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Well that didn't take long, wizard has been shelved.


First Post
Shame that your early level sentients, kobolds, and goblins, have a tendancy to have Fort as their worst defense.

Shame that you have -two- at-wills just so you don't have all your eggs in one defense basket.

Shame that you have a power that let's you put the enemies -exactly- where you want them to be, while dealing some damage on the side.

Shame that attacks vs. Fort aren't always a bug, but often times, they are a feature.


The two strongest control at-wills the wizard have both target fortitude. Brutes(which you will get a lot of and want to slow and push a lot) have high fortitude.

Ill let the rest be implicit.

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Some of the other wizard features aren't really wizard only features. Rituals, INT based skills etc. so it's just another thing that another class can do.

It seems to me that one of the problems is that they skimped (hugely) on the low level rituals.

A wizard starts with 3 in his ritual spell book, but from an appallingly low choice.

They should have ransacked the traditional 1st level spell lists to get the 1st level rituals up to 12-20 options. I feel sure that the wizard will really shine once they've got a decent number of rituals (and choice of rituals) available.

The main thing that the wizard brings to the party is AoE attacks, and having two dragonborn in the party really treads on your toes there! AoE attacks are not just good for minion clearing, because they can reduce the hp of a lot of targets and make it easier for the defenders and strikers to mop up the bad guys.

In a


First Post
Personally I love wizards and have seen them make mockeries of badguys quite a few times. I run 2 seperate groups and each has a wizard, both of them do some great things. Just yesterday I saw a wizard turn a potential TPK double encounter into a nearly single encounter with some good rolls and choices. A goblin warrior had ran off and gotten 3 goblin sharpshooters and 2 guard drakes during the encounter. The fighter, ranger, and cleric were blasting the other baddies when the warrior and his new buddies came back out of the hallway and fired on the mage. He used his Shield on the first shot (which lasts till EoNT) and avoided almost all of the potential damage, and then on his turn dropped a critical shock sphere on them, followed by an action point to burning hands killing all but the 2 now very bloodied drakes. The fight was over almost instantly after that. I'm not saying this is always be the case, but no other class can really do that and 2 dragonborn breath weapons can't either. But that's just what I've seen.

You must have a bad DM.

Bad DM's make people hate wizards.

Because anyone on the wizard hate bus.... Does not know how to play one.

My controller is my favorite character, and Mr.Power gamer, you wont do it all the time, but you can do more "dmg" than anyone given the right circumstances. Just play around with your powers in a way that maximizes their use.

for a simple ex: Take a group of non-minions you have found. Use thunderwave to shape them all into a 9block, and then action point big blast power!


First Post
Dr. Wizard--Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Friendly Fire.

I find the wizard in my group is most effective when she's not worrying about who's in the way. Sometimes, the hurt you'll give your friend is not as bad as the hurt they'd get if those monsters weren't damaged/controlled/dead.


First Post
My wizard was lame. Samarak RIP.
I'll tell you why:

My 18 INT made it very difficult to hit any creatures. Wizard needs a 20 INT, +4 to hit was not enough. Kobolds have a 14 to 16 REF and that made me need a 10 or 12 to hit. If I got a flurry of good rolls I am sure I would have done fine, I didn't, I could not hit the broad side of a barn.

His damage was way too low and even when I did hit it was just a couple of points, 1d6+4 vs a 36 HP critter? I don't know how the rest of you guys play but our minions have not been running around with a sign above their head that says "I am a minion". I never knew if I was hitting a minion or a regular guy. When I did actually hit and then I scored 5 damage to a 36 HP kobold, it seemed like a waste. Yeah, I know every point counts, but the long attrition that 4e is... Forget about that 108 HP goblin.

In KotS, most of the battles I have been in have been in big wide open spaces so the AoE spell, scorching burst was not that effective. Targeting 9 squares, I rarely caught two enemies.

My only experience is with level 1 and 2 as a Wizard, but looking at the system it seems it will only get worse. Wizards will have a few more encounters and dailies as they level up but their at wills never change. They will still be doing 1d6+4 (+ a magic item bonus) but all the monsters ramp up in HP on a drastically higher scale. If a first level character is fighting a 108 HP critter a 20th level critter could easily have 300-400+ HP and the wizard is still doing 1d6 damage. This is not right.

I now have a rogue, and this is so that we can kill monsters faster -> make combats faster -> make our group better -> make the game better.


Penguin Herder
I thought minions had to be hit to take damage and that any attack that misses one does no damage. I will have to look it up when I get home.
Minions take no damage on a miss, this is true. The trick of Flaming Sphere (and Armor of Agathys, for the Warlocks playing along at home) is that every critter who starts adjacent takes automatic damage, hit or miss. So you can generally clear a couple minions each round, and get an Encounter-strength attack (2d6+Int, plus auto-damage) on one non-minion dude standing near those minions.

Cheers, -- N


First Post
Flaming sphere is pretty awesome. It can turn an encounter from "omg we're about to die," to "wow we pulled that off easier than I thought."

I find that wizards do all right, or amazing. When we played KotS, Sleep was a winner. It allowed us to live through the Irontooth encounter. And Scorching Burst even at high levels is very consistant damage, especially for a Tiefling. It whittles down bloodied opponents like nobody's business. You can usually catch a couple targets, and just keep softening them down until your strikers can deal with them.

I also find that Wand powers are extremely handy for a wizard. At high heroic levels and up, I'd definitely carry at least two.

The wizard class is not for people who like instant glory though (except when a Wyrmpriest fails his sleep saving throw 4 times in a row, that can feel pretty glorious). If you like finishing enemies off, play a Ranger or something.

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