D&D 5E We Would Hate A BG3 Campaign

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Follower of the Way
IDK how it works in your area. With me you have several weeks and a messenger group chat to discuss what's what.

Most of the time phb stuff is default. Exception would be Darksun or something similar.
Though, worth noting, the people who made Dark Sun were perfectly fine with representing dragonborn as dray.

A compromise would be play whatever group decides. If design hasn't started advocate with the other players to pick the theme. FR and Eberron are essentially unrestricted except flyers and other OP bits and pieces.
Precisely. Discussion, collaboration, resolution. Not "my way or the highway." Reasonable people discussing reasonable things.

Things are looking grim for large chunks of Tashas though due to power levels. Mostly that's archetypes.
I really couldn't agree less. The vast majority of Tasha's is perfectly fine. The one and only that might be a problem is Twilight Cleric.

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Though, worth noting, the people who made Dark Sun were perfectly fine with representing dragonborn as dray.

Precisely. Discussion, collaboration, resolution. Not "my way or the highway." Reasonable people discussing reasonable things.

I really couldn't agree less. The vast majority of Tasha's is perfectly fine. The one and only that might be a problem is Twilight Cleric.

Peace and Order clerics are fairly nutty with Tashas material eg feats.

I would ban silvery barbs and/or fae touched feats for example.

Some of the other archetypes are also nutty I'm leaning more towards Xanathars and PHB levels of power.

5E fairly easy as is to many things in Tashas turn it into a steamroller.

It's easier to list stuff from tashas I like. Floating scores and errata essentially.

Summoner Druid from Xanathars as well.


Follower of the Way
so in other words, the DM should never get their way, essentially.
No. Both sides should work to achieve everyone getting what they want. Which is almost always possible.

Makes sense for someone who calls getting what they want a compromise ;)
Everyone getting what they want is a great compromise. Most people getting what they want, and everyone else being cool with what happens, is a mediocre compromise. Nobody getting what they want but being able to tolerate what happens is a bad compromise.

One person getting everything they want and everyone else putting up with it isn't even remotely compromise. It's one person being demanding and petulant and everyone else (at best) humoring them, and at worst barely tolerating them.


Follower of the Way
Peace and Order clerics are fairly nutty with Tashas material eg feats.

I would ban silvery barbs and/or fae touched feats for example.

Some of the other archetypes are also nutty I'm leaning more towards Xanathars and PHB levels of power.

5E fairly easy as is to many things in Tashas turn it into a steamroller.

It's easier to list stuff from tashas I like. Floating scores and errata essentially.
Silvery barbs is vastly overrated. Fey Touched is in no way superior to things like Elven Accuracy, which have been around for years.


Silvery barbs is vastly overrated. Fey Touched is in no way superior to things like Elven Accuracy, which have been around for years.

I'm guessing you haven't seen silvery barbs plus order cleric and a rogue.

Fae touched anyone can take silvery barbs.

I'm also guessing you haven't seen peace and twilight clerics in action. PCs hitting on a roll of 2 and the -5/+10 feats.


Over the years I have noticed a phrase "player entitlement" thrown around.

My tastes last few years gave been themed games. Stuff that doesn't fit is excluded. According to the forums that's bad wrong fun.

BG3 has been a big hit. But consider.

Curated list of phb options.
PHB races plus Githyanki only. DM changed them as well.
Capped at level 12
Only floating ability scores from Tashas.
No feats at level 1 allowed.
Curated list of Xanathars options.

Game like that would get you crucified here on the forums since I'm a tyrannical LN type DM.

Next game will be magitech themed (warforged and gear forged prominent) or Norse (add bearfolk and troll kin as prominent races).

Damn Lawful types DM's. That BG one is brutal.

I want to exclude most of Tashas.
BG3 has a rather large choice of options for a CRPG. But part of the advantage of TTRPGs is the fact you can have infinite options.

Each option in a CRPG must be programmed to work in the code; it needs visuals and audio and must interact with the game's physics. Larian even said they capped the game where it was because high level magic and stuff was too hard to account for with the games engine. But a DM and a group of human players can do what it takes decades of programmers to do, and they can do it instantly. (Which is why any VTT, regardless of how good it is, cannot match IMHO the power of a good DM. You end up with some bottleneck when it comes to coding).

So I'm sure Larian would have loved to include all the PHB + Xanathar and Tasha and MotM and everything else, but the amount of effort needed to do that was impractical. Whereas a good DM doesn't need to, so they can be free with the options they allow.

Apples. Oranges.


Follower of the Way
In a way, kind of. I'm going to weigh things a bit more heavily in the DM's favor when it comes to preferences because they're the one who is actually running the game. As a DM, I'm generally willing to work with a player in order to make sure they can play the type of character they want to play so long as I think it'll fit within the parameters of the campaign.
And that last part is literally all I asked for. For which I was vilified and explicitly treated as trying to "blow up" everyone else's fun, as being an active saboteur to the DM's efforts.

I have, explicitly and repeatedly, said that what I want is a discussion. This has been repeatedly and consistently transformed into "Oh, so you get to ride roughshod over the DM every single time? Wow, you're such an naughty word."

Jack Daniel

Because people behaving that way is bad regardless of context.


bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Oh come off it. "This brand-new campaign has an established world of a dozen years!" Gimme a break.
I'm running my 7th 5e campaign in a custom world that is now 9 years old.
It has significant restrictions on race. It had in the beginning significant restrictions on magic.

I've now played with at least two dozen different players in this world.

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