Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory Now To Be Produced By... Cubicle 7!

Admidst all the mystery of what happened to Ulisses North America's Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory, we finally have an answer! Cubicle 7, who currently produce Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E and are developing Soulbound, the new Age of Sigmar RPG, are now taking over!

Admidst all the mystery of what happened to Ulisses North America's Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory, we finally have an answer! Cubicle 7, who currently produce Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4E and are developing Soulbound, the new Age of Sigmar RPG, are now taking over!


I just got the following email from C7:

Cubicle 7 Entertainment to publish Warhammer 40,000 Roleplaying

Games Workshop is pleased to announce that award-winning publisher Cubicle 7 Entertainment is to produce Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying games.

Cubicle 7 CEO Dominic McDowall said, ”Warhammer 40K is a huge chunk of our gamer DNA so we are all incredibly excited to build on the long legacy of 40K RPGs. I’ve been a 40K fanatic since the first edition, so I am absolutely delighted to bring our brand of roleplaying to this amazing setting.”

The initial range of products will be a revised reprint of the Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook and an extensive range of supplements covering exciting new areas, as well as revisiting beloved old favourites. Cubicle 7 hope that their track record of producing beautiful and immersive licensed games that capture the feel of their settings – including Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – will appeal to Warhammer 40K gamers old and new.

Cubicle 7 is working with Ulisses’ Wrath & Glory design team to deliver the titles already planned for the game. Ulisses will continue to publish the German language edition of Wrath & Glory, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and the Warhammer Age of Sigmar roleplaying games, in partnership with Cubicle 7.

Cubicle 7’s new license comes on the back of a year of enormous growth for the company, with a huge increase in staffing and capability to deliver its range of best-selling game lines.

So, the short version: Ulisses will continue the German version, C7 will be producing a revised reprinting of the English version and produce the future planned titles

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Congratulations for Cubible 7, but W40K is a good example about how the sci-fi gets old very bad. I wonder about maybe this IP would need a reboot.


First Post
I pray to the God Emperor that they revise the game mechanics to resemble the original system of Dark Heresy like they've done with WFRP 4E.

Dire Bare

Meanwhile those of us that spent north of $300 will have to buy another book?

I think I “only” spent $150 or something on the fancy corebook. At least you’ll get supplements made by C7. I’m not getting poop.

I'm a little confused over these comments. If you already purchased the core book, you won't have to do so again. They are not putting out a new or different edition, just including errata and minor revisions. It's the same game.

J. H. Frank

First Post
I'm a little confused over these comments. If you already purchased the core book, you won't have to do so again. They are not putting out a new or different edition, just including errata and minor revisions. It's the same game.

Revised can mean anything from “incorporates errata” to “entirely new edition the game.”

And given the chilly reception the original, rushed version of the book received, there’s very little reason to assume it will only be minor changes. Especially since “only incorporates errata” would not even deserve a mention, and they made sure to be clear that revisions are taking place.


This is not really filling me with confidence about the upcoming Aysle kickstarter. Ulisses really needs to get their stuff into gear and do some explaining.

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