some correct information
hey guys tearweaver here again,again im a new member,as of yesterday.i wanted too make sure,i was giving you the correct information.of what i was asking you too help me on.i read my information on Ginn.and i was some what wrong.appearantly. a genie is not more than a third degree sorcreor with the powers to manipulate eighteen pounds of its magikal energy three times daily,having the powres of telekenesis hypnotisism and conjureation and clairavoiance plus it supposedly has been proven that a genie can transform themselves into animals at the degree of goats and cobras then theres a degree of genie known as a Gin with one n that is ten times greater. a master genie like the ones in the second eddition ad&d version,then theres a Ginn which what im intrested in.which is ten times greater than that.which only the nobleiest of genies can become.wich suggests that a Ginn is a Grand master genie.i Got my information from the encyclopedia of demons and and angels,again id appreciate your thoughts and information as well as the complete charictar (mis spelled) of a grand master genie your bud always tearweaver,blessings be.