D&D 5E What comes after the 2025 Monster Manual?

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero

The screen and character sheets will be out before the 2025 Monster Manual, meaning that we don't have any definitive word of what comes next.

I'd guess we get both an adventure collection and a full-length adventure campaign later in 2025.

What else, though, is a big question mark for me.

A new Starter Set will make Target happy and WotC has historically liked having fresh new boxed sets on shelves on a regular basis.

It's certainly possible that either Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms will get a full campaign setting guide. I would bet against it, but if it happens, 2025 would make the most sense, as lots of new campaigns will likely be launching.

If I were WotC -- which I am obviously not -- I would probably save the new Everything book until early 2026, so that they can hear feedback on how the 2024 PHB worked out. which will help inform the tweaks to legacy prestige classes they will bring forward.

Since I don't think WotC or book sellers want the old trade dress sitting next to the new trade dress longer than they need to be (@FitzTheRuke can correct me if I'm wrong, but my sense is that customers drop what's perceived to be old and incompatible, even if that's not really true), so we'll start seeing a schedule of re-releasing lightly updated adventure books, starting with Curse of Strahd and the other most popular books to the new trade dress.

At some point, I'd expect Monsters of the Multiverse to get a new trade dress or -- because two of the races in it have made the jump to the 2024 PHB -- either get a light update or fully replaced. But that feels like a 2026 or 2027 book, since MotM appears to be less work to use with the new books than Xanathar's and Tasha's. (And it doesn't have any subclasses like the Twilight cleric that WotC will either want to massively revise or just let go out of print.)

For whatever reason, WotC no longer seems keen to release MTG settings for D&D, although it's still IP they own, so maaaaybe.

Anything I'm missing? What do you think?
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IF I was in charge (you should all be thankful I'm not).....I'd do a MM 2. Monster books sell.....

I'm guessing the VTT gets a huge push next year.

At least one AP (the Red Wizard one)
An anthology of short adventures
A Monster book with a few PC options tossed in
A setting revision product, again with a few PC options.

I could see, for example, an Fizban style book about the undead (Ez's Guide to The Living Dead) that has a lot of new undead creatures, a few new necromancy spells, and a revised necromancer, death/grave domain, and Undeath patron subdomains. Or an Anthology of Eberron adventures with the updated species in the appendix.

I don't see any major books, but I see a few supplements that are sprinkled with new and updated stuff.

Isn't MM2 just a redo of Monsters of the Multiverse and PHB2 a revamped Everything book, @Zaukrie? Or do you mean all-new content ahead of republishing 2014 stuff?
I mean a monster book, w/o pages and pages of lore. Like MM1, but different monsters (I'd do stuff they've done before, but not for 5e and new stuff).

PHB2 could be a revamped Everything.....but there is space for new stuff, not that I expect it.

I expect them to do a book in the style of Mordenkainen Presents, where they condense mechanics from Xanathar's and Tasha's will stripping out some extras, i.e. putting some playable species, feats, and magic items together in one book. It will be mostly reprints that have been updated, with a few brand new ideas (i.e. the Ardling).

I am also expecting a Forgotten Realms setting book, but it will probably be more focused than "The Forgotten Realms", and will probably have some angle that is hard to predict. OR the Red Wizards adventure will have a mini setting-guide section (in the style of the Dragonlance book, Strixhaven, etc.)

I would LOVE to see some more Eberron love, like an anthology book of adventures or a campaign book. That would be awesome.

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