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What has the greatest chance of destroying the Forgotten Realms?

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Hehe, Illithids and Aboleth and great.

There is another race good for similar plot ideas.

Phaerimm (Monster of Faerun p. 70) . Phaerimms manage to escape from their magical binding to Anauroch Desert. They were behind much of destruction of ancient Netherese empire, but were stopped by race Elder Sharns (which aren't that much around anymore, and their stats less so).

They planned to destroy all life in Faerun or something, nobody knows why. Alien reasons, plah, plah...

They would make great beings wanting to see original rulers of cosmos back, and there you can use Elder God plot.

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Zelda, have you seen the aftermath thread? Characters were due today, but we have one other player that wants in, so you might have to join after it starts. Basically you have about a week if you are still in.


When I first read the subject line, I thought you meant which other campaign setting might endanger/threaten FR -- clearly not your intent after reading the thread.

For the record, my impulse answer was Kalamar :D.


You are momentarily blinded as you try and adjust your eyes after entering the dimly lit cave. A small fire crackles in the center of the room, and seems to provide little in the way of warmth or comfort. Rather, it enhances the darkness of the shadows as it makes them dance on the cave walls. A heavy smoke fills the air, and there is a sickly sweet smell that penetrates your nostrils. You glance about uneasily and notice strange objects, all of them dealing with the arcane: skulls, librams, tomes, jars of strange preserved creatures and candles line the walls on crudely made shelves. You shiver as something scuttles over your boots and disappears into the shadows too quickly for you to identify.

"Come ye forward my friend," croaks an old voice, "or are ye afraid of what ye shall find?"

You turn your attention to the source of the voice, an old man sitting behind the fire. His skin is old and dry like parchment, and is covered in thousands of tattooed whorls of different colours. He is wearing an old robe that must surely be as old as he, since it is frayed and tattered with age. He turns his head towards you and it is then that you realize he has no eyes. Sightless eyes stare at you from behind old gray eyebrows, and he grins.

"I see my lack of sight startles ye. What I see I do not need me eyes to view," he says.
"I am not startled, just surprised that one of your power art blind," you reply.
"Blind physically perhaps, but not in mind, nor soul. Are ye ready?"
You nod. "Aye, that I am."
"Good then let us continue."

The old man picks up several bones and scatters them on the floor while mumbling softly under his breath. Closing his eyes, he picks up a small pipe and takes a long puff, holds it in, then breaths out slowly. You hold your breath and begin to wait for him to enter the trance. Minutes pass, and nothing happens. You begin to get discouraged and you being to wonder if anything will happen at all, when suddenly he sits up straight. No longer is he hunched and bent over. Is it just you, or is it darker?

"The following year shall be known as The Year of the Banner. It is a time of war, but shall become a time of peace. The war in Tethyr shall end after a climactic battle. Many shall die. Drow surface raids become an increasing occurrence throughout Faerun. Alliances are forged between several nations notably Mulhorand, Aglarond and Rashemen. Harper influence is suspected in the alliances. Plans are made to attack Thay."

"Then shall come The Year of the Gauntlet. Nations shall rise against Thay and the Red Wizards. Thay will prevail and the armies shall be driven back. Szass Tam will try to unite the Red Wizards under his rule to ensure continued survival of Thay and the Red Wizards. His power grows and the Harpers undertake a mission to assassinate him. It fails and all are murdered. Zhentish forces are being assembled near the Citadel of the Raven. The areas in the Dales not under Zhentish rule fear an attack in the near future. Rumors of the Dark Mistress, a new goddess of magic begin to spread. The origins of these rumors are believed to be from Thay, and most people, including the Harpers, discount these rumors.

In the heavens, Azuth is missing. Mystra believes that this is because of Cyric, but nothing can be proven. In reality it is the Dark Mistress who has killed Azuth and taken his power."

"The new year shall bring in the Year of the Tankard. It is a year of prosperity and celebration as record harvests are recorded throughout the Realms, and Elminster is married to the Simbul. Zhentish forces are still being assembled near the Citadel of the Raven, and little is known of their plans. The year ends with Szass Tam uniting the Red Wizards under his rule. War is feared from Thay, and Harpers are sent to help the surrounding areas as well as to spy on the Red Wizards. None of these spies shall return. The rumors of the Dark Mistress continue to spread. The Harpers wonder if they could be true, and Elminster seeks council with Mystra. She will not respond for some reason."

"The Year of the Unstrung Harp is a dark time for the forces of good. The Zhentish forces from the Citadel of the Raven rise and attack the Dales, destroying most of the cities. Shadowdale falls, and Elminster's Tower is destroyed. The resounding blast of magic from the tower's destruction results in Shadowdale becoming a deadmagic area. Elminster cannot be found and is rumored to be dead. The Zhentish forces now control the Dales, and proceed to exterminate the Harpers from the area. Most of the Knights of Myth Drannor die, the rest flee for their lives and go into hiding.

Meanwhile, Thay has risen and attacked Aglarond, Rashemen, and Mulhorand. Strengthened by a new Goddess of Magic, known only as the Dark Mistress, these nations fall under the united Red Wizards. The Harpers and other forces of good are wiped out in these areas. Szass Tam begins to look towards the North and the Cold Lands.

Throughout the Realms the Harpers are exterminated by Zhent agents, as well as agents of the Red Wizards. Also, the Cult of the Dragon begins to build their power under a new "God", a dracolich resembling the form of Tiamat that contains the life essence of thought-to-be-dead Sammaster. Their power begins to grow, and they gain a large new following of evil dragons mainly from the ruins of Castle Perilious. The Cult becomes responsible for a large number of Harper murders.
Meanwhile, in the heavens a war rages between the Dark Mistress and Mystra. Mystra is defeated by several surprise attacks from the Dark Mistress and, as a result, looses some of her power. She is unable to help any of the Chosen in their battles against the Zhentarim and Cyric. Mystra goes into hiding to try and find more about the Dark Mistress.

Darkness grips the Realms as the last remaining Harpers go underground in this year that shall become known as The Year of Wild Magic. The Zhentarim begin to spread out from the Dales and begin a conquest of surrounding areas. Cormyr raise an army and prepare to try quench the Zhentish threat, but they are thrown into disarray when King Azoun IV is assassinated by Zhentish spies. Cormyr nobles begin to bicker about who is going to take the throne, but a young man who claims to be Azoun's son steps forward to take the throne. [Editors note: thanks to whoever gave me this idea. It was from a previous post.] He is not truly the son of Azoun, but is a Zhent with the backing of powerful figures that has been sent to ensure a "pro-Zhentarim" future. He will be killed later in the year by faithful followers of the late Azoun IV, and the true heir to the throne shall be admitted.

Mystra discovers that Azuth had been murdered by the Dark Mistress and his power was taken by her. Mystra and the Dark Mistress are cast from the heavens by AO to settle the war between themselves. Wild magic will grip the Realms in it's fist due to the loss of the Goddesses of Magic. Elminster still cannot be found.

The Red Wizards under the leadership of Szass Tam do not progress any further from the lands they have conquered since magic has gone wild throughout the Realms. There is a threat of uprising in the conquered lands, but these are quickly quenched by the Red Wizards' armies.

The Harpers' numbers continue to dwindle. It is a bleak time for them. Khelben fears an attack on Waterdeep since he has received reports of humanoid uprisings led by extraplanar creatures from the north near the Spine of the World. Similar reports of humanoid uprisings are received from several areas including the Bloodstone lands. In all cases extra planar creatures are involved, and it is suspected the Malaugrym are behind this.

The Zhentarim will establish and control a trade route through Anauroch. Many of the Bedine will be enslaved in the process. The Cult of the Dragon continue to gather more followers and their teaching begin to spread far and wide. Contacts with dragons in the Forest of Wyrms are made as well as other key locations."

Almost all of the Elves have left and gone to Evermeet. Elven homelands such as Evereska are destroyed by the Elves so that pillagers cannot gain any of the wealth.

"The Year of Rogue Dragons shall follow and great devastation and destruction shall take place. I see scores of villages, towns and cities being destroyed, thousands shall die. The Dragons will be led by Sammaster in the dracolich form of Tiamat. They will sweep down from the North into Vaasa and Damara and spread out South, West and East destroying all they come across. Even Waterdeep shall not pass unscathed, and large sections shall be destroyed throughout the city. The followers of the Cult of the Dragon shall call this time "The Year of the Scaly Ones". This demonstration of power will draw scores of followers to the Cult, and the Cult shall prosper throughout Faerun.

Mystra succeeds in taking her rightful place back in the heavens as the Goddess of Magic, while the Dark Mistress takes her place in the heavens as a demi-power worshipped mainly by the evil magic users, and the Red Wizards in particular. The Red Wizards of Thay begin to spread their forces outwards from Aglarond.

The Harpers go even deeper underground to escape the wrath of their persecutors, and they consist of only 100 or so. They begin to meet in secret, trying to build up their numbers once more to destroy the forces of evil that strike the land.

The Zhentarim have spread their area of control into Sembia, Cormyr and Damara.

For the first time in many years a Thieves Guild will rise in Waterdeep, and it shall prosper. The guild is led by a Malaugrym in the form of a human. Khelben is almost murdered as is Lord Piergeiron. The assassins shall be Malaugrym. More reports are received of a humanoid army on the move from the North. Mirabar is the first to fall.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Hi Kalanyr



Kalanyr said:
Zelda, have you seen the aftermath thread? Characters were due today, but we have one other player that wants in, so you might have to join after it starts. Basically you have about a week if you are still in.

Oh, that's nice. I haven't seen it, since I've been forced to spend time out of internet. My back/neck is in bad condition, and I was unable to spend time for over two weeks on computer.

I try to see, if I am able to write for longer periods of time.

Just back today, actually, as kind of tech. Auch, auch.

I do have a character idea, hehe. Hopefully I am able to join.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
mikebr99, I really enjoyed your story.

Hehe, I tend go for epic scale of destruction myself. ;)

Oh, and Malaugrym are really 'nice' monsters. I love shapechangers as evil critters. Oh, and ancient legend connects their creation to Plane of Shadows. Just an unimportant little detail.


Zelda Themelin said:
mikebr99, I really enjoyed your story.

Hehe, I tend go for epic scale of destruction myself. ;)

Oh, and Malaugrym are really 'nice' monsters. I love shapechangers as evil critters. Oh, and ancient legend connects their creation to Plane of Shadows. Just an unimportant little detail.

Thanks... though I can't take credit for it myself... found it somewhere.

This was actually the basis for my last 2e campaign... never did get very far into it actually... my son was born, and free time seems to disappear after a kid arrives... not that I'm complaining...


The shades, after several years of preparations, launch their final sortie against the phaerim. They are victorious, but in the process open a vast rift into the Plane of Shadow that cannot be closed. To make matters worse, tears open up all over northern Faerun to the outer planes, primarily to the Lower Planes, letting in hordes of demons and devils. The heroes of Faerun and their good-aligned organizations are able to close most of those lesser rifts, but not before huge areas of destruction are created. Most of the mindless fiends are slain, but some of the more intelligent ones drift out of sight...

Meanwhile, the evil organizations are taking advantage of this situation to make several grabs for power. The Zhentarim extend their holdings around the Moonsea, and strike deeply into the Dales. Even as the Dales start to rally together a massive force of dark elves led by a pair of balors strikes from Cormanthyr, devastating their defenses. The Dales fall, and the Founding Stone is shattered.

In the East, the Red Wizards are able to forge alliances with several powerful devils that came through the gates and are able to extend their borders as well in forays into Mulhorand and Rashamen.

In the Western Heartlands, Lord Dhelt of Elturel is slain by a fiend that teleports into his throne room. In the confusion following the death of the most powerful paladin in the West, the church of Cyric seizes control of the city and begins establishing a regional power in the area. Baldur's Gate, with half of its waterfront district wiped out by a strange and unexpected tidal wave, signs a tributary pact with the new power. The nearby Harper Hall in Berdusk is burned to the ground while most of its occupants are off fighting fiends in the mountains near Cormyr.

Meanwhile, the shadow rift deepens, consuming most of the shades and their city in the process. Dozens of rogue shades, bereft of leadership, drift into the kingdoms around Anauroch, telling tales of horrible creatures that dwell within the Shadow, creatures that corrupt the very stuff of life itself...

Anauroch becomes a black wasteland, where life cannot exist.

Prayers for divine intervention go unanswered. Little do the mortals know that the tensions on Faerun have unleashed a series of confrontations among the gods, who have problems of their own. Furthermore, the Shadow Rift is disrupting the connection between the Prime Realm and the outer planes where the gods dwell, making it more difficult for clerics to gain their spells.

And it is growing...

* * * * *

Boy, this could be fun!

Voidrunner's Codex

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