Thanks for your suggestions. Please keep them coming!
So far, I've heard...
I was thinking of where the Venn diagram overlap is between these different approaches, and I've been wondering whether the "New Weird" fantasy sub-genre might be a good fit. It's not a genre I'm terribly familiar with, having never read China Miéville, Ann and Jeff Vandermeer, or any of the others writing in that genre; all I know is that the genre was part of the inspiration for the Planescape setting and Perdido Street Station is mentioned in the 5e PHB as a source of inspiration.
So far, I've heard...
- Dark Comedy / Comedy Horror – "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Meets D&D" from @Ath-kethin or "D&D meets Evil Dead 2" from @Jer
- Sci-fi Horror Drama – "Stranger Things meets D&D" from @OB1
- Sci-Fi/Slasher/Monster Horror – "Event Horizon, The Descent, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Silent Hill" from @OB1
- "Wild and random evil" – from @Lyxen
- Survival Horror – "Apocalypse Now" & "Heart of Darkness" from @Jer and @hawkeyefan
- Psychological Horror – from @Blue Orange
- Magical Realism and/or Surrealism – "Borges and Dali meet D&D" from @Blue Orange
I was thinking of where the Venn diagram overlap is between these different approaches, and I've been wondering whether the "New Weird" fantasy sub-genre might be a good fit. It's not a genre I'm terribly familiar with, having never read China Miéville, Ann and Jeff Vandermeer, or any of the others writing in that genre; all I know is that the genre was part of the inspiration for the Planescape setting and Perdido Street Station is mentioned in the 5e PHB as a source of inspiration.