D&D (2024) What does Backward compatibility mean to you?

What does Backward compatibility mean most to you as a player?

  • I can use content from 5e and 1DnD in the same PC

    Votes: 24 20.9%
  • A PC built with 5e PHB and a PC built with 1DnD rules can play together

    Votes: 35 30.4%
  • 5e material can be easily migrated to 1DnD with minimal work

    Votes: 47 40.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 9 7.8%

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Morkus from Orkus
Windows 10 is "backward compatible". It took much technical work to get certain aps to work, but eventually was doable.
If you did that work, then it wasn't backwards compatible. If the new version of Windows did the work for you, then it is backwards compatible.


The issue of backwards compatibility is addressed in the FAQ on the playtest material on D&D Beyond.
What does backward compatible mean?

It means that fifth edition adventures and supplements will work in One D&D. For example, if you want to run Curse of Strahd in One D&D, that book will work with the new versions of the core rulebooks. Our goal is for you to keep enjoying the content you already have and make it even better. You’ll see this in action through the playtest materials, which you will be able to provide feedback on.
That the 2014 PHB is not compatible, only the supplements and the adventures. Now personally I call the character generation ,material compatible enough for my purposes. At least with respect to the material we have seen so far.


Morkus from Orkus
So, nothing to say about my post comparong human and variant human before?
There's a reason that I've never seen a normal human played. And why the Vhuman was considered by power gamers to be a top race. Note that in the playtest the normal human was removed from the game. It was too weak in comparison.

There's a reason that I've never seen a normal human played. And why the Vhuman was considered by power gamers to be a top race. Note that in the playtest the normal human was removed from the game. It was too weak in comparison.

That is a fair assessment. My point still stands. The power differences of 1 feat are already in the 2014 rule set. So while the character of 2024 would be a bit more powerful, it is no bigger difference than 2 characters straight out of the 2014 book.


Book-Friend, he/him
There's a reason that I've never seen a normal human played. And why the Vhuman was considered by power gamers to be a top race. Note that in the playtest the normal human was removed from the game. It was too weak in comparison.
I've never seen a Variant Human played, amd the standard Human is more common in actual play. Mathematically, they are equivalent, three ASI/Feat worth. W
Partly because they haven't published many Feats at all, WotC has kept the balance on them pretty tight.

And yeah, frankly the luck of rolls can make a bigger difference than a Feat, which I hadn't considered.

Compatible ≠ identical, just that options work together in the same mathematical system. If I wrote up a 4E character and brought it to a tE table...it would have to be completely rewritten, because nothing past ability scores are the same, really. That's worlds away from "I dunno, maybe take a free Feat to achieve parity...or don't, whatever."


Morkus from Orkus
Mathematically, they are equivalent, three ASI/Feat worth.
Then why don't normal humans make nearly as many lists as Vhuman?

Partly because they haven't published many Feats at all, WotC has kept the balance on them pretty tight.
There are a number of fantastic feats that just dwarf a few +1s that will usually fall into secondary stats that don't mean much.


Book-Friend, he/him
Then why don't normal humans make nearly as many lists as Vhuman?

There are a number of fantastic feats that just dwarf a few +1s that will usually fall into secondary stats that don't mean much.
I don't put any stock in that sort of list or analysis, frankly. Overvaluing variant Human is one of the big reasons why.

Voidrunner's Codex

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