What games, currently, have your interest?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Regarding STA, have you run any of the 2D20 system games before? I keep buying them in PDF and then having reservations...
I haven't been able to get a quorum of players interested in giving it a chance. I'm not sure about the system either, but I love Star Trek and am willing to step outside my comfort zone for a game that treats the subject properly in my view.

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Loves Your Favorite Game
All of the these are brand new to me, and in rough order of active interest:

Trophy Dark
Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast

That said, the number one thing I actively want is to run a new 5e campaign of some sort, using the current rules.


Dolmenwood: waiting excitedly for the physical copies

Wildsea: been meaning to run this for a while. It looks really good

Brindlewood Bay: I recently started running a campaign. We are all having fun. Might mix it up with Wildsea, as not sure the group wants to do BB every week.

Fabula Ultima: Hoping I get a chance to play this game as I have family members who are indicating an interest in running it

One day, I'd really like to run a Star Trek game with FAE. Planning on replacing the approaches with the branches, command, engineering, etc.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Worlds in Peril is an amazing game. I'd been playing a lot and still can play from time to time.
And I've heard a lot about Masks: A New Generation, but I've never tried it.
Also, I'm pretty interested in Dragonbane, Cthulhu
Good to hear about Worlds in Peril, I am still looking for a game of it. I've heard it has a FitD successor, Galaxies in Peril. Do you know anything about that?

Masks I could gush about for a long time. But it's tightly focused on teen superteam and the drama, character growth, rivalries and love interests, setbacks and triumphs, friendships, and trying to discover who you are -- it's not meant to support generic supers play.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Good to hear about Worlds in Peril, I am still looking for a game of it. I've heard it has a FitD successor, Galaxies in Peril. Do you know anything about that?

Masks I could gush about for a long time. But it's tightly focused on teen superteam and the drama, character growth, rivalries and love interests, setbacks and triumphs, friendships, and trying to discover who you are -- it's not meant to support generic supers play.
People say this but the description is exactly what generic supers is to me. 🤷‍♂️


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
People say this but the description is exactly what generic supers is to me. 🤷‍♂️
A couple of ways Masks differs from generic supers to me that not part of the normal elevator pitch summary:
  1. You can't play an adult. (Well, you could play a teen who is legally an adult, but not an adult-adult.)
  2. Once a character becomes established, you need to retire them, you can't keep playing. EDIT: Which is okay, since a new character isn't "behind" in power like in many RPGs. And gives a new dynamic for everyone.
  3. The big character creation choices (playbooks in this case) are more around the types of personal challenges you want to encounter on the regular, and less about how you fight crime. Want to deal with the trouble of maintaining a secret ID? Pick the Janus playbook. Be the only non-powered one and prove you belong? Okay Nightwing, be a Beacon. Transformed and worried you're still human? A non-human trying to fit in? More power than control? Part of a legacy or family of heroes? Eventually Doomed by your powers?
  4. You use the same moves (mechanical interactions) for defeating a bad guy or arguing with the head cheerleader about who should be prom queen. Including moves like to defend someone and such.
  5. There aren't any rules about actually becoming physically hurt. Not that it can't happen, but it's entirely narrative.
  6. Along that line, so are the powers. There are no numbers and vanishingly few mechanics connected to your powers. As long as the GM and the player are basically on the same page about how they can affect the narrative you are good to go. Want to know how far someone is knocked back after getting hit by a light pickup? Go play Hero System. (Which I played well over a decade of, this isn't putting it down, just showing it's the complete opposite rules-wise.)
  7. Going back to getting hurt, you can become afraid, hopeless, and a number of other conditions, which are supported mechanically. And yes, the lead cheerleader and Trog the Immortal Flame can both inflict these on you. You will be taken out if all five conditions are marked.
  8. There are rules about people having influence over you, and what they say impacting your labels, which are somewhat analogous to ability score modifiers in D&D. And how you can resist this influence and even take it from someone.
  9. Oh, every single adult, powered or not, starts with influence over you. Your mentor, a villain, and the kindly janitor all have it.
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Perpetually Perpetrating Plots & Ploys
Add me to the list of people for whom Weird Wizard has their interests.

I haven't run a game in 10 years, and for my pending auspicious return I wanted something relatively simple. Also, generic fantasy is still one of my favorite genres. I don't do 5e, or really any D&D any longer, and have been looking for a D&D-like I could sink my imaginative teeth into. Demon Lord never spoke to me, but Weird Wizard just feels like it is begging me to run it. I bought the first three books for it last week and have been reading and thinking about it ever since.

Savage Worlds: been GMing a fun SW Pathfinder urban campaign. Currently waiting for the Sci Fi Companion to be Foundryfied, then I’ll start up a massive longterm Travelleresque campaign.
Dungeon Crawl Classics: My current passion, so much fun!
OSR stuff: prepping on the side for a full Rappan Athuk run.

Might check out DC20, just for how slick it seems to be integrated with Foundry.
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aramis erak

I'm tempted to re-run Dragonlance Fifth Age. Problem: the players I want to run it for are remote, and it requires cards from a custom deck.

Currently running Justifiers for the remote group. It's got some very interesting combat dynamics.

Looking forward 5 weeks for Planet of the Apes...
And maybe getting a core player back.

Been dabbling in reading/rereading various 40K RPGs and boardgames...


I have a solid list of games I'm most keenly interested in running/playing, but just sticking to the ones that have bubble to the top:
  • RuneQuest: Specifically, the newest edition. I'm currently running a one-on-one game with a friend, running him through the campaign Six Seasons in Sartar. After this wraps up, I have some rough ideas for running a campaign with a full group. I had originally thought it'd be SSiS again, but now I'm leaning in a different direction.
  • DCC: I'm preparing to run the DCC conversion of Dark Tower, with the By Mitra’s Bones, Meet Thy Doom! lead-in. I'm considering options for a funnel and a lvl 1 module to lead into the lead-in.
  • 2d20 Conan: I'd also love to run this again. I have so many ideas I feel like I've barely scratched the surface.
  • Dune: I've been rereading the books and getting the itch to run this one, too.

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