Waterdeep Weather ((OOC setting info))


Chaotic Lawkeeper
((Listed below is the weather for the rest of the year, starting with today's date. tempuratures are in Fahrenheit, holidays will be added in shortly))
Uktar (the Rotting)
13th moderate snow, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -35, Snowfall approx 4 inches/hour. Winds 35mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter,

14th moderate snow, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -30, Snowfall approx 4 inches/hour. Winds 25mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

15th no precipitation, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -10. Winds 10mph. Phase of Selune: New Moon.

16th No precipitation, High 35, Low 15. No windchill, winds calm 0 mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

17th no precipitation High 30, Low 10. No windchill, winds calm 0 mph. Phase of Selune, 1st quarter.

18th no precipitation High 35, Low 15. No windchill, winds calm 0 mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

19th no precipitation High 40, Low 15. No windchill, winds calm at 0 mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

20th no precipitation High 50, Low 20. No windchill, winds calm at 0 mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

21st no precipitation High 35, Low 15. Windchill -10, winds at 15mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

22nd Heavy snow High 30, Low 15. Windchill 10. WInds at 5 mph. Snowfall approx 6 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

23rd Light snow, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -25, Winds at 20 mph. Snowfall approx 1 inch/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

24th Heavy snow, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -10, winds at 10 mph. Snowfall approx 5 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

25th no precipitation, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -30, winds at 25 mph. Phase of Selune 2nd quarter.

26th no precipitation, High 30, Low 10, Windchill -30, winds at 25 mph. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

27th no precipitation, High 35, Low 15. WIndchill -5, winds at 10 mph, Phase of Selune: 2nd Quarter.

28th Light snow, high 30, Low 10. Windchill -30, winds at 25 mph. Snowfall approx 1 inch/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

29th moderate snow, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -35, winds at 35 mph. Snowfall approx 4 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

30th heavy snow, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -35, winds at 35 mph. Snowfall approx 7 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: Full.

HOLIDAY: Feast of the Moon, AKA Moonfest Throughout the city today in taverns, festhalls, and private houses alike, the dead are remembered and tales are told of great heroes and valiant deeds far into the night. Also most holy day of Kelemvor, the priests of the Lord of the Dead today gathered in the City of the Dead, to commune with their god and with the spirits of the deceased until the stroke of twelve bells that night.

Nightall (the Drawing Down)

1st Heavy snow, High 30, Low 10. Windchill -30, winds at 25 mph. Snowfall approx 6 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

2nd No precipitation, High 18, Low 0. WIndchill -55, winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

3rd no precipitation, High 20, Low 5. Windchill -35, winds at 25 mph. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

4th No precipitation, High 18, Low 0. WIndchill -55, winds at 40mph. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

5th No precipitation, High 20, Low 0. WIndchill -50, winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

6th No precipitation, High 18, Low 0. WIndchill -60, winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 3rd quarter.

7th heavy snow, High 25, Low 10. WIndchill -50, winds at 35mph. Snowfall approx 6 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

8th No precipitation, High 20, Low 0. WIndchill -60, winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

9th No precipitation, High 20, Low 0. WIndchill -60, winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

10th heavy snow, High 22, Low 10. WIndchill -40, winds at 25mph. Snowfall approx 6 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

11th no precipitation, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -35, winds at 30 mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

12th no precipitation, High 30, Low 10 WIndchill -20, winds at 15 mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

13th no precipitation, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -20, winds at 15 mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

14th No precipitation, High 20, Low 0. WIndchill -15, winds at 5mph. Phase of Selune: 4th quarter.

15th moderate snow, high 20, low 0, windchill -55, winds at 40mph. Snowfall at 4 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: New moon.

16th moderate snow, high 20, low 0, windchill -40, winds at 25mph. Snowfall at 3 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

17th no precipitation, High 18, low 0. windchill -50, Winds at 30mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

18th no precipitation, High 20, Low 0. Windchill -55, Winds at 40mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

19th no precipitation, High 15, Low 0. Windchill -60, Winds at 45mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

20th heavy snow, High 25, Low 15. Windchill -25, winds at 15 mph. Snowfall approx 6 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 1st.

21st light snow, High 25, Low 15. WIndchill -20, winds at 10 mph. Snowfall approx 1 inch/hour. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

22nd no precipitation, High 20, Low 5. Windchill -35, winds at 20 mph. Phase of Selune: 1st quarter.

23rd no precipitation, High 18, Low 2. Windchill -55, winds at 40 mph. Phase of SElune: 2nd quarter.

24th moderate snow, High 25, Low 10. Windchill -35, winds at 20 mph. Snowfall approx 4 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

25th heavy snow, High 25, Low 15. Windchill -10, winds at 15 mph. Snowfall approx 7 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

26th light snow, High 25, Low 10. Windchill 0, winds at 5mph. Snowfall approx 2 inches/hour. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

27th no precipitation, High 30, Low 15. WIndchill -10, winds at 10 mph. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

28th no precipitation, High 35, Low 15. No windchill, winds at 0 mph. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

29th no precipitation, High 30, Low 10. Windchill 0, winds at 10 mph. Phase of Selune: 2nd quarter.

30th heavy snow, High 30, low 18, windchill 5, winds at 7mph. Phase of Selune: Full Moon.
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First Post
Kythorn (The Time of Flowers) (June)

The first number is the sequential day in Forgotten Realms tenday (the Forgotten Realms week, which is ten day's ... thus tenday)
The second number in parentheses (xx) is the day's number as it would appear on a normal calendar
The first entry is the high temperature, in Farenheit
The second entry is precipitation
The third entry is wind and wind direction
The fourth entry is the phase of Selune (or the moon)
The fifth entry, where it is applicable, is the lunar holiday in place
For a list of religious holidays, go to http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/holydays2.htm

1st tenday
1 (1) 84 degrees for high; sparse showers; strong Southwest winds; New moon
2 (2) 81 degrees for high; sparse showers throughout the day; strong Southwest winds; waxing new moon
3 (3) 86 degrees for high; sparse showers throughout the day, decreasing at night; strong Southwest winds; waxing new moon
4 (4) 82 degrees for high; sparse showers beginning in morning, lasting throughout the day, and tapering off at dusk; strong Northeast winds; Selune at ¼ phase
5 (5) 82 degrees for high; mostly cloudly throughout the day; Strong winds at Northeast, and fog forming at night; Selune waxing at ¼
6 (6) 88 degrees for high; mostly cloudy; light fog; strong winds Northeast; Selune nearly at ½
7 (7) 86 degrees for high; mostly cloudy; light fog in morning and night; no wind; Selune nearly at ½
8 (8) 86 degrees for high; semicloudy; no winds; Selune at ½
9 (9) 86 degrees for high; semicloudy; no winds; Selune waxing at ½
10 (10) 82 degrees for high; semicloudy; light winds to the East; Selune waxing at ½

2nd tenday
1 (11) 82 degrees for high; semicloudy; light winds to the east; Selune at ¾
2 (12) 79 degrees for high; semicloudy; no wind; Selune waxing at ¾
3 (13) 77 degrees for high; heavy rain throughout the day; no wind; Selune waxing at ¾
4 (14) 79 degrees for high; heavy rain lasting from morning to the afternoon; no wind; Selune nearly full
5 (15) 88 degrees for high; heavy rain in the morning; Strong winds Southeast; Selune full
The Maiming (Tyr):
6 (16) 95 degrees for high; semicloudy; Strong winds Southeast; Selune waning
7 (17) 77 degrees for high; semicloudy; Strong winds Southeast; Selune waning
8 (18) 82 degrees for high; semicloudy; Strong winds Southeast; Selune waning ¾
9 (19) 79 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds to the East; Selune waning ¾
10 (20) 77 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds to the East; Selune waning ¾
Summer Solstice

3rd tenday
1 (21) 81 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds to the East; Selune waning
2 (22) 84 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds to the East; Selune waning
3 (23) 84 degrees for high; cloudy; light winds to the West; Selune waning at ½
4 (24) 77 degrees for high; cloudy; light winds to the West; Selune waning
5 (25) 91 degrees for high; cloudy; light winds to the West; Selune waning
6 (26) 90 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds Northeast; Selune waning at ¼
7 (27) 91 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds Northeast; Selune waning at ¼
8 (28) 88 degrees for high; cloudy; moderate winds Northeast; Selune waning at 1/4
9 (29) 79 degrees for high; semicloudy with heavy thunder; heavy winds Northeast; Selune waning
10 (30) 79 degrees for high; semicloudy with heavy thunder; heavy winds Northeast; Selune in new phase


First Post
Eleint, Marpenoth, Uktar, and Nightal to be posted in the next couple of days.

Waterdeep’s Climate
Waterdeep lies slightly above the 45 degree north latitude line on Toril. The oceans proximity moderates the more severe aspects of the northern climate, so rain falls as commonly as snow in fall and spring, changing roads to rivers of mud. Prevailing winds blow from the west to the east.
A vast southward-moving current usually called the Southern Drift by sailors lies immediately offshore from Waterdeep. This current is the tail end of a gigantic clockwise rotating current in the northern Trackless Sea between Maztica and Faerun, encircling the Moonshaes and Evermeet. Interesting debris from the sea sometimes floats past Waterdeep on the current.
Arctic winds often sweep down over Waterdeep in late fall and winter, moving from the northwest to the southeast, carrying ferocious storms, snow, hail, and freezing rain. Icebergs are rarely seen here because of the warm offshore current, but ice often forms along the shore in winter and may clog Waterdeep’s harbor.
Icy roads are easier to travel over than muddy ones, which is why the spring thaw is regarded with glum favor by travelers, merchants, and soldiers

The first number is the sequential day in Forgotten Realms tenday (the Forgotten Realms week, which is ten day's ... thus tenday)
The second number in parentheses (xx) is the day's number as it would appear on a Gregorian calendar
Everything else speaks for itself

For a list of religious holidays, go to http://www.candlekeep.com/library/a...s/holydays2.htm

Eleasis (August); Highsun

1st tenday
1 (1) 90 degree high, 70 low (feels like 75); no humidity and night time fog; Light Wind from Arctic at 15 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
2 (2) 75 degree high, 70 degree lows (feels like 73); moderate humidity, light rain throughout the day; Moderate Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
3 (3) 79 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 70); low humidity, light rain throughout the afternoon and evening; Strong Arctic wind at 45 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
4 (4) 84 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 75); Low humidity, morning fog; Light Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
5 (5) 86 degree high, 77 degree low (feels like 79); Low humidity, no precipitation; Light Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
6 (6) 88 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 74); Moderate humidity, heavy rain; Moderate Wind from tropics at 35 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
7 (7) 77 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 60); Low-Moderate Humidity, overcast skies; Light Wind from tropics at 25 mph; Selune at 3rd quarter
8 (8) 77 degree high, 70 degree low (feels like 70); Low Humidity, overcast skies; Moderate Wind from tropics at 35 mph; Selune at 4th quarter
9 (9) 72 degree high, 57 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, overcast skies; Moderate wind from tropics; Selune at 4th quarter
10 (10) 72 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 70); Moderate humidity, overcast skies; Strong winds from tropics at 45 mph; Selune at 4th quarter

2nd Tenday

1 (11) 73 degree high, 68 degree low (feels like 85); High humidity, heavy fog at night; No winds; Selune at 4th quarter
2 (12) 70 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 95); High humidity, late morning fog; Light wind from tropics at 10 mph; Selune at 4th quarter
3 (13) 68 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 68); No humidity, light rain; Light Wind from tropics at 10 mph; Selune at 4th quarter
4 (14) 82 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 90); High humidity, light rain throughout the day; no winds; Selune at 4th quarter
5 (15) 90 degree high, 75 degree low (feels like 85); Moderate humidity, light rain thoughout day; Calm winds; Selune in New Moon phase
6 (16) 88 degree high, 69 degree low (feels like 79); Low-Moderate humidity, light rain; Strong Arctic winds at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
7 (17) 70 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 70); Low-Moderate humidity, overcast skies; Moderate Arctic winds at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
8 (18) 68 degree high, 59 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, overcast skies; Moderate Tropic winds at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
9 (19) 72 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 75); Mid-Moderate Humidity, light rain; Light Tropic winds at 15 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
10 (20) 88 degree high, 68 degree low (feels like 85); Low-Moderate Humidity, overcast skies; Minimal Tropic winds at 5 mph; Selune in 1st quarter

3rd Tenday

1 (21) 90 degree high, 70 degree low (feels like 85); Low humidity, slight trace of rain; Calm winds; Selune in 1st quarter
2 (22) 90 degree high, 75 degree low (feels like 80); Low humidity, moderate rain, morning fog; Light tropic winds at 15 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
3 (23) 82 degree high, 75 degree low (feels like 79); Low Humidity, no precipitation; Minimal Tropic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
4 (24) 81 degree high, 60 degree low (feels like 65); Moderate humidity, no precipitaton; Light Arctic winds at 15 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
5 (25)79 degree high, 60 degree low (feels like 68); Low Humidity, no precipitation; Minimal Arctic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
6 (26) 79 degree high, 64 degree low; Low Humidity, trace of rain; no winds; Selune in 2nd quarter
7 (27) 77 degree high, 67 degree low (feels like 73); Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; Selune in 2nd quarter
8 (28) 72 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 67); Low Humidity, no precipitation, overcast; Minimal Tropic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
9 (29) 88 degree high, 70 degree low (feels like 75); Moderate Humidity, Heavy Rain most of the day; no winds; Selune in 2nd quarter
10 (30) 82 degree high, 66 degree low (feels like 70); Low humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; Moderate Arctic wind at 25 mph; Selune in Full Moon phase
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First Post
Waterdeep’s Climate
Waterdeep lies slightly above the 45 degree north latitude line on Toril. The oceans proximity moderates the more severe aspects of the northern climate, so rain falls as commonly as snow in fall and spring, changing roads to rivers of mud. Prevailing winds blow from the west to the east.
A vast southward-moving current usually called the Southern Drift by sailors lies immediately offshore from Waterdeep. This current is the tail end of a gigantic clockwise rotating current in the northern Trackless Sea between Maztica and Faerun, encircling the Moonshaes and Evermeet. Interesting debris from the sea sometimes floats past Waterdeep on the current.
Arctic winds often sweep down over Waterdeep in late fall and winter, moving from the northwest to the southeast, carrying ferocious storms, snow, hail, and freezing rain. Icebergs are rarely seen here because of the warm offshore current, but ice often forms along the shore in winter and may clog Waterdeep’s harbor.
Icy roads are easier to travel over than muddy ones, which is why the spring thaw is regarded with glum favor by travelers, merchants, and soldiers

Eleint (September), The Fading

1st tenday

1 (1) 90 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 70); Moderate humidity, partly cloudy, light fog at night; Moderate Tropic wind at 20 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
2 (2) 75 degree high, 60 degree low (feels like 67); Low-Moderate Humidity, light rain most of the day; Minimal Tropic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
3 (3) 79 degree high, 65 (feels like 65); Low Humidity, light rain most of the day; Light Arctic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
4 (4) 84 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 75); High-Moderate Humidity, Heavy Rain; Strong Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
5 (5) 86 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 70); Minimal Humidity, Heavy Rain during morning and early afternoon, light fog in the evening; Strong Arctic wind at 40 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
6 (6) 88 degree high, 73 degree low (feels like 77); Low Humidity, heavy rain in morning, partly sunny mid-afternoon, light fog at night; Minimal Arctic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
7 (7) 77 degree high, 66 degree low (feels like 70); Low Humidity, mostly cloudy; Strong Arctic wind at 45 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
8 (8) 77 degree high, 67 degree high (feels like 70); Low Humidity, partly cloudy; Strong Arctic wind at 45 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
9 (9) 77 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 69); Low Humidity, partly cloudy; Mild Arctic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
10 (10) 72 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 70); Low-Moderate Humidity, mostly cloudy; Very slight Eastern wind at <5 mph; Selune in 4th quarter

2nd Tenday

1 (11) 73 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 71); Moderate Humidity, mostly cloudy, moderate night-time fog; Very Slight Arctic wind at <5 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
2 (12) 70 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 70); Minimal Humidity, slighty overcast, faint trace of rain; Strong winds from Arctic at 40 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
3 (13) 68 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, no precipitation, partly cloudy; Moderate Tropic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
4 (14) 84 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 68); Low-Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; Moderate Arctic wind at 45 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
5 (15) 90 degree high, 80 degree low (feels like 80); Light Humidity, light rain; Light Arctic wind at 20 mph; Selune in New Moon phase
6 (16) 88 degree high, 75 degree low (feels like 70); No Humidity, no precipitation; Minimal Arctic wind <5 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
7 (17) 70 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 60); Light Humidity, overcast skies; Moderate Arctic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
8 (18) 68 degree high, 47 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, overcast skies; Moderate Arctic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
9 (19) 72 degree high, 52 degree low (feels like 68); Low-Moderate Humidity, light drizzle; Light Arctic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
10 (20) 88 degree high, 68 degree low (feels like 75); Moderate Humidity, light rain; Moderate Tropic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 1st quarter

3rd Tenday

1 (21) 90 degree high, 75 degree low (feels like 80); Low Humidity, light drizzle; Light Tropic wind at 25 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
2 (22) 90 degree high, 79 degree low (feels like 82); Low-Moderate Humidity, light rain; Moderate Tropic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
3 (23) 82 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, light rain; Light Arctic wind at 20 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
4 (24) 81 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 70); Low humidity, trace of rain in the morning, partly sunny in afternoon; Minimal Arctic wind <5 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
5 (25) 79 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 68); Low humidity, partly sunny in morning, slight trace of rain and overcast skies in afternoon and evening; Moderate Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
6 (26) 79 degree high, 60 degree low (feels like 65); Low Humidity, mostly sunny all day, no precipitation; Light Tropic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
7 (27) 77 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 60); Low Humidity, mostly sunny, no precipitation; Strong Arctic wind at 50 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
8 (28) 73 degree high, 65 degree low (feels like 70); Low precipitation, partly sunny, trace of rain in morning; Moderate Tropic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
9 (29) 73 degree high, 70 degree low (feels like 70); Low-Moderate Humidity, mostly sunny, no precipitation; Moderate Tropic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
10 (30) 70 degree high, 55 degree low (feels like 65); Low-Moderate Humidity, mostly sunny, no precipitation; Moderate Tropic wind at 35 mph; Selune is Full Moon

High Harvestide
(After 3oth of Eleint, before 1st of Marpenoth)
66 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 65); Moderate-High Humidity, mostly sunny morning and early afternoon, overcast with trace of rain in mid-afternoon; Moderate Arctic wind at 30 mph; Selune is Full Moon

High Harvestide
This holiday is the holiday of feasting to commemorate the autumn harvest as well as marking a time of journeys. Emissaries, pilgrims, adventurers, and everyone else eager to get a head start leave on their journeys the following day – before the worst of the mud clogs the tracks and the rain freezes into snow.
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First Post
Waterdeep’s Climate
Waterdeep lies slightly above the 45 degree north latitude line on Toril. The oceans proximity moderates the more severe aspects of the northern climate, so rain falls as commonly as snow in fall and spring, changing roads to rivers of mud. Prevailing winds blow from the west to the east.
A vast southward-moving current usually called the Southern Drift by sailors lies immediately offshore from Waterdeep. This current is the tail end of a gigantic clockwise rotating current in the northern Trackless Sea between Maztica and Faerun, encircling the Moonshaes and Evermeet. Interesting debris from the sea sometimes floats past Waterdeep on the current.
Arctic winds often sweep down over Waterdeep in late fall and winter, moving from the northwest to the southeast, carrying ferocious storms, snow, hail, and freezing rain. Icebergs are rarely seen here because of the warm offshore current, but ice often forms along the shore in winter and may clog Waterdeep’s harbor.
Icy roads are easier to travel over than muddy ones, which is why the spring thaw is regarded with glum favor by travelers, merchants, and soldiers

Marpenoth (October), Leaffall

1st tenday

1 (1) 61 degree high, 45 degree low (feels like 60); Low humidity, no precipitation, overcast; Minimal Tropic winds <5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
2 (2) 64 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 60); Low-Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, overcast skies; Tropic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
3 (3) 63 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 60); Low-Moderate Humidity, light rain most of day; Light Tropic winds at 15 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
4 (4) 42 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 45); Moderate Humidity, semicloudy in morning, turning to thundershowers by afternoon; Strong Tropic winds at 40 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
5 (5) 68 degree high, 50 degree low (feels like 59); Strong-Moderate Humidity, overcast in morning, turning to strong thundershowers, fog in evening; no wind; Selune in 3rd quarter
6 (6) 66 degree high, 43 degree low (feels like 50); Low-Moderate Humidity, scattered thunderstorms lasting all day; no winds; Selune in 3rd quarter
7 (7) 56 degree high, 40 degree (feels like 56); Moderate Humidity, overcast, no precipitation; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
8 (8) 58 degree high, 32 degree low (feels like 60); Low-Moderate humidity, no precipitation, morning fog, partly cloudy skies; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in New Moon phase
9 (9) 62 degree high, 32 degree low (feels like 40); Low Humidity, heavy snow becoming rain or sleet towards mid afternoon; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
10 (10) 58 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 55); Moderate Humidity, light drizzle; Minimal Arctic wind <5 mph; Selune in 4th quarter

2nd Tenday

1 (11) 62 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 60); Low Humidity, no precipitation, mostly cloudly; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
2 (12) 55 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 48); Low Humidity, light drizzle in morning, partly sunny afternoon; Minimal Tropic wind <5 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
3 (13) 55 degree high, 31 degree low (feels like 41); High-Moderate Humidity, heavy rain in early morning, becoming snow or sleet in later morning, mostly cloudy in afternoon; Moderate Arctic wind at 35 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
4 (14) 65 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 53); Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; no wind; Selune in 4th quarter
5 (15) 55 degree high, 35 degree low (feels like 50); Low Humidity, light rain in morning, partly cloudy; no winds; Selune in New Moon phase
6 (16) 62 degree high, 52 degree low (feels like 60); Low-moderate humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; no wind; Selune in 1st quarter
7 (17) 60 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 50); Low-Moderate Humidity, moderate rain turning to snow; Moderate Arctic wind at 20 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
8 (18) 60 degree high, 34 degree low (feels like 43); Low-Moderate Humidity, light snow in the morning, partly cloudy in afternoon; Light Arctic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
9 (19) 58 degree high, 35 degree low (feels like 55); Moderate humidity, moderate snowfall; Moderate Arctic wind at 25 mph; Selune in 1st quarters
10 (20) 61 degree high, 33 degree low (feels like 50); Minimal humidity, no precipitation; Light Arctic wind at 5 mph; Selune in 1st quarter

3rd Tenday

1 (21) 65 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 60); Low-Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; Light Tropic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
2 (22) 49 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 45); Low Humidity, mostly sunny, no precipitation; Minimal Arctic wind <3 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
3 (23) 46 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 45); Low Humidity, overcast skies, no precipitation; no winds; Selune in 2nd quarter
4 (24) 48 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 40); Low-Moderate Humidity, partly sunny, no precipitation; Moderate Arctic wind at 25 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
5 (25) 54 degree high, 31 degree low (feels like 42); Moderate humidity, light rain turning to sleet in afternoon; Strong Arctic wind at 45 mph; Selune in 2nd quarters
6 (26) 65 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 65); Moderate humidity, overcast, heavy rain in afternoon; Moderate Tropic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
7 (27) 49 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 42); Low-Moderate Humidity, heavy snow in morning becoming rain or sleet in afternoon; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
8 (28) 44 degree high, 31 degree low (feels like 50); Heavy Humidity, drizzling rain most of day, overcast skies; Moderate Tropic wind at 25 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
9 (29) 42 degree high, 22 degree low (feels like 37); Minimal Humidity, freezing rain in morning, partly sunny in afternoon; Strong Arctic wind at 50 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
10 (30) 64 degree high, 42 degree low (feels like 57); Low Humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; Light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in Full Moon phase


First Post
Waterdeep’s Climate
Waterdeep lies slightly above the 45 degree north latitude line on Toril. The oceans proximity moderates the more severe aspects of the northern climate, so rain falls as commonly as snow in fall and spring, changing roads to rivers of mud. Prevailing winds blow from the west to the east.
A vast southward-moving current usually called the Southern Drift by sailors lies immediately offshore from Waterdeep. This current is the tail end of a gigantic clockwise rotating current in the northern Trackless Sea between Maztica and Faerun, encircling the Moonshaes and Evermeet. Interesting debris from the sea sometimes floats past Waterdeep on the current.
Arctic winds often sweep down over Waterdeep in late fall and winter, moving from the northwest to the southeast, carrying ferocious storms, snow, hail, and freezing rain. Icebergs are rarely seen here because of the warm offshore current, but ice often forms along the shore in winter and may clog Waterdeep’s harbor.
Icy roads are easier to travel over than muddy ones, which is why the spring thaw is regarded with glum favor by travelers, merchants, and soldiers

Uktar (The Rotting) (November)
1st tenday
1 (1) 46 degree high, 30 degree low (feels like 45); Low-Moderate Humidity, No precipitation, overcast; light Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
2 (2) 53 degree high, 28 degree low (feels like 50); Low Humidity, no precipitation, Mostly sunny; Minimal Arctic wind at <5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
3 (3) 55 degree high, 42 degree low (feels like 50); Minimal Humidity, no precipitation, mostly sunny; No wind; Selune in 3rd quarter
4 (4) 53 degree high, 43 degree low (feels like 48); Low humidity, no precipitation, overcast; Moderate Arctic wind at 20 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
5 (5) 44 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 40); Low humidity, Light rain/snow mix in morning, mostly cloudy; no winds; Selune in 3rd quarter
6 (6) 45 degree high, 37 degree low (feels like 40); Low humidity, Moderate rain in mornining, tapering off around mid-day, mostly cloudy; no winds; Selune in 3rd quarter
7 (7) 53 degree high, 35 degree low (feels like 45); Low-Moderate Humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; Minimal Arctic wind at <5 mph; Selune in 3rd quarter
8 (8) 41 degree high, 37 degree low; Minimal humidity, no precipitation, partly cloudy; no winds; Selune in 4th quarter
9 (9) 45 degree high, 31 degree low (feels like 40); Moderate humidity, light freezing rain in early morning, partly cloudy throughout day; Light Arctic wind at 8 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
10 (10) 49 degree high, 42 degree low (feels like 48); Moderate humidity, partly sunny, no precipitation; Minimal Tropic wind at <5 mph; Selune in 4th quarter

2nd tenday
1 (11) 47 degree high, 40 degree low (feels like 42); Minimal Humidity, no precipitation, mostly cloudy; no winds; Selune in 4th quartere
2 (12) 39 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 35); Low-Moderate Humidity, partly sunny, no precipitation; Light Arctic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
3 (13) 39 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 35); Low Humidity, mostly sunny, light afternoon snow-rain mix; Light Arctic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 4th quarter
4 (14) 37 degree high, 17 degree low (feels like 27); Low Humidity, mostly cloudy, heavy snow early morning, ending around noontide; Moderate Arctic wind at 20 mph (wind chill of -10); Selune in 4th quarter
5 (15) 39 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 25); Low Humidity, light rain, partly cloudy; no winds; Selune in New Moon phase
6 (16) 37 degree high, 19 degree low (feels like 27); Low-Moderate humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; no wind; Selune in 1st quarter
7 (17) 30 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 20); Low humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; no winds; Selune in 1st quarter
8 (18) 41 degree high, 20 degree low (feels like 25); Minimal humidity, no precipitation, overcast; Light Arctic wind at 8 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
9 (19) 36 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 20); Low humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; Moderate Arctic wind at 18 mph (-10 degree wind chill); Selune in 1st quarter
10 (20) 43 degree high, 20 degree low (feels like 30); Low-Moderate Humidty, heavy snowfall; Strong Arctic wind at 25 mph (-15 degree wind chill); Selune in 1st quarter

3rd tenday
1 (21) 29 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 20); Low humidity, mostly sunny, no precipitation; Mild Arctic wind at 10 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
2 (22) 31 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 15); Minimal humidity, heavy snow turning to rain or sleet most of day; Strong Arctic wind at 30 mph; Selune in 1st quarter
3 (23) 30 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 15); Low Humidity, moderate snowfall most of day, mostly cloudy; Strong Arctic winds at 25 mph (wind chill of -25); Selune in 2nd quarter
4 (24) 44 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 32); Light freezing rain late morning, partly sunny in afternoon; Light Arctic wind at 6 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
5 (25) 28 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 15); Low Humidity, moderate snowfall most of day, mostly cloudy; Strong Arctic winds at 25 mph (wind chill of -30); Selune in 2nd quarter
6 (26) 48 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 35); Low humidity, light snow starting around noontide, mostly cloudy; no wind; Selune in 2nd quarter
7 (27) 32 degree high, 18 degree low (feels like 23); Low humidity, mostly overcast; Moderate Tropic wind at 15 mph; Selune in 2nd quarter
8 (28) 49 degree high, 27 degree low (feels like 30); Low humidity, heavy snowfall; Strong Arctic wind at 25 mph (wind chill at -30); Selune in 2nd quarter
9 (29) 36 degree high, 12 degree low (feels like like 25); Moderate humidity, no precipitation, partly sunny; Strong Arctic wind at 35 mph (-35 degree wind chill); Selune in 2nd quarter
10 (30) 30 degree high, 10 degree low (feels like 20); Low Humidity, heavy snowfall all day; Strong Arctic wind at 35 mph (wind chill at -35); Selune in Full Moon phase

Annual Holiday: Feast of the Moon
37 degree high, 15 degree low (feels like 25); Low-Moderate Humidity, heavy snow; Strong Arctic wind at 25 mph (-25 degree wind chill); Selune in 3rd quarter

The Holiday
This festival, also called Moonfest, is the last great festival of the year. It marks the arrival of winter and is also the day when the dead are honored. Graves are blessed, the Ritual of Remembrance is performed, and tales of the doings of those now gone are told far into the night. Much is said of heroes and treasure and lost cities underground.

Voidrunner's Codex

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