What Genre Do You Wish Inaugurated TTRPGs?

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Traveller and Sci-Fi was it for me. Id love if it sat in the D&D throne, but im still able to have great games and products out of it.
Star Trek, specifically, for me. Tho' if one knows their traveller, the my avvie is a colorized version of the MT starburst... which highlights that it's a map of the Rebellion in IY 1118 or so.

I can't think of an alternative genre that I'd obviously prefer to sword and sorcery fantasy as the original seed of TTRPGs[1]. I'd rate the comic-book superhero genre as maybe just as good but not obviously better. Science fiction or two-fisted pulp might have been almost as good, but only almost.

The "sorcery" part of sword & sorcery turned out (IMHO) to be a "CRITICAL, NEED TO HAVE FEATURE!" for RPGs. Genres without magic or some just-as-good equivalent seem to be a lot less popular. (At least among players; I've heard a lot more about GMs wishing that players were more interested in playing low/no magic settings than about players wishing that GMs were more interested in running them.)

[1] Insert "Get off my lawn" rant about having to specify "Table Top." They ought to be just "Roleplaying Games (RPGs)," the unmarked form, with computer, on-line, live action, etc. being the variants that require a distinguishing mark.

[1] Insert "Get off my lawn" rant about having to specify "Table Top." They ought to be just "Roleplaying Games (RPGs)," the unmarked form, with computer, on-line, live action, etc. being the variants that require a distinguishing mark.
I only do it here out of habit for Google searches. If you don't specify on a search you end up down a video game rabbit hole.

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