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Warlock minion killer - does this work?


First Post
My apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, I have yet to see it.

Is the following combo viable? Should it be?

Create a warlock (any type, any stats)
Procure a +1 rod of reaving and a +1 rod of corruption, wield one in each hand (a level 5 and a level 3 item, respectively).

In combat, take your move action to move in position to a minion.
Use your minor action to curse the minion.
Use the property on the rod of reaving to deal 1 damage to the minion, killing it.
Use the property on the rod of corruption to eschew your pact boon and instead place a curse on all enemies within 5 squares of the target.
Use the rod of reaving to deal 1 damage to all cursed foes, killing all minions.
Use the property on the rod of corruption to spread the curse as needed, or just start stacking up fate tokens, souls, teleporting around the board or whatever else your pact boon allows.
Repeat until all minions in the chain are dead

I don't like this combination at all. It requires two accessible magical items, uses only at will minor actions, requires no roll, wipes at all minions that are vaguely near each other, and leaves the warlock in a better position than before he or she took the action.

Is this a legal combo? Does it make minions obsolete? (they have to be positioned so carefully they are no longer worth using) Doesn't this infringe on the usefulness of wizards?

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It's not yet clear whether or not any character can derive benefit from two different implements simultaneously. I can't think of a reason why they couldn't, but it certainly could result in numerous broken combos (or people carrying around a truckload full of different implements for different purposes).


Penguin Herder
Nikodemus said:
In combat, take your move action to move in position to a minion.
Use your minor action to curse the minion.
Use the property on the rod of reaving to deal 1 damage to the minion, killing it.
Use the property on the rod of corruption to eschew your pact boon and instead place a curse on all enemies within 5 squares of the target.
This works.

Nikodemus said:
Use the rod of reaving to deal 1 damage to all cursed foes, killing all minions.
This does not.

You get to pop a minion when you place your curse on it, but a Rod of Corruption transfers your (already placed) curse. Different words, so no room for rules lawyering, even if it weren't broken.

Cheers, -- N


I don't think you can use more than one implement at a time. Just as you cannot use more than one weapon in a single attack, unless you have a special power that says you can.


First Post
It does seem to be a legal combo; I'd be hesitant as GM to give out both of those items, though at higher levels a character to get the rituals to make them. In fact, I think the 'broken' item in this combo is the rod of reaving. The ability to do damage without an attack roll shouldn't really be available before paragon tier, from looking at things like the ranger paragon paths... and I might diallow the rod of reaving effect completely in my game. The warlock player may be disappointed.

The requirement that the warlock place his curse 'on the nearest target he can see' should help limit abuse in the normal case, but in combination with that other effect, it's kinda broken.

EDIT: The argument about transfering the Curse vs. placing it might also work, but is iffy. Still not sure I want a character to be able to do free damage with no attack roll with that little investment. At high level, a +6 rod would let them use minor+move for 12 damage guaranteed per round, on top of their std. action attack.

Waaaait. You can only place a curse once per turn (PHB pg. 131). That helps some. Offers weight to the 'transfer' argument too. No taking 3 minor actions in one turn to curse 3 enemies. (and kill 3 if you have a rod of reaving and target minions) That seems less broken now.
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Nifft said:
This works.

This does not.

You get to pop a minion when you place your curse on it, but a Rod of Corruption transfers your (already placed) curse. Different words, so no room for rules lawyering, even if it weren't broken.

Cheers, -- N

An 11th-level Doomsayer Warlock can just spend an action point to deal damage to all their cursed enemies anyways.

BBEG: You will never vanquish me and my army of warriors!
Warlock: BAMF!
Minions: POP!
BBEG: Wha!? My army! NO!!! :D
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Penguin Herder
raven_dark64 said:
An 11th-level Doomsayer Warlock can just spend an action point to deal damage to all their cursed enemies anyways. :D
Absolutely! Of course, all he needs to do that is the Rod of Corruption: Curse (minor), blast (standard) -> transfer (free), Action Point -> mass explosion, bonuses accrue -> Action Point action.

Move action remains unused.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
raven_dark64 said:
An 11th-level Doomsayer Warlock can just spend an action point to deal damage to all their cursed enemies anyways.

BBEG: You will never vanquish me and my army of warriors!
Warlock: BAMF!
Minions: POP!
BBEG: Wha!? My army! NO!!! :D
Sure, once every other encounter. That would actually be a better combo; target a minion, curse with rod of reaving, it pops, spreads curse to everyone in 5 squares; action point, do 2d6 to them all. Pops any minions, and does okay damage to any non-minions. Then, you get to actually attack!

I have fewer problems with that because (a) requires action point, a very limited resource, and (b) can't be done until paragon tier.


Alkiera said:
The ability to do damage without an attack roll shouldn't really be available before paragon tier, from looking at things like the ranger paragon paths...
You mean like Cloud of Knives?

Waaaait. You can only place a curse once per turn (PHB pg. 131). That helps some. Offers weight to the 'transfer' argument too. No taking 3 minor actions in one turn to curse 3 enemies. (and kill 3 if you have a rod of reaving and target minions) That seems less broken now.
That's significant, I think. You have to use "curse/damage multiple enemies" powers to zap a whole bunch of enemies at once, and those are kinda limited.

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