What games, currently, have your interest?

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Thomas Shey

I've kind of shaken down that after my 13th Age campaign I'll probably push for Eclipse Phase 2e, but I've got some backup options that still interest me if that doesn't go over well (including one fantasy campaign in search of a system, since I'm not sure the one I originally thought it up for would go over well).


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I'm interested in Shadow of the Weird Wizard too. I bought a ton of SotDL PDFs a while back, but I like the sounds of the revisions here.

Really tempted to get a set in print as a gift for my brother, who last ran a campaign in 4E, a couple of years ago. I feel like this isn't too far off but would be simpler for a member of our group who found 4E kind of overwhelming and even 5 Torches Deep a bit much sometimes.

Thomas Shey

I'm interested too. I bought a ton of SotDL PDFs a while back, but I like the sounds of the revisions here.

Really tempted to get a set in print as a gift for my brother, who last ran a campaign in 4E, a couple of years ago. I feel like this isn't too far off but would be simpler for a member of our group who found 4E kind of overwhelming and even 5 Torches Deep a bit much sometimes.

Are you talking about SotWW here? (I'm making a guess from the reference to revisions). Its certainly simpler than D&D 4e.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Current active interests include:

Level Up
Marvel Multiverse
Star Trek Adventures

Right now those are the games I'm thinking about the most.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Historically I also have interest in Marvel FASERIP, Cyberpunk, Star Wars FFG, Mutants and Masterminds, DCC, Stars and Worlds Without Number, and of course all versions of D&D.

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