LB looks over at Blackcoat and Nice as Biggs and Diego have a back and forth.Biggs said:"Well, i'm Gangrel too, i believe. Would any of you be willing to teach me what it means to be a Gangrel?"
What's this b______?
Blackcoat shrugs, Nice's think'n.
LB jabs a finger at Nice Youh started think'n again boy?
It makes.... that is.... there's some evidence. It's a theory. Nice reflexively makes mollifying gestures with his hands.
It's a stupid f______ theory. Get a new one.
His sire may be Merchant.
Who. The. F___. is Merchant?
Beard. Skinny guy. Blond. Blackcoat interjects.
LB raises an eyebrow.
Beast's a coyot.
Coyote? He's been gone for years. It's a stupid...
He's back. Probably.
LB is on his feet heading toward Nice.
Now youh tell me? Youh keep'n s___ from me boy?
I just found out.
LB snags Nice by his poncho pulling him off his feet and up to eye level.
He's in Freedmont. Past the barrens. There is an undignified note of pleading in Nice's voice.
LB holds Nice for a long minute.
It's the edge of Lupine territory right.
Ah know that. Why you tell'n me things ah know.
He knows too. That we don't go there. He's been there, a few months at least. I just found out. He's staying at the Redthorn. Using his own name.
Nice dangles for a long minute in LB's grip.
Good job.
LB sets Nice down and flicks a bit of dust off his poncho.
Keep it up.
LB returns to his seat.
LB looks at Biggs. Ah am not officially convinced of you being a Gangrel at the moment. An' weah a bit f______ busy right now. But once this s___ gets cleared up, sure we'll get you trained up in being a Gangrel.