Gate Pass Gazette What content do y'all want from Gate Pass Gazette?

To reiterate what I mentioned in another post, I would like to see variants of Aasimar and Tieflings that cover the other kinds of celestials and fiends found in the various O5e books (print and the digital ones from DMs Guild). I would also like to see the Genasi.

As for the other heritages in the Adventurer's Guide, I would like to see their heritage gifts expanded. New heritages would be nice too (Goblin, Minotaur, Firbolg, etc.). As would new cultures such as Planar Cultures, not everyone is born on the Material Plane, you know. ;)

A spellcasting combat tradition?

The possibilities are endless. ;)

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Craft homebrewer
Rules deep dive articles.

have whoever designed a certain rule set (journeys, down time, etc) walk though an explaination of their process for design, intention for play, and maybe some examples of interoperability with other rule sets in the system. Sort of a “from behind the scenes to your table” thing
There're lots of great ideas on this thread but this is the one that would make me subscribe

1) multiple extended scene non combat resolution systems with good math. Skill Challenges, Victory Points, Clocks, etc. Multiple because they aren't always a good fit for every situation.

2) mythic level manuvers. Either 6-9th level manuvers as add ons or totally redefined 1-5th level manuvers that shifts the power curve up to mythic levels at high levels (actually this is probably easier as the existing manuvers can just be slotted in at lower levels).

Well, it's about 19 years since we published The Elements of Magic, and I'm not nearly as savvy on the math of 5e as I was with 3rd, so if someone else wants to take a crack at it, I wish them well.

I'd probably start by designing a system that can handle sorcerers and warlocks -- mostly attack, movement, and buff spells -- and treat most other spells like rituals that you need written down. But then again, I'd also probably want to build a system from scratch that has as its primary goal the giving combat more play and counter-play, which is hard to do in a turn-based game. I have ideas, but that's, like, 6th edition stuff.

Well, it's about 19 years since we published The Elements of Magic, and I'm not nearly as savvy on the math of 5e as I was with 3rd, so if someone else wants to take a crack at it, I wish them well.

I'd probably start by designing a system that can handle sorcerers and warlocks -- mostly attack, movement, and buff spells -- and treat most other spells like rituals that you need written down. But then again, I'd also probably want to build a system from scratch that has as its primary goal the giving combat more play and counter-play, which is hard to do in a turn-based game. I have ideas, but that's, like, 6th edition stuff.
yeah that's all fair, but i was responding to someone who first brought up alternative magic systems at the time, which is why i mentioned woin and pathfinder. less of a "they should do this" and more of a "yeah, like this thing, that'd be cool" - probably should've clarified

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