Wanted: Dead


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Human; this one stands an average height of 5'10", often wearing a large cloak. His appearance is a clean cut with short dark hair, and a well maintained mustache, and full beard. His age is approximate 30s.

No magick noticed, approachable to the best of my knowledge.

He wears a brooch of a platinum border inlaid with a dark polished silvery stone. The brooch is perhaps serpentine in nature.

((The above is near an exact description))

Will pay beyond suitably for his death.

Platinum or other compensation is available.

Until I am certain of the assassin, my identity will remain anonymous.

((A rough sketch of the man is also on the parchment))

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Lain Ikari

Defcarr Precautions...


This is to warn any on the hunt for the one known as Defcarr to take careful precautions before approaching. It is recommended to fight this one in numbers, overwhelming him if able. I will not take the time to describe, for the name must be known around. I will be keeping an eye out for any results from this hunt. The one whom slays him will be payed in full and possibly more. Remember, take him on in numbers.



First Post
To any choosing to cash in on this little bounty: proceed only if you are willing to die trying.


Evil was, Evil is, Evil will always be...we are immortal.

- Defcarr

The Anonymous

First Post

The best way to beat the dark, is to fight it with dark. Fight fire with fire, immortal for immortal, because not everyone can be gods. But, everyone can die.


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The original man walks to the boards and places a new parchment

Perhaps one should rethink their position in this matter as the man you seek is not the man in question. The man in question is known to reside in Rhoa. Again, my identity shall remain unknown until such a time as I see fit.


First Post
A smirk

*written in fresh red blood*To the anonymous one with the words of wisdom regarding fighting fire with fire. If you contain such darkness as to match my own, there is little need for us to fight. Indeed I am surprised you took offense to the life I ended. But if you truly wish to face me in such regard, then what must be done will be done. The same goes for Sandhya. I fully expect the "good guys" to retaliate and die, if any evil dies in the process the loss is sad but the immortal continue on. Evil was, Evil is, Evil will always be...We are Immortal.

The Anonymous

First Post
How pathetic.

The great Defcarr. the almighty darkness, the one whom wants to make us all "afraid" of his name, suprised? Oh how pathetic. You boast of almightiness. Yet you disgust me in all ways and fashions. Siding with you would be a disgrace to all which the dark has worked for.


First Post
Congratulations Defcarr

It is always entertaining to see one of the night have this attention . To be feared and yet obtain that certain degree of attraction that only mystery can offer. I wonder Defcarr , where will your impulses take you next ?
I congratulate you , not because of your nature , but because you have elevated yourself to being one who is known . Isn't this the irony of our dark lives ? All too often we must hide ourselves from the vengence of fanatical mortals , yet at the same time , we crave for the moment when we too will be able to walk openly . It would seem you have achieved that .
I wonder though , how long will you enjoy this new found fame ? Are you ready to bare the retribution of your enemies ?



First Post
You always were among the more intelligent here, Cyath. I do what I do for the sake of us all. May our enemies be known and then destroyed, however numerous they may be. We share many common enemies, I see no reason for us not to work together to see them destroyed. We each have killed many, may that continue as ever before. In answer to your question, yes I am prepared to face my enemies. And as they fall I will take their names and post them on these boards as a warning to others. Any who cross me will fall. Time is my greatest ally.

As always with respect,

Voidrunner's Codex

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