To me, it's not about what you want but, rather what people don't want. Someone doesn't want X. If we do X, then we will exclude that someone. Is it worth doing X if that means that that someone is excluded?
This depends on too many individual factors for each group to have an absolute and always applicable yes or no answer...
As far as gaming is concerned, I would say no.
And i would say that is the correct answer for you. Now when you try to apply said answer as a general principle or shame those who don't agree by admonishing them as bad DM's... well that's where the trouble starts.
True. And we don't have to do everything together. Now, imagine that the, group only plays basketball to the exclusion of all else. Would you still feel the same?
When would this ever be the case? Are you saying the group only ever plays the game you don't want to... never changing games or campaigns... ever? also that I consider these people my friends but literally do nothing else with them besides game once a week and that's all we ever do together and the only time we ever associate? If so I feel like we are getting into the realm of the absurd (and I'm not sure I would consider them actual friends... but that's just me).
If that's not the case then I still have other interests outside of gaming that I can pursue for the time being and other friends I can hang with until they play something more to my liking. What you are describing and the analogies you are using, IMO, are starting to feel a little like an unhealthy dynamic for a group of "friends".
Remember the example though. We haven't actually started play. You are sitting down, thinking about the next campaign you would like to run for your group. Would you deliberately choose to create a campaign knowing that one of your players would be excluded?
Yes and I gave you 2 examples of when I've actually done it.
Ah, now there's a difference. My gaming friends are just that. Gaming friends. They are the people I game with. I don't do stuff with them outside of gaming. So, all of these other things aren't available to me.
Well that may be part of the rub right there... if I consider you a "friend" we are interacting beyond once a week in a game. If not I would consider you an associate but not a friend.