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War of the Burning Sky Adventure Path


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See the mighty and terrible face of war in a world of magic. A critically acclaimed high fantasy adventure path for D&D 3.5 and 4th Edition from veteran authors such as Ari Marmell (Heroes of Horror, Tome of Magic), Wolfgang Baur (Editor DUNGEON® Magazine 1992-1995), Wil Upchurch (Midnight®, Champions of Ruin) and Darrin Drader (Book of Exalted Deeds, Serpent Kingdoms).
Download the FREE intro pack below!
As the new year turns, the weather takes a sudden chill turn, and the sky darkens as the grip of winter intensifies. Worry rises as regular channels of communication between nations cease like a candle suddenly snuffed. Slowly, throughout the lands claimed by the Ragesian Empire, rumors spread between isolated villages, traveling by foot and horse and word of mouth -- rumors that Drakus Coaltongue, the immortal emperor whose armies conquered every land he set his gaze upon, has fallen in a distant land to the west. How the tyrant was defeated is unknown, but if it is true, everyone knows that a war is coming. The generals of Emperor Coaltongue will strike for control, oppressed peoples will rise up in rebellion, and dangers once held in check only by fear of the mighty warlord will bring doom to the world.
Those in power are preparing for the coming conflict, readying fervent armies and powerful weapons and subtle, deceptive plots, but two questions burn in their minds: who killed the seemingly-immortal Emperor Coaltongue; and what has become of the artifact that would let a man rule the world? Who has the Torch of the Burning Sky?
E.N. Publishing presents a saga of twelve adventures where would-be conquerers bring the world to the brink of annihilation, and it is up to the heroes to decide who will rule in the aftermath of the great war – perhaps an ally, perhaps themselves, perhaps even anarchy. They can usher the world into a golden age, or let it be scorched under a rain of fire.
A cohesive storyline, memorable NPCs, imaginative set-pieces, moral conflict, action, adventure, politics - War of the Burning Sky has it all!
[h=1]The Adventure Path[/h]
WotBS #1: The Scouring of Gate Pass - by Ryan Nock. Drakus Coaltongue, Emperor of Ragesia and bearer of the Torch of the Burning Sky, has fallen, and now the new Empress Leska has sent her armies on the march to war to recover the lost artifact. Her first target: the neutral city of Gate Pass, where a spy for the fledgling Resistance has taken vital war intelligence. On New Year's Eve, the Ragesian military prepares its assault, wyvern knights and legions of infantry arming for battle. The heroes must contact the spy and get a case of critical plans out of the city before the inquisitors, Ragesia’s infamous mage-hunting clerics, find them.
WotBS #2: The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar - by Jacob Driscoll. To shake pursuit by the Ragesian empire, the heroes trek through the dangerous Innenotdar Woods, a forest which has burned for decades, kept alive by the power of a strange, undying entity. Hunted by one of Ragesia's infernal minions, the heroes must seek the aid of the forest's pernicious fey and solve the mystery of its endless flame if they are to avoid a fiery death.
WotBS #3: Shelter From the Storm - by Ryan Nock. The heroes finally reach the storm-lashed coastal town of Seaquen, where the magical academy known as the Lyceum has called for those who oppose Ragesia to gather. As they navigate political machinations, encounter hostilities between refugee camps, and unearth a conspiracy to assassinate ambassadors of several nations, the heroes become rising stars of the Resistance.
WotBS #4: The Mad King's Banquet - by Shane O'Connor. Lyceum sends the heroes on a mission to find allies in the nearby nation of Dassen before Ragesia’s ambassador convinces Dassen's king to stay neutral in the war. Strange forces are at work manipulating the king, and if the heroes are to win Dassen's loyalty, they will have to betray its ruler, and provoke a civil war.
WotBS #5: Mission to the Monastery of Two Winds - by Andrew Kenrick. To have a chance against the Ragesians, the Resistance has to find the Torch of the Burning Sky, the artifact that until recently let the imperial armies teleport across the world. When the first expedition sent to find the Torch vanishes while investigating a mountain monastery, Lyceum sends the heroes to pick up the trail. But Ragesia has followed the same clues, and to earn the trust and aid of the brothers who control the monastery, they will have to protect it against foes both within and without.
WotBS #6: Tears of the Burning Sky - by Ken Marable. Hot on the trail of the mighty Torch, the heroes race against treasure hunters, an army, and mysterious monstrous entities to reach the abandoned fortress where Emperor Coaltongue fell. The castle, overrun by undead and washed in the deadly energy of a rift to the plane of fire, holds the clue of what has happened to the Torch, but the party will have to fight to learn it.
WotBS #7: The Trial of Echoed Souls - by Ari Marmell and Ryan Nock. The trio of assassins who slew the emperor and stole the Torch have hidden in the haunted Ycengled forest, on the border of an elvish nation. To find their lair the heroes must delve into the secret tragedy of the forest, which may alienate one of the Resistance's strongest potential allies. Even if they do find the assassins, to claim the Torch they must run down the leader, a spiteful shadowdancer for whom the cursed woodlands is the perfect playground.
WotBS #8: O Wintry Song of Agony - by Jeremy Anderson. Empowered by the Torch, the heroes and the Resistance armies teleport to assault a secret eldritch facility in the frozen reaches of northern Ragesia. Following clues from the military intelligence they retrieved in the first adventure, the heroes lead the attack to destroy the facility before Leska's minions activate a superweapon, powered by the agony of thousands of tortured prisoners.
WotBS #9: The Festival of Dreams - by Ryan Nock. A prisoner rescued in their last mission warns the heroes of a new front in the war. Returning to the city of Gate Pass, the heroes must locate an entity known as Vigilance, a gatekeeper who holds back nightmare beings of the underworld which have allied with Leska. As Ragesian and Resistance armies battle for control of the city, and hopeful citizens prepare a festival to celebrate their victory, the heroes must thwart an attempt to unleash monsters born from their darkest desires.
WotBS #10: Sleep, Ye Cursed Child - by Wolfgang Baur. The heroes descend into an underworld dreamscape to destroy the source of Leska's nightmarish allies, and to stop them from unleashing an apocalypse.
WotBS #11: Under the Eye of the Tempest - by Wil Upchurch. A treacherous ally tries to destroy the Resistance so that he alone will rule in the aftermath. The heroes lead an assault against a mile-long living airship and fight their way to its brain, to kill the leviathan and its master.
WotBS #12: The Beating of the Aquiline Heart - by Darrin Drader and Ryan Nock.The heroes and their armies wage a final battle against the forces of the Ragesian Empire for control of a desolate wasteland, beneath which beats the heart of the world. Its immortal blood flows through Leska's veins, and so long as she lives, the world will know only war. Can the heroes defeat this fate and usher in a golden age, or will the world be scorched in a rain of fire?
[h=1]Free Intro Pack[/h]
The free War of the Burning Sky intro pack includes the first adventure, The Scouring of Gate Pass, and the free Player's Guide and Campaign Guide. The Campaign Guide includes a full overview of the saga and is meant only for GMs/DMs. The Player's Guide is designed for players, and contains background information and character options.
You do not need to be a subscriber to download the intro pack. Simply right-click and save-as to grab the PDFs on this page.
[h=2]War of the Burning Sky Player's Guide & Campaign Guide[/h]
[image]wotbs_playerguide.jpg|right|thumb|150px[/image]The FREE Player's Guide contains information for your players, including setting information, character options, and more.
You are welcome to distribute these guides in any way you wish, as long as you do so for free and do not sell them.
The Campaign Guide contains an overview of the entire adventure path, its plot and antagonists, and other DM/GM-only information. Players should not read the Campaign Guide.
These guides are also available in softcover format for a nominal price.
[h=2]The Scouring of Gate Pass[/h]
[image]wotbs_1.jpg|right|thumb|150px[/image]The first adventure in the War of the Burning Sky adventure path!
Drakus Coaltongue, Emperor of Ragesia and bearer of the Torch of the Burning Sky, has fallen, and now the new Empress Leska has sent her armies on the march to war to recover the lost artifact. Her first target: the neutral city of Gate Pass, where a spy for the fledgling Resistance has taken vital war intelligence.
On New Year's Eve, the Ragesian military prepares its assault, wyvern knights and legions of infantry arming for battle. The heroes must contact the spy and get a case of critical plans out of the city before the inquisitors, Ragesia’s infamous mage-hunting clerics, find them.
Can you survive the Scouring of Gate Pass?
An adventure for 1st level characters.
This adventure is also available in softcover format for a nominal price - 4E version and 3.5 version.
[h=1]Get War of the Burning Sky![/h]
War of the Burning Sky is available in a number of formats, with a variety of different pricing structures and online retailers. Choose the one which suits you best!
[h=1]The Complete Saga Hardover[/h]
[image]wotbs_hardcover.jpg|right|thumb|150px[/image]The massive War of the Burning Sky hardcover compiled edition for D&D 3.5. One of the biggest RPG products ever made!
This gorgeous hardcover contains:
  • All twelve adventures of the War of the Burning Sky adventure path for D&D 3.5.
  • The Player's Guide and Campaign Guide
  • A massive rules appendix compiling all of the new rules material, classes, feats, spells, magic items and more from the saga
  • Five bonus sidequest advantures
  • A short section covering Ragos, the capital city of Ragesia
  • A narrative prologue covering the events leading up to the War of the Burning Sky
  • A special coupon which allows you to download a PDF version of the book for FREE.
All in a massive, beautiful, full colour, hardback book - bigger and better than any that have come before it, this is the ultimate in D&D campaigns!
See previews here.


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