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Wanted Bren Greycastle preferably alive!

Written in fine script on a yellow parchment that reads the following.

Wanted Bren Greycastle preferably alive!

8500 silver coins bounty

For theft of private property.

Large reward for the return of stolen Magical Book 8500 silver coins or 1500 gold coins

Last Record: Bren Greycastle, Waterdhavian sorcerer, 7 Mirtul, 1373 DR.
Description: This book is about 1 foot square with sturdy leather covers sewn together with thick purple silk. The front cover bears an upright white hand symbol, identical to that on the livery of the Watchful Order of Magisters and Protectors, a guild in Waterdeep that hires itself out to protect the city from crime, fires, and other dangers. On the spine is the number "1" in Thorass runes, and its hue matches the white of the hand on the cover. The interior pages are high-quality vellum, inked in black and carefully illustrated with diagrams and pictures showing the material components and effects of the spells.

All of the text is in Chondathan with a Waterdhavian dialect. The cover page bears the title Guildbook of the Watchful Order, Volume 1, with the subtitle Exclusive Property of the Watchful Order of Magisters and Protectors, Waterdeep. The book appears well-handled but kept in very good condition; clearly this book has never been dragged through a dungeon or spent a long time moldering on a wizard's corpse somewhere in the wilderness.

History: The Watchful Order of Magisters and Protectors is a guild of arcanists that was formed in Waterdeep over fifty years ago. They hire themselves out to protect the city from dangers, particularly unruly spellcasters, and they encourage local and visiting mages to be prudent and conservative in their use of magic in public so that the people of Waterdeep will respect mages for their restraint rather than fearing them for their power. Over the years they have created or acquired a collection of nonlethal spells useful for detaining criminals inside the city without causing damage to property and innocent bystanders. These spells were eventually collected into a pair of books called the Guildbooks of the Watchful Order. Members of the guild are given access to the books so they can safely protect the city. Some believe that three copies of each of the two volumes exist: one kept at the guild headquarters, one kept in the home of the guildmaster (currently Mhair Szeltune, who has been guildmaster for over twenty years and is considering retiring soon), and one kept in a secret location.

The sorcerer Bren Greycastle was one of many young mages who grew up in Waterdeep and joined the Guild, serving his home city for several years as a Watch Wizard, occasionally delving into Undermountain in search of loot and glory. Bren is the most recent person to borrow the copy of Volume 1 kept in the guildhouse, and when he left with the other three members of his adventuring company, he apparently took the book with him, since it was not returned to the guildhouse. The guild is protective of its custom spells (as well as the other information the book contains; see below) and wants the book returned; senior members of the guild are using magic to track Bren's location, and as soon as he rests in a destination they are familiar with, they plan to use a Magic carpet to reach him and take back the book and bring him to Waterdeep on a thieving charge. If some other group finds Bren and the book before they do, the guild would be quite grateful if both are turned over, especially if it is done quietly.

Contents: The first ten pages of the book describe various portals in, under, and near Waterdeep known to the guild; these descriptions include all information about the portal that can be determined with an analyze portal spell. The guild magisters use these portals to get about the city in a hurry, such as when they need to converge on a disturbance.
The next four pages describe metamagic theory on how to convert an energy spell so that it deals nonlethal damage instead of normal damage (as per the Subdual Substitution spell from Tome and Blood, though in the D&D 3.5 it should be called Nonlethal Substitution). Many members of the Watch Wizards take this feat to let them utilize their damaging spells in a nonlethal way.

The remaining twenty-three pages describe fifteen arcane spells often used by the guild to subdue, detain, and incapacitate troublemakers without harm to locals and property. Two of the spells are new; the new spells are considered unusual spells, and any spellcaster who wishes to use them must first decipher them as described in the Arcane Magical Writings section of Chapter 10: Magic of the Player's Handbook.
The spells in the book are scribed in order of spell level and alphabetically within that spell level.
• color spray
• comprehend languages
• disarm (new spell, see below)
• hypnotism
• mage armor
• protection from evi1
• trembling horn marker (new spell, see below) (City of Splendors page 88 1st)
• arcane lock
• battering ram (Magic of Faerun)
• detect invisibility
• hypnotic pattern
• Igedrazaar's miasma (Magic of Faerun)
• knock
• locate object
• pyrotechnics

(Volume 2 is believed to be of similar length and hold the following spells, plus notes on other portals known to the guild: deep slumber, dispel magic, flashburst (Magic of Faerun), hold person, ray of exhaustion, summon monster III, tongues, and arcane eye.)

Evocation [Force]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One object up to 50 pounds
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

You create a ramlike force that can strike with considerable power against an object, whether unattended or held by a creature. If the target is an unattended object, the force knocks the object in a direction of your choice, with the maximum distance determined by the following table:

Object Weight Maximum Distance
0-5 pounds 40 ft.
6-10 pounds 30 ft.
11-20 pounds 20 ft.
21-30 pounds 10 ft
31-50 pounds 5 ft.

If the target object is held by a creature, you initiate a disarm attempt against the creature holding the object. The creature does not get an attack of opportunity against you or the force. You and the target then make opposed attack rolls; your attack bonus is equal to your caster level plus your Int bonus or Cha bonus (for wizards or sorcerers, respectively). The force is treated as a one-handed weapon wielded by a Medium creature. If you win the opposed roll, the target is disarmed and the object is knocked in a direction of your choice as if it were an unattended object (see above). If you lose the opposed roll, the target does not get an opportunity to disarm you.

Trembling Horn Marker
Illusion (Figment)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

By sounding a watch horn and pointing at the target creature, you mark the creature with an invisible figment of a signal horn. This horn becomes visible, glows, and sounds a call if the target comes within 30 feet of a signal horn of the type carried by the City Watch of Waterdeep (called a trembling horn), repeating every round the horn is within that range and fading to invisibility 1 round after it is no longer in range. This allows the Watch to home in on the marked individual without the target initially being aware that he is so marked.
The people of Waterdeep have learned to recognize this spell and are quick to point the Watch in the direction of any person they spot with the trembling horn marker.
Focus: A signal horn.

Price: 8 500 silver or 1,150 gp (spellbook value only). As a reference for Waterdeep's portals it's easily worth another 1,000 gp. The guild is willing to pay an additional 1,000 gp over that value to get the book back in their hands (and they will use magic (such as contact other plane,legend lore, or vision, among others) to make sure no copies were made and to locate anyone who may have read it), or it grants the bearer approximately 4,000 gp worth of common spell scrolls.

Last Known Bearer: Bren Greycastle, Waterdhavian sorcerer
Bren grew up in Waterdeep, the son of a wealthy architect. Sending him to the best schools, his family expected him to become a scholar or city official, and they were quite surprised when his sorcerer talent manifested. The family arranged for Bren to be apprenticed to a retired member of the Watchful Order of Magisters and Protectors, who nurtured her young student in the subtler forms of magic and (based on comments he has made to his adventuring fellows) intimacy. Bren completed his apprenticeship and hired himself as a guard for middle aristocrats and wealthy merchants, eventually saving enough of his own money to fund a short expedition into Undermountain. That taste of adventure and dramatic magic sparked a hunger for more.

When he was more experienced, he joined the Watchful Order, more to please his mentor than of any great interest in the guild. He grew bored with the rather mundane and subdued uses of magic the guild practiced in the interest of protecting property and citizens, and longed for breaks from the guild when he could plan another sortie into Undermountain. He and his fellow delvers -- Doren Stonebreaker (a dwarf berserker) and Thol Darkwood (half-orc cleric of Tymora) -- made several successful trips to Faerun's most dangerous dungeon, but these delves became less fun after a strange monster dragged off their scout. They hired a replacement (a gnome bard named Zel Whitehorn) and did a couple trips after that, but they began to look for less dangerous work (since Undermountain is lethal, and they were lucky).

When the group heard about a castle available from the crown of Cormyr, they set out for that land to try to acquire a free castle. Just before leaving, Bren borrowed the Guildbook to refresh his memory of what magic he might want to develop next. In the rush of packing and traveling, he didn't realize he had packed the Guildbook along with his own belongings, and he has no idea that the guild is after him for stealing their property. Bren was last seen in Arabel with Doren, Thol, and Zel, having failed in their bit to acquire castle E'undsul in the Stonelands from the regent of Cormyr. Bren's plans are unknown at this time, though it's likely he'll be looking for adventure and the opportunity to use destructive magic openly. The longer he is away, the guiltier he looks, and the angrier the guild becomes.

Bren Greycastle: Male human sorcerer 8; CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD 8d4+11; hp 31; Initive+5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11; Base Atk +4; Grp +4; Atk or Full Atk +5 melee (1d4+1/19-20, +1 dagger) or +5 ranged (1d8/19-20, light crossbow); AL NG; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +10, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +4, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Sleight of Hand+4, Spellcraft +10, Spot +2; Education (Knowledge [arcana], Knowledge [dungeoneering]), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness.
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/7/6/4 per day; caster level 8th): 0 -- daze (DC 14), detect magic, disrupt undead (ranged touch +5), light, mage hand, message, open/close (DC 14), read magic; 1st -- color spray (DC 15), disarm, hypnotism (DC 15), mage armor, true strike; 2nd -- detect thoughts (DC 16), Melf's acid arrow (ranged touch +5), resist energy; 3rd -- dispel magic, greater magic weapon; 4th -- fear (DC 18).
Possessions: Amulet of natural armor +1, +1 dagger, light crossbow with 50 bolts, cloak of Charisma +2, potion of cure moderate wounds, 758 gp.


To those who seek the reward know this!
I have used my abilities of clairvoyance and have discovered the following information on the hunted.

If confronted about the Guildbook, Bren is surprised to find he still had it.... and is happy to turn it over to anyone he believes is a trustworthy agent of the guild. He has no plans to return to Waterdeep in the next few months and does not want to make the long trek back to the western coast of Faerun, though he would accept if one of the people pursuing him were able to fly him back by magic, so he could explain his case. He and his friends are more than competent adventurers, and if they are attacked; by overzealous searchers, they'll respond in kind.

If found you may return the book to me at the school of Light and Magic.
Located on Faerun between the bustling city of Baldur’s Gate and the famed CandleKeep just a day’s travel from both. The school may be found on the southern end of the CloakWood Forest, by the shoreline of the Sea of Swords.

I shall see its return to the Watchful Order and of course offer compensation for your time and trouble.

Posted By
Headmaster Agudo the Wizard of Light
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First Post
One day walking past the board, glancing at the posted notices for interesting tidbits to read, she comes apon this one. Staring at it briefly she chuckles, not reading the whole thing. With a sly look she pulls out a piece of paper and an odd looking self-inking quill and scribbles a quick note, which she attaches under this long one.

Agudo, you notices are as longwinded as your speeches....

Laughing, she leaves the note and wanders off......

Coming to check on the daily advertisements and his own as well
The Wizard of Light calmly takes out his corncob pipe that magically lights
As he takes a few puffs the air is filled with the sweet smell of apple cinnamon
With a bemused look he reads the latest reply
“My my.... even here we have book critics.”
Chuckling he goes back to reading


First Post
Camly walking along the message board with her hood up, she doesn't see the Wizard of Light untill she runs him over.... Blinking in surprise she helps him up, chuckling.

"Really sir, you should watch were you are walking. Or your next book will be labled Agudo's Guide Th Painfull Encounters. "

Chuckles, walking off...

Just as he was about to turn from the boards for some needed nourishment at the nearby eatery.
He’s knocked off his feet in a most unceremones way by a caped women.

“What.... in the Light!”

Agudo says as he tries to pull his pointy hat and now crooked hat at that off his head
His Corncob pipe is bent and hangs loosely from his lips.
Once free from his hat the Wizard of Light looks up to see an outstretched hand.
Taking it he hears the mischief’s words from the hooded lady

Really sir, you should watch were you are walking. Or your next book will be labeled Agudo's Guide The Painful Encounters. "

As he stands Agudo try’s not to grimace but instead offers a polite half smile

Ahh another fanatical fan trying to speak with me

Yes I’m sure it was completely my fault good woman!
Strange though this walkway seems big enough for a dragon to walk by without bumping into someone.

He lets those words hang in the air as he brushes the dirt off of him


First Post
Chuckling at Agudo's words, the woman in the Cloak says

"And yet strangly enough even a white dragon would be bowled over by your ego."

With another chuckle she watches him brush off.

Putting his hands on his hips he huffs
Then taking his now bent corncob pipe out of his mouth, he straitens it as he eyes his lattes stalker fan.
“Well my good woman!
Im sure it would take a white dragon delusion of grandeur!
To dare match wits with my so called superior ego.... as you so delicately put it.
Besides lass....don’t you have some famous Bard to stalk... opps Im mean grace yourself on or something?
Or am I the lucky one who ends up in the Halfling Tabloids this week with you?


First Post
Walking in the Light said:
Putting his hands on his hips he huffs
Then taking his now bent corncob pipe out of his mouth, he straitens it as he eyes his lattes stalker fan.
“Well my good woman!
Im sure it would take a white dragon delusion of grandeur!
To dare match wits with my so called superior ego.... as you so delicately put it.
Besides lass....don’t you have some famous Bard to stalk... opps Im mean grace yourself on or something? Or am I the lucky one who ends up in the Halfling Tabloids this week with you?

With chuckle she eyes the wizard

"Rumor has it that you should be praying that a certian Famous Bardess is not around to grace you with her presence, because you may find yourself at the wrong end of her sharp tongue. And as for gracing her with my presence I'm sure she'll let me know when she needs to speak with me."

Leaning against the wall she watches him with a chuckle.

"Agudo, one day you will find yourself facing something you can't talk your way out of. Like old friends or enemies working their way out of the wood work around you. But enough reminicing on the past, how fairs Lady Hoot now of days. Is she still taken to pulling your fat out of the frying pan?"


First Post
Khaira was making her dowway down the line of messages, notes, wanted notices, and the like, when she overheard too very familiar voices ... one of those voices, in fact, whom was stating less-than-honorary remarks about a Bard. That could be none other than her. Looking over to Agudo, Khaira regarded him with intense green eyes.

"I see subtlety is still not one of your grander methods, eh, Archmage? Condemning innocents to death as judge, jury, and executioner these days? Waging wars on helpless people? Or simply continuing in your naive ways?"

Khaira paused, regarding Agudo venomously.

"Keeping one's mouth shut isn't always a bad idea ... of course, you've never learned that lesson either, have you? It's a pity ... one of these days, you're going to be on the receiving end of mass embarrassment - and I don't mean simply running naked down the street of a nondescript down, Little Boy Blue."

"Rumor has it that you should be praying that a certian Famous Bardess is not around to grace you with her presence, because you may find yourself at the wrong end of her sharp tongue. And as for gracing her with my presence I'm sure she'll let me know when she needs to speak with me."

Leaning against the wall she watches him with a chuckle.

"Agudo, one day you will find yourself facing something you can't talk your way out of. Like old friends or enemies working their way out of the wood work around you. But enough reminicing on the past, how fairs Lady Hoot now of days. Is she still taken to pulling your fat out of the frying pan?"

The Wizard of Light began glancing at the advertisements near by as the dragoness woman continued her doom and glom prophesy of being on the wrong end of a sharp tongue.
Yet Agudo was beginning to wonder if it had already come true the way she kept going on and on.

Agudo stopped his musings when she finally offered what could only be called a barely civil question
Whats that ...O’ Lady Hoot?

Well thanks to the Light she is doing most grand.
In fact she is now.....

It was then that a most infamous voice spoke up from behind

(( What ya going do what ya going to do when they come for you?
Bad girl...bad girl....Tonight on the Realms Most Wanted Criminal
>>>Khaira ))
"I see subtlety is still not one of your grander methods, eh, Archmage? Condemning innocents to death as judge, jury, and executioner these days? Waging wars on helpless people? Or simply continuing in your naive ways?"

Stopping in mid sentence he slowly closes his eyes as most unhappy memories come flooding back.
With a sigh he turns to better view that remembrance.

It was then that the Bardes pauses

Agudo gives a curt tip of his hat as he speaks

Why it is none other than the Realms Most wanted...
Khaira the assassin freeing lyricist of the land.
How goes your life on the run?
Never the less the last I heard your one woman play in some backwater tavern
was closed early do to the local bounty hunters showing up for the reward on your delicate red hair.

Khaira paused, regarding Agudo venomously.

"Keeping one's mouth shut isn't always a bad idea ... of course, you've never learned that lesson either, have you? It's a pity ... one of these days, you're going to be on the receiving end of mass embarrassment - and I don't mean simply running naked down the street of a nondescript down, Little Boy Blue."

Folding his arms Agudo slightly blushed
Ill have you to know it wasn’t little boy blue....it was Mother Goose and I had know Idea she was living in some giant smelly shoe.
You figure with all the children books she sold she could afford better

Voidrunner's Codex

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