D&D General What are you prepping for your next D&D session? (+)


I am running a 5e game using the Pathfinder 1e Iron Gods Adventure Path module Lords of Rust. In Friday's game I expect the party to head to the Lords of Rust dominated Scrapmaster's Arena as spectators to watch a gladiator fight and those trying to prove themselves as LoR recruits. I have to decide if the AI demonic monster truck Big Bad will make an appearance there or not.

They are currently trying to raise population discontent to draw away support from a mini boss and build up their own reps before they confront the mini boss of one of the other Mad Max style gangs. That could mean more skill challenge type stuff or individual fights. Also I have to plan on the party being anywhere from two to the full four PCs this week.

I am definitely planning on a rust monster ambush in the scrapyard which will tie into an NPC (she can repair stuff) one PC has a side quest task to deliver a message to.

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I have some work ahead of me.

The Party has switched sides and has made a deal to join an orc army raiding the Southern Baronies in revenge for a raid on an orc village by an imperial noble. I thought they would talk the orcs out of attacking by doing a task for them. But, oh no, they decided the orcs were entirely justified and decided to cut a deal with them, and aid in the revenge raid.

So, now I am prepping the Baronies defenses from the orc army and the PCs!
Love it. No DM plan survives first contact with the players!


Small God of the Dozens
Well, while it's not exactly D&D, for my current Black Hack game the party is heading into the High Fells to investigate a migration/war/something involving some rather unpleasant monster types. So some exploration in rough country with enemies potentially behind every rock. They have a rough map and a couple of locations to check out so there's lots to do besides just not getting bushwhacked and killed by angry Beastmen.


For my 5e adaption of Splinters of Faith, I am converting/prepping the second half of the Sin Mire from the second module.

For my homebrew game, I am prepping a dynamic battle between heroes on dog sleds VS a pack of winter wolves, and also a ruined temple of Vaprak.


Long-time Lurker
Well, my last session ended when the players kinda accidentally snuck up on a Kensai Templar guard unit at an abandoned logging operation South West of Nibenay. They captured one, and will be interrogating her.

They know about some Dray defilers in the forest to the South, which are rumoured to possess magic weapons, with which they have kept the unit of Templars at bay. However, they are also on the way to a laboratory of Dregoth that was recently uncovered. Thagya Phon of the Veiled Alliance sacrificed two preservers to gain intelligence that King Nibenay is gearing up an army to take the laboratory from its current inhabitants, and should be there in about three to four days. They've pretty much committed to him that they'll see this one through, as their 'sidequesting' (and managing to acquire a single iron shortsword) instead of assisting him resulted in the loss of two preservers, and he was quite peeved with them.

So depending on what they ask and find out from the Templar, they might go to either of those locations. They kinda have to decide whether to sacrifice time in the laboratory to gain better weapons beforehand, or perhaps make a turn there afterwards.

I'm thus prepping both of those locations in anticipation. The one location fits in neatly with a character's backstory, so I'm busy working that in there as well.


Moderator Emeritus
After moving some things around (including rescheduling my remote game for the following week), my in-person Ghosts of Saltmarsh+ group found four hours to play this coming Saturday. In the last session they left off making too much noise creeping past the troll hole on their way to hide and await the soldiers they plan to trick into facing the trolls. . . so I decided this was opportunity I needed to craft some modular terrain for recreating this and future scenes (and hills that unstack to double as cavern rooms) and so, while I already have the stats and potential events prepped, what I was prepping for the next session was this terrain. .. and it looks like I got it done just in time. . .


Musing Mage

Pondering D&D stuff
I am now running 3 games... what have I gotten myself into?!? :oops:

Game one - my 1st Ed game, Team 'Good' as we're calling it, Consisting of A Human Ranger, Human Kensai, Dwarf Fighter, Human Druid, and a new character to be rolled, player wants a gnome illusionist. (though really the only good one is the Ranger, everyone else is neutral)... has just come off of downtime and training, so I don't know yet what they want to do. I will have a few options for them. Bounty hunting; Seemingly small investigative missions that are part of a bigger plot; travel to a new town for new hooks... all are on the table. We'll see what they decide.

Game two - my 1st Ed splinter group, otherwise known as Team 'Evil.' Group consists of a Dwarven Assassin, Half-orc Fighter, Human Wizard, and 2 Elves, one a Fighter/Thief, the other a Fighter/Mage. They are in the middle of a scenario, so prep is already done - doing a 3rd party module I bought from DrivethruRPG called Blue Crystal Mine. They must deal with bandits, and crystal imps, giant ants and a bunch of gnolls. We'll see how they fare!

Game three - my online 5e game. Testing the waters and learning Roll20 bit by bit. This group is running through a module called The Fey Sister's Fate. This group has been hilariously bickering back and forth as they are a mix of Lawfuls and Chaotics, and one player has taken the Noble background, playing the elitism to the hilt. After 3 sessions they are on the final encounter against a Bullywug shaman and his minions. We'll see if they can triumph, and if the noble survives against one or two of the others plotting to get rid of him! :ROFLMAO:


Game Designer
Next session will be in a week or so. We stopped the session mid-dungeon, so it's very likely they'll spend the next session in it. So I'm basically prepping for the follow up.

I'm working on two different dungeons. A shattered mountain abandoned by dwarves and now infested with Kobolds and Troglodytes fighting for the supremacy of the halls. The players might have to sneak inside to find a valuable book. The other one is an old abandoned keep that, based on rumors, is not empty anymore. Poachers have started not returning from the keep and nearby travelers are saying that you can see silhouettes slipping in and out of the keep at night.

Well, while it's not exactly D&D, for my current Black Hack game the party is heading into the High Fells to investigate a migration/war/something involving some rather unpleasant monster types. So some exploration in rough country with enemies potentially behind every rock. They have a rough map and a couple of locations to check out so there's lots to do besides just not getting bushwhacked and killed by angry Beastmen.
How is your Black Hack campaign? What level are your characters? How long has the game been running? I'm curious because I've had some limited experience running Black Hack and like to try it again.

For me, my regular 5e game ended on a cliff hanger. My group assaulted a flying necromantic powered skull fortress run by evil necromancer cloud giants. The last few sessions have been a running battle against the defenders (they basically drew aggro from the entire dungeon and are literally on their last of single digit hit points). Now they face the fortress being driven to the ground as a last ditch effort by the cloud giants.

Next session will determine if they can save the fortress or die in a fiery crash.

My other 5e game that is coming out of hiatus ended with the completion of LMoP. I will now open it up to a hex crawl exploration game where the party now must secure the town and seek out dangers and treasure (building on the elements of the module). So, I have some hex mapping and hex stocking to do.

I'm hoping to soon run a B/X, OSE game. I'll be using Winter's Daughter for that. It may expand into a full Dolmenwood game and/or hex crawl from there, but for now my only prep is reading up on the module.

Voidrunner's Codex

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