D&D (2024) What if you were in charge of reworking classes for 5.5?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I'd rework them thusly:

1. I'd have only four "core" classes. These would be the foundation that the rest of the character would be built on, and would set things like Saving Throws, proficiencies, and spell slots. (These names are place-holders, I'm sure they will come up with more iconic/traditional ones.)
  • Warrior (martial-focused)
  • Sneak (skill-focused)
  • Mage (full caster)
  • Priest (half caster)
2. Then I'd have dozens of interchangeable subclasses. You would pick your subclass at 1st level, and apply it to the framework of your choice. This would set class-specific things like sneak attack, spell lists, turning undead, etc. A Warrior with the Barbarian subclass would play much like a Berserker, while a Priest with the Barbarian subclass would play a lot like a Wild Magic barbarian, for example.

It's a bit of a call-back to the "kits" of old.
This is pretty much exactly what Shadow of the Demon Lord does. If this is what you want, I would suggest you take a look!

Four classes, as you describe, with abilities that kick in at levels 1, 2, 5, and 8.
Race/ancestry, with abilities that kick in at level 1 and 4.
"Expert paths", with abilities at 3, 6, 9 (assassin, paladin, druid, ranger, warlock, etc.)
"Master paths" with abilities at levels 7 and 10. This can be a second Expert path, or any of a wide range of niches (blade, chronomancer, diplomat, enchanter, necromancer, zealot, etc.)

It's a great system for mix-and-matching kits to create unique characters, no dead levels (as you see) and every character develops along the same progression (which some won't like, of course).
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Front Range Warlock
I have a rather easy approach to this: I'd keep Fighters, Clerics, Rogues, and Wizards as-is. Everything else gets shuffled off to a single "class splat" book.

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
Fighter: add a bunch of unlimited use maneuvers (like Shove and Grapple), some of which key off of Int or Cha. Actually, any class could use them, but I'd probably make the Fighter base class able to trade single attacks instead of their whole action.

Monk: subclass abilities that formerly cost Ki now get one free use before costing Ki. Also increase Ki slightly. Add a Strength-based subclass.

Ranger: rewrite as spell-less, and make a caster subclass.

Rogue: add a Strength-based subclass, and (somehow) harder to shoot into a melee and get Sneak Attack

Sorcerer: sub-class abilities that formerly cost sorcery points now get one free use before costing points. Also, every subclass gets additional spells that don't count against spells known. Maybe a few more sorcery points.

- abilities are PB times per rest, instead of primary attribute modifier times per rest.
- fewer spells are concentration
- ranged attacks provoke opportunity attacks
- get rid of ASIs, feats only. Add more feats (and re-balance existing ones), some of which have a half-ASI.


Arcadian Knight
How about making it a choice between that and something else?
yes that was the thought though @MoonSong if we are making it start earlier as I suggested the choice of something else might need to start earlier too. Split it up into actual ASI's? and just have more of those comes to mind too
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Arcadian Knight
Fighter: add a bunch of unlimited use maneuvers (like Shove and Grapple), some of which key off of Int or Cha. Actually, any class could use them, but I'd probably make the Fighter base class able to trade single attacks instead of their whole action.
I was considering letting the fighter trade an attack to scan for openings which would allow him to have an extra expertise die
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It's fixed the Berserker to make it not so punishing. I'd add a Thane/Chief (Cha) or Fury (Dex) barbarian

Actual music spells

Make whether you are a Lazer, Healer, or Basher a choice seperate from domain.


Give it one extra fighting style. Choice of Second Wind or Heroic Parry. Add fighting styles that allow use of Con, Int, Wis, and Cha in combat.

Have an option of being Dex,Str, or Wis based. More ki.

3rd subclass. Add animal, plant/elemental/rock spells to base class. Add spells to hunter and beastmaster

3rd subclass. More sorcery points as an option. More exclusive spells.

Fix Pact of the Blade

Bill Zebub

“It’s probably Matt Mercer’s fault.”
I was considering letting the fighter trade an attack to scan for openings which would allow him to have an extra expertise die
Yeah, it’s that kind of thing I like, except that I really don’t like how expertise dice are implemented.

I hear if you stand in a dark room with a mirror and say "bard" three times, Snarf appears to lecture you about soulless, dead-eyed elves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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