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Full Moon Storyteller
I've been reading the blog History Dollop quite a bit to help seed these ideas. Their latest is on the foods for Christmas in the Middle Ages. Another resource for food inspiration is Redwall Feasts on Twitter.
Together these help me realize that much of what constitutes traditional American food is nothing like the foods that fueled the time periods that inspire much of our fantasy.
Just dropping in slight changes to food experiences in the inn or on the trail helps the players realize that the world in which their characters live is alive.
Food also gives you the opportunity to tell different stories. In the modern era professional chefs consider themselves storytellers. Use their stories to inspire your next PC or NPC (I'm the author on that one).
Together these help me realize that much of what constitutes traditional American food is nothing like the foods that fueled the time periods that inspire much of our fantasy.
Just dropping in slight changes to food experiences in the inn or on the trail helps the players realize that the world in which their characters live is alive.
Food also gives you the opportunity to tell different stories. In the modern era professional chefs consider themselves storytellers. Use their stories to inspire your next PC or NPC (I'm the author on that one).