Water Problems [DM: Voda Vosa; Judge: Kalidrev!]

Frost will accept the gift graciously, bowing to Losadar. "I am just glad to have been able to help." the shifter says.

Ok so there's 3 magic weapons. How would you like to split it up? I'd rather us keep them as for only 25gp you can get them switched to another weapon (sorry Torqua must be a weapon) so my thoughts were give the 3 weapon users 1 each and then each of us give Torqua 25 gp so she gets a little bit of something to balance it out (and can then afford her own +1 implement.

Great job everyone. Thanks DM! So...we just go back to the tavern now?

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Myoko also bowed to their employer, and gave him a formal salute. "It was an honor to be of service, to such a wise ruler and such a fine city. We were glad to be of assistance- trials like this help to hold back the shadows of chaos, which seek to influence every land." She paused, as if thinking of something, then shook her head briefly. "I also thank you for your gift, and I shall remember this place when I wear this armor."

OOC: And thanks to the GM for running a great game! Had a great time squishing nasty bugs...

"Ahhh, dis is good, wish Vardaal would think to brought some bugs with me. They taste good I think, all hard on outside soft on inside. Melt in mouth not in hand! Mmmmm. " Vardaal excaims.

The bugbear spent the rest of his days eating ratberry pie and reliving the tale of how he and a few others saved a whole kingdom. People always wondered who Mr. Fanciest Hat was, but the story was entertaining nonetheless.

I'm going to retire Vardaal and make a leader. Maybe an Ardent.

Good Game everyone. [/sblock]

After what could of been the greatest night of her life, an evening of gluttony and feasting, eating things she never knew existed until now, Torqua find that her robes didn't quite fit as well as she remembered, which wasn't very well to begin with. So when the Losadar offered her a robe that actually fitted, the ever-growing mage was more than happy to accept.

"Once again, I must thank you for you hospitality, Lord Losadar, and it was a delight to help save your water supply." Torqua said cheerfully, showing off her new robes, it shimming like stars. It seems that the Burning Sands were home to a few large sorceress in the past, something she might want to look up. "And if you are in ever need of help, just give me a yell, and I see to it your problems are solved."

OOC: Thanks to
Voda Vosa for running the game, but the world shall be worse off without Vardaal.

However I am all for the 'give money to Torqua' plan.


Thanks Goldhammer. I was digging Vardaal, but had an itch to try something else. I'm going to make him a public NPC though and maybe will try to run an adventure once I get a bit more free time. Eventually he'll run out of ratberry pies (or bored of them) and want something new. It would likely be a less serious adventure, but maybe after your next adventure I can put it together and whatever remnants of this group are around can help their old mate. Vardaal's good with giving the gold to Torqua as well.[/sblock]

OOC: Glad you liked it gang, sorry for the constant delays, and Goldhammer is right to point out that the world will be grim without Vardaal. As for the items, I assigned a level 3 item to the ones that got the magical weapons, and level 4 to the ones that didn't. I'll send the judge a mesege...

Voda Vosa said:
[sblock=XP!!! And treasure. Need Judge approval]
First skill challenge:
Level 2, Complexity 3, that's 375x2=750
Thats 150 xp for each
First combat Challenge:
2 Ankheg adults: 175 each: 350x2: 700
That’s 140 each
4 Ankheg larvae: 31 each: 124x2: 248
That’s 49,6 each

Second skill challenge:
Level 2, Complexity 2, that's 250x2=500
That’s 100 each.
Separate Cave battles:
1 Ah: 175x2: 350
5 Ah larva: 31 each: 155 x2: 310
Swarm: 125 x2: 250
Total 910, that’s 182 each
Final battle:
3 Ah 175x3x2 + 3 swarms 125x3x2: 1800
That’s 360 each
Time XP:
Each has 415
Each has 1397
If Kavac was no in the group, each would gain additional 196 xp which I presume would be in order since the player disappeared without warning.
That would rise each to 1593 xp

Time: 315gp each

Treasure ---------------
Magical Spear +1
Magical scimitar +1
Magical Falichon +1
Treasure given by Losadar:
Whiteflame armor place +1: Level 3 armor
Mithral armor +1: level 4 chain armor
Shimmering armor +1: Level 4 robe
Bestial hide armor: Level 3 hide armor.[/sblock]

[sblock=Approval]With Kavac disappearing and having not been heard from elsewhere, I approve of giving each remaining player 1593 XP. With that caveat, I APPROVE these rewards! [/sblock]

[sblock=Judge]Great, thanks Kalidrev, you're a flash! I didn't even got the chance to email you =P
So in other matters, I'm entitled for DM credits I believe?[/sblock]

[sblock=DM Points] You sure are! The adventure ran from the 2nd of November 2009 to the 30th of Mar of 2010... normally months are not extended for XP/DM Points, however, I've already consulted the other judges and we've agreed to give you the extra 2 dm points (essentially extending the adventure to 2 April 2010).

Because of this, I am happy to award you with a total of 10 DM points! Happy gaming and thanks for your contribution to L4W! [/sblock]

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