D&D 5E [+]What does your "complex fighter" look like?

Argyle King

Rough idea from just glancing at the thread:

It could look something like a cross between the sorcerer and the battlemaster fighter.

X-amount of FP (fatigue points) to use on various maneuvers. When FP run out, you can use your Hit Dice in place of FP, at the cost of rolling the Hit Dice and subtracting from your HP (with the idea that you're pushing your body beyond usual limits).

Certain classes could learn Stances at various levels. These would be similar to Metamagic in that they slightly alter how the underlying spell functions. In a similar way, Stances could be used to slightly alter how the underlying manuevers work.

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Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Doesn't that make Action Surge and Second Wind "spells", then?
Yeah, basically. The fact that people accept them as meeting their criteria of “martial” instead of magic sort of makes me roll my eyes at the insistence that it’s this big super duper important distinction and they can’t possibly be happy without a pure martial.

Greg K

1. Start with the Fighter and Battlemaster subclass
2. at first level, add Khaalis's LIght Armor Fighter variant as an option for fighters (it uses battlemaster maneuvers)
3. add David "Jester" Gibson's Commander subclass for the Fighter and accompanyng manuevers
4. add Khaalis's Light Armor variant subclasses (Brawler, Corsair, Duelist, Gallant, Kensei, Musketeer, Swashbuckler) and new maneuvers/ feats
5. replace the Ranger with Agender Arcee's Martial Ranger (spellcasting rangers become subclasses).
6 add a Warlord class.
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
How much? On average we have games of 4-5 players to the DM. If each player asks for 1 add on book that is at least 4… and sooner or later we will be back to 3e when “I want a class from this book a feat from this one and spells form both those and this third one”

We even debated 1 book by group vote and we hit a wall with people not having time or money to look at what people want.
Well, that's going to depend on the table. I love 3pp, will happily review anything my players give me, and use A LOT of it on the DM side. If your table doesn't want to even dip your toe because of a feared slippery slope, quite frankly that's your loss. But what you want out of the game is probably out there for the taking.


Well, that's going to depend on the table. I love 3pp, will happily review anything my players give me, and use A LOT of it on the DM side. If your table doesn't want to even dip your toe because of a feared slippery slope, quite frankly that's your loss. But what you want out of the game is probably out there for the taking.
What I want is WotC to produce complex fun martial characters

  • Some ability to inflict more conditions Mechanisms that might include:
    • Passive - condition inflicted on crit. Could be linked to weapon selection or could be tied to crit table
    • Inflict condition on hit + resource expenditure (stamina, superiority dice, ki, or whatever)
    • Inflict scaling but narrowly-defined conditions on hit with class feature selection and subsequent leveling or choose ability to inflict conditions on a more discrete basis as part of leveling
  • More latitude in dealing with crowds. Mechanisms might include:
    • Trade x# of attacks for y sized area of effect attack on some area within reach. Save for half or no damage (perhaps the save result changes with leveling)
    • Spend resource for nontrivial aoe control or damage. E.g. glower at a crowd to stun or fear them. Stomp the ground so hard it becomes difficult terrain, moving weapon around unpredictably such that creatures halt their movement when they come in range.
  • Provide choices for enhanced mobility. Mechanisms might include.
    • Choose form of locomotion from a list, flying, parkour-style wall running, running really fast, swinging from stuff, jumping really far, burrowing etc.
    • Give each method pros and cons or limits per day.
  • Provide more methods for 'instant lethality' on attack. Mechanisms might include:
    • If target has xyz other conditions when you hit, do ABC additional damage (or fort save or die at certain CR range)
    • Flat bonus damage against critters of particular types or cr range
  • More support for social skill use Mechanism might include:
    • Add strength or dex to certain persuasion, intimidate or deception checks.
    • Collect 'prestige' points based on performing impressive stunts. Spend points to get things: favors, magic items, followers etc.

even 29th level dailys in the 4e PHB1 are not out classing 9th level spells

Defy Death: trigger: an ally within 30ft is attacked, Use your reaction to move up to your speed and this movement doesn't provok op attacks, then make an attack, if it hits it deals double damage and the triggering attack misses, then the ally can use there reaction to spend a HD and heal.
Stand Invincible; Make an attack against a creature, if it hits you and all allies gain resist to any damage that creature does until the end of your next turn... as a bonus action you can maintain this until the end of your next turn after that but if you do it requires concentration.

Force of Battle*: bonus action as long as you maintain concentration your weapon attacks deal an extra d10 damage.
No mercy: When you hit with an attack that isn't a crit. this attack counts as a crit
Storm of destruction: make an attack against 2 different creatures, each one if they hit deal an extra d10 damage.

*where force of Battle isn't as powerful as any high level spell I still would not want that DPR increase on a fighter

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