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WFRP - THIRD Edition Announced from FFG


Mod Squad
Staff member
The cranky sure started fast on this one!

Oh noes! This is the death of all that is good in RPG games. Again!

Sigh. You may not care for the previews you've seen, but to declare with vehemence that this product is from the devil is just another example of cranky gamer syndrome.

Nobody said anything even remotely resembling "death of all that is good in RPGs". Or "from the devil", or anything vaguely similar. Willfully or not, you are drastically inflating the reaction.

The cranky started with you, dude. And it is going to stop with you.

Everyone understand that? No more hyperbolic representations of other's positions.

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I haven't gotten around to using any of my WFRP2e books --so many games, relatively little time-- that I can't see purchasing this one.

But I am interested. New things interest me. I wonder if anyone I know will pick this up? Oh well, there's always reading about it's vivisection on the Internet...


Yeah, it reads like it's an RPG from a parallel universe.

If they were going to do a third edition, at least they're being bold about it. I'd definitely check it out -- except that price tag! Yowza.


First Post
If this was one of their board games or something, I'd be all for it. For instance, I'm really looking forward to Chaos In the Old World. Being able to play as Nurgle? Hell yes.
This though, for the follow-up to a great RPG system? This seems...weird. And unnecessary. Plus the $100 pricetag...


But the 99 Bucks (where is that from?) Price Point would be a real showstopper.

My guess is that the box weighs thirty pounds and has more content than Descent did. I'm very intrigued by this and will probably pick it up. Like others have said, FF has virtually done no wrong in my book.


My inner grognard tells me I'm not going to like it - then again, my inner grognard said I was going to hate D&D 4E, also. :) It sounds like an excellent opportunity to get boardgame enthusiasts into an RPG that can gateway them into tabletop roleplaying, but just the one picture of that troll slayer stat card tells me enough to know I'm probably not going to like it as a substitute for WFRP2. That, and that FREAKING COST!!!! Admittedly, I've probably already paid that much on WFRP books anyway... just not all at once.


I'd be willing to give it a shot, but I have sticker shock from that $99 pricetag. I'd want to see some stellar reviews before considering that purchase. :)

If worse comes to worst, well, I still have all my WFRP2e books, you know? I have just about the entire line, and that should carry me through as many campaigns as I could ever want!

Mechanics changes don't bother me. It's going to be a different game than 2e, but then again 2e was a different game from 1e, too. It'll have to stand or fall on its own merits, just like every other RPG out there. :)


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