[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Arc 1


Night Three​

[sblock=OOC]I'm experimenting a bit with the posting style, see if I can give info without slowing things down too much[/sblock]

[sblock=Archer]You sleep OK in the tank on the second night; regaining Willpower normally. Your next roll will be at -2.[/sblock]

[sblock=The nights events up till now]The group awakened in the tank without disturbances this morning. Without exception you're all hungry.

[sblock=Auspex - Archer & Beth]
The rats are loud again. Slithering about in the walls.[/sblock]

As you awake you catch a glimpse of Diego in the corner of your eye. He's sitting at the edge of his cell, looking at you, and eyeing you with a hungry, malevolent look.

You turn to look directly at him, but he's looking away, with a bored expression on his face.

[sblock=OOC]Just in case people are curious Out of Character; this was a random effect.[/sblock][/sblock]

A few minutes after dawn, Nice sticks his head in and looks around.

[sblock=Auspex - Archer & Beth]
You can make out snatches of conversation.
...no blood delivery... look hungry...
...feed the vegetarian...[/sblock]

Nice returns and leads you on what looks like a hike through the woods. The night is brisk.
So, looks like you get to graduate to living food, he says.

After a good forty five minute walk through the woods, crawling over trees and through the underbrush the group emerges into what looks like a cow pasture. There is a small dirt road nearby with two cars parked.

Blackcoat is standing near cluster of cows, with another man. A short pudgy Indian, he is dressed a bit like a college professor, with a sweater vest and dark slacks. Your beasts are quiescent at the sight of him*, but from the way he's grappled a large Holstein and is sucking at it's throat he's obviously a vampire.
[sblock=*]Sentences to this effect almost always indicate that that vampire possesses Obfuscate **.[/sblock]
As you approach he turns to you licking his lips clean of blood and his mouth twists up in a smile at the sight of you.

Raghunandan, Nice greets the man warmly.
Good evening Nice. The Indian man responds in English tinged with French. You've brought friends.
The neonates.
It's always pleasant to have dinner companions. If the Indian man, standing in cow poop, is bothered by the situation, it doesn't seem to show.
Yeah, easing them into feeding.

Blackcoat stands away from everyone, she turns her back to the group and stares at a herd of cows off in the distance. She lets out a long baying moo sound. A ripple of moo's rolls through what had been a quiet cluster. The herd, close to a hundred animals, begins to walk toward the group.

Magnificent idea! I started on altar boys myself. It was terrible. By the end of the first month my sire had to created half a dozen ghouls. Didn't make a whole of lot sense. I'd take blood out and he'd promptly have to put it back in. Not efficient, and tough on the herd as well. Eventually I persuaded him to bleed them into cups first.

The cows cluster around Blackcoat . The whole group is quickly surrounded by a sea of grunting bovine flesh as the beasts gently jostle to get closer to the diminutive kindred.

A Cow Pasture -- A few km from Blackcoat's Mansion
You are all standing in the middle of a pasture. Around you a small horde of cows has gathered, mooing and stomping about. Up close you're surprised how big the docile creatures are.

Nice looks at the group. So this is dinner. Try not to kill any of them.
The Indian man, Raghunandan (or "Reggie" as some people know him) stands next to Nice.

Blackcoat has disappeared completely, her small form dwarfed by the bovines she's called.

[sblock=Feeding when hungry]
Everyone will have to make frenzy checks, either when you start feeding, or when someone around you does and you see the blood from their feeding.

Hunger Frenzy
Resisting Frenzy (except Predator's Taint, which is one success) is generally an extended action that occurs over several rounds.

The sight of blood, when you're hungry, will trigger a frenzy that requires 2 successes.The first taste of blood, when you're hungry, triggers a stronger frenzy (requires 3 successes).
You can keep rolling each round, but if you fail at any point you frenzy. If you fail, you fall into a hunger frenzy that lasts until you drink the vessel dry.
--I know it's just cows think of it as a warm up.

Modified Die Pools (-1 for being hungry)
  • Archer 5-1=4
  • Beth 3-1=2
  • Biggs 3-1=2
  • Cole 5-1=4
  • Diego 5-1=4

You can roll yourselves and roll play it out, or tell me what you want to do, whatever you feel like.

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OnlytheStrong said:
Diego grins as he pets the calf. He bares his fangs and sinks them deep into an artery. He feels the beast........ urging him.......... commanding him...............

Diego's feeding on cattle (4d10.hitsopen(8,10)=1)

ooc: lol so far, looks like our group is 0/2 in feeding!
[sblock=OOC -- You haven't actually failed yet.]You're fine so far. You get to roll every round. So long as you get a success you roll again next round.

That's why Biggs rolled twice. He got one success, enough to safely drink for a round before succumbing.[/sblock]
Last edited:


WarShrike said:
Failing to overcome the beast within, Biggs tips the cow over and pins it, drinking furiously.
Drinking blood, even cow blood, is extremely pleasurable.
Biggs returns to himself to find that his hunger is somewhat sated. The creature's throat has been torn apart; it looks like it was savaged by a wild animal.

Loss of control is nothing to be ashamed of.
The little Indian man is standing nearby.
In time a degree of control is possible. Until then it is best to feed carefully. Select situations where you are not hungry, or else when your companions will be able to intervene to save your vessel should you lose control.

Perhaps you might try again? You will find it easier to control yourself.
And lick the wound once you are done to seal it.

[sblock=Cow Blood]Humans give blood points equal to their size. Animals give half their size. Cows are around a 7, so you get 3 vitae for drinking one dry.

Bigg's Vitae is nowl 6.[link:should go to condition tracker 3rd page... if not sorry. Docs can be weird].[/sblock]


Beth stares at the cow as she contemplates the position. Finally, she twists her small frame next to the animal, almost underneath it. She hesitates for a moment, thinking about the awkwardness of the whole ordeal, and ultimately decides this is probably better than rats. She sinks her fangs in slowly at first, feeling the cow flinch at the sting. She soon finds herself clawing at the beast's head and and neck as the first trickle of blood touches her tongue. Soon her fingers are digging into the creature as she clings to it, sucking the life from it. She noisily laps at the blood, now pouring over her face as she caresses the wound, thirsting for more.

[sblock=ooc] I almost didn't even bother rolling, I was so confident in what would happen. Turns out I was right. ;)

Beth's resisting hunger frenzy (2d10.hitsopen(8,10)=0)[/sblock]


First Post
Graf said:
OOC -- You haven't actually failed yet.
You're fine so far. You get to roll every round. So long as you get a success you roll again next round.

That's why Biggs rolled twice. He got one success, enough to safely drink for a round before succumbing.

Actually, it was my format that was off, i didn't roll twice, i rolled my 2 dice seperately, and got 1 success. The way i understood your post, i needed 3 immediate successes to stave off the frenzy.

Seeing as i was mistaken, i'll roll my next rounds until i either fail or get 3 successes.[/SBLOCK]


industrygothica said:
Beth stares at the cow as she contemplates the position. Finally, she twists her small frame next to the animal, almost underneath it. She hesitates for a moment, thinking about the awkwardness of the whole ordeal, and ultimately decides this is probably better than rats. She sinks her fangs in slowly at first, feeling the cow flinch at the sting. She soon finds herself clawing at the beast's head and and neck as the first trickle of blood touches her tongue. Soon her fingers are digging into the creature as she clings to it, sucking the life from it. She noisily laps at the blood, now pouring over her face as she caresses the wound, thirsting for more.

Through the waves of pleasure Beth is aware of the large creature shuddering under her hands. Is it enjoying this as much as she is?

industrygothica said:
[sblock=ooc] I almost didn't even bother rolling, I was so confident in what would happen. Turns out I was right. ;)

Beth's resisting hunger frenzy (2d10.hitsopen(8,10)=0)[/sblock]
Yeah. It's a fair statement. I considered assessing a penalty since people hadn't experienced Wassil (the fancy name for hunger frenzy) before, but it would have basically forced a Slaughtering of the Cows.

If you (i.e. Beth and/or Biggs, who also has 3 dice) saw the blood first, (i.e. from someone else's feeding) and just required two successes the odds of success were 30%+.

For three rounds (i.e. tasting it yourself)? 20%+
(the pluses are because I haven't factored in the 10 again rule; no time to do that much math)

So yeah, you're Neonate vampires. You can easily be your own worse enemies.

The frenzy system can be irritating but it also makes spending vitae a more interesting choice. A vampire who's willing to push themselves into the hungry level, effectively has more juice; but it means that they have potentially compromised their ability to restrain themselves the next time they feed.

Obviously, we're not going to play out every feeding but the first few are worth doing I think.[/sblock]


WarShrike said:

Actually, it was my format that was off, i didn't roll twice, i rolled my 2 dice seperately, and got 1 success. The way i understood your post, i needed 3 immediate successes to stave off the frenzy.

Seeing as i was mistaken, i'll roll my next rounds until i either fail or get 3 successes.[/SBLOCK]
You can keep rolling. As I said in my response to ig above, all in, you have a bit more than a 20% chance of succeeding.

If you succeed I'll edit the post above, and have Reggie say that to someone else (Beth probably).[/sblock]


First Post
Biggs stares at the cow's savaged throat. At the urging of the indian man, he takes hold of annother bovine, and sinks his fangs into it's neck, though not before asking: "How do i know how much to take?"

OOC: Biggs will take 2 blood each from his 2nd and 3rd cows. Assuming he knows when to stop without killing them.

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