Wanted: Myr Android

  • Thread starter Callister_sharp
  • Start date


Wanted Dead or Alive
Description: A smart-alick myr with to much A.I. for his own good. Goes by the name of "Albinomyr".
Brief: Was last seen at a club called the Meeting Place.
Bounty Posted By: Callister Sharp, Operative
Wanted for:
Attempted Murder
Man Slaughter
Attempted Robbery
Resisting Arrest
Possesion of Illegal weapony
Ilegaly Purchasing Weaponry
Destruction of Private Property
and J-walking
Consider him to be armed and dangerous.

Reward: That warm feeling that you've done the right thing and taken one bad cookie off the streets...... Well, I can't offer you anything. I'm sure the cops can offer you a nice bonus. And if not i'll buy you a drink some time.

P.M. if you get any leads.

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A reminder...

((A reminder.
Unlike CRT and Juxta, CRT and TMP are in no way linked. Although it is possible to use the same screen name, there should not be characters or stories crossing between fantasy and modern. A modern character in the CRT is a breech of setting, as is a medieval-fantasy character in TMP.

Bots are not people. An advanced AI may be extremely expensive (not to mention rare), but if it's rogue then it should be destroyed on sight. :p

- Pounamu))

Voidrunner's Codex

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