[Weekend Design] New Classes?

New / late to the discussion. I have been catching up on all the trailblazer stuff and i have to say great job. I actually signed up just to reply to this thread. I had a thought for a name for your arcane wild full caster. How about Witch Doctor? I just thought a tribal sort of feel was fitting to mesh arcane with wild.

Keep up the good work.

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New / late to the discussion. I have been catching up on all the trailblazer stuff and i have to say great job. I actually signed up just to reply to this thread. I had a thought for a name for your arcane wild full caster. How about Witch Doctor? I just thought a tribal sort of feel was fitting to mesh arcane with wild.

Keep up the good work.

Welcome-- and thanks!

The witch doctor would be cool, the tricky part would be figuring out what to give him for abilities to make him different than a a druid or a cleric or a sorcerer.

As for the Bard slightly sucking, it's because the bard is a skill-based character, like the rogue was in 3e, more than it is a full caster.

And, since as you pointed out in the 3.5e Houserules forum (before I realized ENworld had all these nifty hosted forums...), Skills are not nearly as useful in 3.5e as is (They are often a way to avoid consequences, not a way to do things), the Bard and Rogue suffer for it.

You've turned the rogue into a full-on melee class, in the hit hard but don't get hit back, kind of way. Which is cool, considering 3.53/PFRPG don't make skills do enough.
But with your change, the swashbuckler is just a slight flavor change on the rogue. They're a rogue with different abilities, sure, but they're not really a that much more of a fighter than a rogue. I thought it was a tad ridiculous to give a swashbuckler a d10 in Complete Warrior, but a bunch of their things were not as good as they could have been.

For a Swashbuckler (A niche I much like) > Really should be a monk/rogue type, but with different gear limits; having low HD (d6), full BAB, precise strike/flurry, no more than light armor for class abilities, some kind of AC bonus, Good Reflex, and I'd say will before Fort, but it would depend, they're close to even probabilities. In my game I'd probably use medium progressions on FORT and WILL, but most people don't have Medium Progressions or use Fractional saves (I've seen fractional BAB before).

The Bard, should really be a full caster. Don't beef up his combat abilities, that just seems silly.

The witch doctor would be cool, the tricky part would be figuring out what to give him for abilities to make him different than a a druid or a cleric or a sorcerer.

I've started laying some groundwork for the witch class. Wulf and I have had some preliminary discussions and I'm really liking how it's shaping up so far.

The Bard, should really be a full caster. Don't beef up his combat abilities, that just seems silly.

I tend to agree. Wulf and I have talked about whether giving the bard full caster progression would make him too powerful but I don't think so. The big limiter for the bard is that using bardic music requires an action and casting a spell requires an action.

Making the bard a full caster also helps the round-out the "skill-based" tree (and opens the door for a Trickster/half-bard caster class).

Wulf and I have also discussed what I call an "Influential" tree, with a full caster at the top, the bard in the middle as a half-caster, and something like the Marshal or Warlord at the bottom as a non-caster.

The problem, is that the bard simply isnt as good as the Ranger, Paladin, or spellblade.

If you mean by making him a half-caster, I agree. You would certainly have to give him a significant boost.

Which is why it's easier to leave him as-is and make him a full caster.

Doing that would also get rid of the annoying 2/3 caster progression.

Agreed on that one. The bard could make a decent full caster.

I dunno if wulf will agree with me, but the issue I see with the Bard and Rogue is this:

The Bard and Rogue are not mainly designed as a spellcaster and a backstabber, they're the skill character, and the half-skill, half-caster character. (Whereas Paladins and rangers are half-melee half caster).

However, skills are not as good as they should be, so These two characters get the short end of the stick, particularly the bard.

But if you're going to beef up the class in the other areas, they should be getting a smaller number of skill points.

At least that's my thought on the matter. I like your take on the rogue with crazy backstabbing skills. But I think he needs his skill points dropped to 4/lv.

If you make the Bard a full caster, he should probably get a skill drop, and maybe a HD drop too to put him in the other direction. Because the skills need to be balanced in there somehow, even if they aren't as good as Wizards made them out to be.

My two cents.

I dunno if wulf will agree with me, but the issue I see with the Bard and Rogue is this: The Bard and Rogue are not mainly designed as a spellcaster and a backstabber, they're the skill character.

Take the rules-as-written (no changes to any skills), give the Rogue a skill bonus in every single skill equal to his level +3, and he still under-performs.

He can tumble, he can bluff, he can spot search and listen, find traps, charm the pants off the king, intimidate the ogre champion, climb jump and swim like an Olympic athlete, and use any magic item the party comes across.

None of this is gonna impress a pack of ghouls.

Skills just don't move the needle much when it comes to Challenge Rating, and an overwhelming portion of the game revolves around combat.

Conversely, if the game throws the balance farther towards skill challenges, then it's kind of irrelevant what your BAB and HD are.

As the sliding scale of "Combat" approaches 1.00, the value of skills approaches 0; as the sliding scale of "Combat" approaches 0, the value of BAB and HD approaches 0, and perhaps the value of skills shoots up instead.

Take the rules-as-written (no changes to any skills), give the Rogue a skill bonus in every single skill equal to his level +3, and he still under-performs.
Depends on playstyle, but assuming lots of combat, yep. I wasn't saying that designing the Bard and rogue as skill characters worked out, i was just saying that is how they were designed. I'd argue that it didn't work out. Great, they're awesome skill monkeys, but skill monkeying doesn't affect gameplay as much as it should.

He can tumble, he can bluff, he can spot search and listen, find traps, charm the pants off the king, intimidate the ogre champion, climb jump and swim like an Olympic athlete, and use any magic item the party comes across.

None of this is gonna impress a pack of ghouls.
Well, the tumble ranks give you an AC bonus eventually. lol. Some of the skills might be good at helping you run away from said ghouls. But I agree, skills are not as good as they should be.

Skills just don't move the needle much when it comes to Challenge Rating, and an overwhelming portion of the game revolves around combat.
Quite true. I'd argue that they should. they should be considerably more useful in combat scenarios. They should let you do crazy stunts, and let you act like a ninja. Or a swashbuckler. You should be able to use your skills to make combat work out more in your favor.

Conversely, if the game throws the balance farther towards skill challenges, then it's kind of irrelevant what your BAB and HD are.
Depends how much more towards skills it is. And not every skill check will be "check or die", som will be "check or damage".

As the sliding scale of "Combat" approaches 1.00, the value of skills approaches 0; as the sliding scale of "Combat" approaches 0, the value of BAB and HD approaches 0, and perhaps the value of skills shoots up instead.
I agree with this one wholeheartedly. Ok, most-heartedly. Skills can make a difference in combat, but you're right, its not a very big difference. If your games are about a 50/50 blend of combat/noncombat(mine are around there), the skills ae useful, but still dont seem to be quite useful enough (though definitely more useful than your posts seem to indicate in your playstyle).

So, I'd say yeah. Make the Rogue and Bard have other abilities instead, but I'd still drop the skills around the level of other characters, because a full caster with 6+int skills is better than a full caster without. Albeit, not by a large margin, but still better. (Unless they lose most of the interesting class abilities, and thats no fun.)

Another fix, would be to work on the skill system.

If skills were more generally useful, a skillbased character could be good in combat if he chose, or he could spend his skills elsewhere. Personally I think that would be a better fix, but the other one will still work.

Let's see if you guys can settle a quick disagreement between GlassJaw and myself:

1) Should the bard have the full spellcasting progression or a one-half spellcasting progression?

2) Based on your decision regarding the above point, do you consider it merely reinforcing the class as the bard has been historically understood; or a change to the bard, as something that needs to happen?

3) What is the bard? Is he a spellcaster with some fighting ability, or a fighting class with some spellcasting ability?

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