Water Problems [DM: Voda Vosa; Judge: Kalidrev!]

OOC: Sorry for the delay guys, been busy and lazy with my scarce time. Just get back from a campaign at the shore, and will be back with you soon. Think the tons of Time XP you are gathering, and hang on that happy thought! =D

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Myoko's Turn

After the ratberry induced rage, when the dust settles down, stands only Vardaal, a dead ankheg, and quite battered one. Torqua tries to fry the swarms of bugs, but the trick vermin move out of the fire’s way.
In the small cave, Frost fights off the giant vermin just in time to save his life. For now. He tumbles out, but Kavac catches him.
The ankheg that is still alive tries to catch the bugbear with its jaws; the towering vermin raises up, and precipitates down for its prey, but the nimble Vardaal avoids its deadly mandibles in the last second (Damn! Misses for 1!)
Myoko tightens his grasp around the spear she holds…

[sblock=Initiatives and Status]
Init.   Name       (Damage and conditions)
-19  Torqua                                 (17/27, weakened, save ends)
-18  Frost                                   (6/34)
-18  Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 2 (Dead)
-15  Desert Ankheg 3                    (26/65)
-12  Desert Ankheg 2                    (Dead)
+10  Myoko                                  (26/26)
-9   Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 3  (Dead)
-9   Desert Ankheg 1                     (35/65)
-8   Kavac                                   (-20)
-8   Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 1 (10/44)
-7   Vardaal                                 (+7, -4 AC)
+Next in initiative order
-Already acted or waiting turn.

[sblock=Unlocked Monster's Info]
Desert Ankheg larvae swarm:
Centipede Swarm Level 2 Brute
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1; darkvision
Swarm Attack aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the
aura takes 3 damage plus 2 extra damage per centipede swarm
adjacent to the enemy.
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15. Will 10
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10
against close and area attacks
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
i ) Swarm of Mandibles (standard; at-will) • Poison
+4 vs. Reflex; 1d6 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save
ends); a creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also
weakened (save ends). The centipede swarm's attack deals 1
extra damage for each centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Survival Instinct (immediate reaction, when hit by an area or
close attack; at-will)
The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.

Desert Ankheg Level 4 Lurker
Vermin large XP: 175
Initiative +2 Senses: passive Perception +16
HP 65; Bloodied 33
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 14
Speed (land) 6
Speed (tunnel) 4
Low-Light vision
Resist 5 Fire and 5 acid
Bite (melee basic) (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d4 acid damage.
Acid spit (Ranged) (standard; encounter)
+7 vs. Relfex; 3d8 acid damage. Hit: target weakened (save ends)
One such attack depletes the ankheg’s acid supply for the rest of the
encounter. Once used, the ankheg can’t deal additional acid damage. An
ankheg does not use this ability unless it is desperate or frustrated.
It most often spits acid when bloodied or worse
Capture (melee basic) (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 damage. Hit: Target is grappled.
If the ankheg is damaged after grabbing its prey, it retreats backward
down its tunnel at its land speed (not its burrow speed), dragging the
victim with it. An ankheg’s burrow is completely dark, and the
character won’t be able to stand from prone due to the tunnel’s
dimensions. The ankheg will try to kill it’s prey biting it
repeatedly, which will cause an ongoing 5 dmgs while the prey is in
the burrow. It takes three successful athletics rolls (dc:20) to scape
from an ankheg burrow.
Alignment Neutral
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
[sblock=Actions, Map and Rolls]

AH2: Use Capture vs Vardaal, but misses Roll Lookup

Myoko’s Turn

Map remade! You can edit it with your positions in case I made mistakes.[/sblock]

Myoko surveyed the scene through her shadow-haunted eyes for only a moment- perhaps at another time she might have attempted to make some sense of the situation. Now her mind boiled with anger, and she acted on pure instinct, throwing herself forward heedless of the remaining foes. She stomped through one mass of egg-goop, and gave a deep bellow that seemed to reverberate deep within each listener (especially Frost, who felt his faltering vigor restored). Then Myoko lashed out with her spear at the remaining big bug, driving the creature backwards...

>Move: to F5
>Minor: Inspiring Word on Frost, now that there is a line of effect (I don't think Kavac blocks LoE); Frost can spend a Healing Surge, and gets back +1d6 HP
>Standard: Attack Ankheg 3 with Opening Shove (1d20+6, vs. REF= 24, hit); roll Roll Lookup ; push Ankheg back 1 square to F3, and allow Frost to shift 2 squares (he should be able to move past Kavac, as an ally-occupied square to C5)

Vardaal Torqua and Frost are next

Myoko pushes Frost through with her mere presence, and sends the Ankheg backwards. However her reckless move renders her vulnerable to the maggot's jaws.
The Ankheg of the tunnel darts forward, but Frost is now out of reach. Angry, the vermin tries to grasp Kavac, but the Goliath let lose; although the bite was quite deep. Kavac tries to hit the vermin, but hi jerks his weapon ineffectively inside the tunnel.
The swarm finds a new target in the jadite, and the maggots begin to climb her well defined legs, finding holes in her protective armor.

[sblock=Initiatives and Status]
Init.   Name       (Damage and conditions)
+19  Torqua                                 (17/27, weakened, save ends)
+18  Frost                                   (6/34)
-18  Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 2 (Dead)
-15  Desert Ankheg 3                    (26/65)
-12  Desert Ankheg 2                    (Dead)
-10  Myoko                                  (20/26, 5 ongoing damage, weakened)
-9   Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 3  (Dead)
-9   Desert Ankheg 1                     (35/65)
-8   Kavac                                   (-28)
-8   Desert Ankheg larvae swarm 1 (10/44)
+7   Vardaal                                 (+7, -4 AC)
+Next in initiative order
-Already acted or waiting turn.

[sblock=Unlocked Monster's Info]
Desert Ankheg larvae swarm:
Centipede Swarm Level 2 Brute
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 125
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +1; darkvision
Swarm Attack aura 1; each enemy that starts its turn within the
aura takes 3 damage plus 2 extra damage per centipede swarm
adjacent to the enemy.
HP 44; Bloodied 22
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 15. Will 10
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10
against close and area attacks
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb)
i ) Swarm of Mandibles (standard; at-will) • Poison
+4 vs. Reflex; 1d6 damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save
ends); a creature already taking ongoing poison damage is also
weakened (save ends). The centipede swarm's attack deals 1
extra damage for each centipede swarm adjacent to it.
Survival Instinct (immediate reaction, when hit by an area or
close attack; at-will)
The centipede swarm shifts 3 squares.

Desert Ankheg Level 4 Lurker
Vermin large XP: 175
Initiative +2 Senses: passive Perception +16
HP 65; Bloodied 33
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 17, Will 14
Speed (land) 6
Speed (tunnel) 4
Low-Light vision
Resist 5 Fire and 5 acid
Bite (melee basic) (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage plus 1d4 acid damage.
Acid spit (Ranged) (standard; encounter)
+7 vs. Relfex; 3d8 acid damage. Hit: target weakened (save ends)
One such attack depletes the ankheg’s acid supply for the rest of the
encounter. Once used, the ankheg can’t deal additional acid damage. An
ankheg does not use this ability unless it is desperate or frustrated.
It most often spits acid when bloodied or worse
Capture (melee basic) (standard; at-will)
+9 vs. AC; 1d6 damage. Hit: Target is grappled.
If the ankheg is damaged after grabbing its prey, it retreats backward
down its tunnel at its land speed (not its burrow speed), dragging the
victim with it. An ankheg’s burrow is completely dark, and the
character won’t be able to stand from prone due to the tunnel’s
dimensions. The ankheg will try to kill it’s prey biting it
repeatedly, which will cause an ongoing 5 dmgs while the prey is in
the burrow. It takes three successful athletics rolls (dc:20) to scape
from an ankheg burrow.
Alignment Neutral
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 1, Wis 13, Cha 6
[sblock=Actions, Map and Rolls]

AH1 attacks Kavac: HitRoll Lookup
Larva swarm gets AoO vs Myoko: Hit fo 2 and poisons Myoko.
Larva swarm attacks Myoko: Hits for 4, weakened.
Kavac misses AH1 with Avalanche attack.

Map remade! You can edit it with your positions in case I made mistakes.[/sblock]

Vardaal, wait for me, I'll be right there" Frost calls out as he leaves Kavac to his fate. The shifter moves across the battlefield and stabs the Ankheg, then steps back and draws the creature towards him.

*Vardaal - please delay after me, I'll try and set up a flank.
*regen 2
*extra healing from Myoko - healing (1d6=2)
Move: to E4 (D4 - E4)
Standard: Footwork Lure on A3 - vs ac; dmg (1d20 8=27, 1d6 6=7) hits for 7. shift back to D4, pull A3 to E4, mark enemy
Minor: n/a

[sblock=Frost's Stats]
L4W:PC:Frost(RickRoll - ENWiki) - Shifter Fighter 1
Passive Perception 18, Passive Insight 13
AC 17, Fort 16, Reflex 13, Will 13
HP 18/34, Bloodied 17, Surge Value 8, Surges 3/11
Speed 5, Initiative +3
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Footwork Lure, Dual Strike
Encounter Powers: Funneling Fury , Longtooth Shifting
Daily Powers: Villian's Menace
Last edited:

OOC: Frost- don't forget to tally the healing from healing surge +1d6 HP; it wasn't included in the latest status update, and we can't afford to miss it; I think we are OUT of healing right now (Torqua used her daily, and Myoko has used both her Inspiring Words).

With the enemy in a vulnerable position thanks to Frost, Vardaal slashes at it with his enchanted blade. The wound gets through its tough carapace and the bugbear howls with delight.

*Delay until after Frost
Standard: Howling Strike on A3 - vs ac; dmg (1d20+10=19, 2d4+5+1d6=14)
Move: Shift to F3 if not DT, if it is, shift to G3

*5 hp left so close

[sblock=ministats]Vardaal Male Bugbear Barbarian 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16, Senses: Low-light
AC:18, Fort:17, Reflex:15, Will:12
HP:31/31+7thp, Bloodied:15, Surge Value:7, Surges left:4/11
Action Points: 0
Howling Strike
Pressing Strike
Predatory Eye
Swift Charge

Avalanche Strike
Swift Panther Rage

Important Stuff:
Feral Might: When Vardaal drops an enemy he gains 3 THP and can use Swift Charge power (1/encounter)


Full sheet: http://www.enworld.org/wiki/index.php/L4W:PC:Vardaal(Farce) [/sblock]

Torqua clenched her stomach in pain, the vemon still in her veins. She watched as the others humbled the monsters with just a few mighty blows. The fat sorceress chucked to herself. She couldn't just stand by, feeling sorry for herself, while everyone else got the glory.

Trying to summon her magic once more, Torqua lets out a few hacking coughs and then breathe out a firestorm at the maggots, turning them to ash.

The Sorceress wiped her mouth in grim glee. "Just what I needed." She mutters to herself.

OOC: Shifting one space down and using Burning Spray against the last swarm. Hits


Damage is 15 + 10 being my it's an area attack vs a swarm, halved because of weaken, equals 12 damage, killing it. Speaking a minor action to SustainThe effect of Lighting Breath.


And I'm no longer weaken

It seems listening to Captain Falcon's theme when rollling dice gives you results.

The ankheg shrieks as the warriors cut its flesh, and so shirek the maggots as Torqua unleashes hell over them.
The adult vermin tries to snap at Frost, getting to his flesh. The shifter is now used to the pain and doesn't even grunt.

Ah3 hits frost for 9. It's Myoko's turn.

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