lock and unlock the door.[/sblock]
[sblock=Environment]The air is dry and completely still. If you were mortals you'd probably suffocate in here. As vampires you don't notice.
Neonate vampires are keenly aware of just how quiet they are, just how quiet their cellmates are. No one breaths, or coughs; your limbs don't get stiff, you don't stretch or move or fidget for physical reasons.
A mentally calm vampire can sit still for hours.[/sblock]
[sblock=Diego -- Larceny]Given that you'll be in here for hours and hours I'll just go through the things you'd pick up without bothering to roll.
There is no evidence of anything electronic in her fancier than the light bulb.
The cell door locks aren't a big deal. They're old. Probably bought second hand from some prision when they updated to a modern electronic door locking system. Should be able to pick one in around thirty seconds, maybe less [sblock=rules]don't know if this will ever come up but
- first time takes 5 successess, each roll takes 10 secs
- each time you successfully pick you get better, it takes one less success (min one success)
- when you "master" the lock (get down to one-success-to-open level) every success halves the time required (3 successes would be 3 secs ~ one combat round)
- An exceptional success means you "pop" the lock pretty much instantly. One combat round (or a free action if you've mastered the lock)
bank vault door presents a significant barrier.
Unless you miss your guess it's an old one, also probably picked up second hand. Maybe from an S&L when the whole S&L crisis hit.
It's solid from the inside, no easy access to the locking mechanism. The bolts run directly into the concrete.