[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Arc 1

Biggs said:
"Well, i'm Gangrel too, i believe. Would any of you be willing to teach me what it means to be a Gangrel?"
LB looks over at Blackcoat and Nice as Biggs and Diego have a back and forth.

What's this b______?
Blackcoat shrugs, Nice's think'n.
LB jabs a finger at Nice Youh started think'n again boy?
It makes.... that is.... there's some evidence. It's a theory. Nice reflexively makes mollifying gestures with his hands.
It's a stupid f______ theory. Get a new one.
His sire may be Merchant.
Who. The. F___. is Merchant?
Beard. Skinny guy. Blond. Blackcoat interjects.
LB raises an eyebrow.
Beast's a coyot.
Coyote? He's been gone for years. It's a stupid...
He's back. Probably.
LB is on his feet heading toward Nice.
Now youh tell me? Youh keep'n s___ from me boy?
I just found out.
LB snags Nice by his poncho pulling him off his feet and up to eye level.
He's in Freedmont. Past the barrens. There is an undignified note of pleading in Nice's voice.
LB holds Nice for a long minute.
It's the edge of Lupine territory right.
Ah know that. Why you tell'n me things ah know.
He knows too. That we don't go there. He's been there, a few months at least. I just found out. He's staying at the Redthorn. Using his own name.

Nice dangles for a long minute in LB's grip.

Good job.
LB sets Nice down and flicks a bit of dust off his poncho.
Keep it up.
LB returns to his seat.

LB looks at Biggs. Ah am not officially convinced of you being a Gangrel at the moment. An' weah a bit f______ busy right now. But once this s___ gets cleared up, sure we'll get you trained up in being a Gangrel.

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OnlytheStrong said:
Diego just smiles, "This guy is good!" He sits comfortably in his chair and listens to the prince speak. When he finished Diego says coldly, "I'd like to be there when you kill Vanderchild, if that is possible."
All right. That's a reasonable f______ request ah suppose. You find me this Vanderchild an' ah'll arrange that.

"Good. Thank you prince....... that what I'm supposed to call you? Don't wanna step on any toes." Diego looks at Nice, he had an odd sense of respect for the guy. Diego could guess that he hated the job, but knew he had to do it.

Archer listened attentively. The situation was perhaps somewhat worse than he expected, but LB was giving it to them straight and Archer respected him for that. Also, he appreciated being given a chance. LB seemed to be going above and beyond the call of duty by giving them an opportunity to save their own butts.

Graf said:
Three: Youha siah's ah destroyed

Archer's guts froze. Destroy Celeste? She'd been unnecessarily cruel, but he wouldn't want to see her destroyed. And yet, if she wasn't done away with, everyone here would get the axe.

His mind rapidly set to work. The only thing he could think of to keep both Celeste and the neonates, himself included, alive was only a bare bones theory at this stage. To give himself more time to formulate something solid he'd help the others with theirs. Success for all or success for none.

WarShrike said:
Biggs does a double-take at Diego. "Dude! we're the ones who are going to kill Vanderchild, along with the others who sired us. Every one. And i'm looking forward to it."

Biggs seemed eager to take on his own, and everyone else's, sires. Archer thought it was a foolhardy proposition, but as long as the identities and locations of the vampires were determined then everyone else would be safe regardless of Biggs' success in fighting whoever they were.

Archer's other suspicions had been confirmed also. He needed to identify LB's childer, so that if Biggs' sire turned out to be one of them they could blame this 'Merchant', whoever he was. He somehow doubted LB would accept any other answer.

"Thankyou, LB. We'll do everything within our capacity to make sure this works out," the respect in Archer's voice was hard to miss, "Well people, I suppose we have our work cut out for us then."
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Beth sat in silence. She was quite simply scared s__tless. All this talk of kill or be killed too much for her, and that she'd ever have anything to do with Constance's destruction was simply too much to fathom.

Cole Braddock

Cole sits in silence rather than adding to the conversation. Besides everything that he would have spoke on was already covered. So instead he lets those who are less informed speak their minds. Man it was nice seeing Gieselle... sure as hell wish she stuck around a bit more.
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Graf said:
LB looks at Biggs. Ah am not officially convinced of you being a Gangrel at the moment. An' weah a bit f______ busy right now. But once this s___ gets cleared up, sure we'll get you trained up in being a Gangrel.

"Thank you sir. The reason i think i'm Gangrel, though, is because earlier this evening, Blackcoat came to see me. I saw her go all whispy, like smoke, and walk through a stone wall. Now, ever since Nice explained about the clans, i figured she'd be a Gangrel, and then Nice said i might be one too, because my sire apparently has Protean. Anyway, after about an hour, i decided to try and follow her. I managed to get my arm to go all whispy too, but i couldn't push it into the stone."

Blackcoat's Mansion -- Second Floor -- Big Meeting Room
Festy_Dog said:
"Thankyou, LB. We'll do everything within our capacity to make sure this works out," the respect in Archer's voice was hard to miss, "Well people, I suppose we have our work cut out for us then."
Ah appreciate the spirit of that Gums. But youh bonded an' youh mind's bound tah be a bit funny when youh get around that harridan what embraced youh.
Ah been there mahself an' ah appreciate the peculiarities of youh situation.
As a matta o' fact ah'm tell'n youh that ah want youh ta be particularly f______ mindful of any mental f______ s___ that's going on in youh head.

WarShrike said:
"Thank you sir. The reason i think i'm Gangrel, though, is because earlier this evening, Blackcoat came to see me. I saw her go all whispy, like smoke, and walk through a stone wall. Now, ever since Nice explained about the clans, i figured she'd be a Gangrel, and then Nice said i might be one too, because my sire apparently has Protean. Anyway, after about an hour, i decided to try and follow her. I managed to get my arm to go all whispy too, but i couldn't push it into the stone."
Alright. Fine.

Look. Ah'm gonna give yeh all a piece of f______ advise. Ah generally ain't in the policy of sharing my personal f______ opinions but ah'm gonna make a exception. An' ah was a dead man walkin' before we kicked the british out so ain't foh nuttin.

In your requiem, however long or short it may be, there is only one f______ person you can count on. An' that's your f______ self.

Clans 'n Covenants have there place. Ah won't say they don't. But when the chips are down don't be expecting youa clan or whoever to bail youh out.

'ain't, in my experience, how things work.

Now youh say youah Gangrel an' ah say, Fine.
But youh need to undahstand, all o' yeh all, need to undahstand, that Ah do not play favorites. Yeh'll get the same treatment, more or less, as anyone else, whatever f______ clan or covenant that youh hail.
Provided youh can clear this cloud youh all got hang'n over youah heads.

But youh want tah know about being a Gangrel? Fine. Ah'll talk tah ma' kids and see if ah can get one o'em to give you some f______ time.

Now, there ain't any more questions then yeh'll is going back in youa little hole an' ah'm gonna try tah deal with something before the sun comes up.

[sblock=OOC - More questions]Please feel to ask more questions. I just don't want things to drag on too much longer if most people are done.[/sblock]

LB stands up and strides out of the room.

The group is guided back to the tank by Nice.

The Tank
The air continues to be still and silent. Dawn, and the irresistible unconsciousness that seems to be the vampiric equivalent of sleep, comes on quickly.

End Night Two​
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[SBLOCK=OOC]There was no answer to whether or not Biggs will get his swords back, or more precisely, his wakizashi and maybe a replacement katana. Also, Biggs will ask Nice if they can stop over at the blood vault for a drink.[/SBLOCK]

[sblock=OOC]Yup. He didn't answer your question.
Did he forget? Is he deliberately avoiding the question?

For the record, the Gangrel 'weakness' (though I don't really think it can be called that) is that you "suck at intelligence and wits rolls". In so far as I can manage I've interpreted that as general thick headedness.

Aside: This is the best weakness ever. It doesn't apply to any combat stuff (perception/initiative) and very very few players ever play "gangrel scholars". I'm not gonna chance the rules, but I do have to try to reflect it somehow.
Of course, that doesn't mean LB's forgotten, necessarily. But then there was a break in the conversation where he was considering throttling Nice.

Biggs is free to bring it up again.[/sblock]

>>Biggs will ask Nice if they can stop over at the blood vault for a drink.
No. Says Blackcoat from behind you.
Nice shrugs at you.
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