What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?


The EN World kitten
I love EverQuest,

I own the FreePort city book from this game and I really enjoyed thumbing through it. I never got a chance to play the TTRPG, and probably won't but I do appreciate the work they went through in trying to capture the feel of EQ into a TTRPG. I'd imagine someone who looked at the books with no experience in EQ would be surprised by the quests, and their repeatable nature. The way they try to work in a faction system as well is great. The lore and history they go into is so in depth as well.. I tried doing some research online and find some lore wikis even credit this RPG as a source lmao. I wonder where they got this information or if Sword and Sorcery even perhaps made up a lot of it?

Either way, I'd love to get a few more of these books, and I wish it had been successful enough to have warranted more being made.
I've been pretty impressed with the (few) Everquest d20 books that I've picked up so far. The designers really knew their stuff, and weren't afraid to tweak the system in ways that, as an aficionado of d20 System design, I'm really enjoying. Little things like some new bonus types, or some additional body slots, that really make sense.

Unfortunately, I was just informed by the seller that the Everquest book I ordered in my last post can't be located. At least they refunded my money. :(

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I ordered a copy of Star Trek Adventures: Tricorder Collector's Box Set that was on sale (and slightly dinged) – it will be nice to have a physical copy of the game along with the PDFs, as well as some dice and tokens. The game is doing some things that are outside my and my group's normal comfort zone, but it'll be interesting to see how that works out.

I just got my copy of Cypher System's Rust & Redemption- looks good so far, haven't been able to apply it to an actual game yet.

I snagged three new books for Vast Grimm. Blood Altared has neat looking capaign, and Space Cruisers and Space Raiders are chock full of useful content for this weird apparation of Mork Borg in space. I'm trying to coax my group in to trying it next.

My preorders of Dragonbane showed up as well, specifically the hard covers of the Core Rules and Bestiary. Love this! I think it could be the thing I need to wean myself away from D&D for a while.

Finally, I finished off my Everyday Heroes collection with Rambo, Highlander, Kong Skull Island and the Pacific Rim books. Apparently just in time, having read the article which suggests Evil Genius Games could be in big trouble. Glad I got them, though....the company may have problems, but their writers and artists did a great job.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
The most recent TTRPG-related product was earlier today. I pre-ordered Dungeons & Dragons D&D The Making of Original D&D: 1970-1976 hardcover.

But in terms of game material, I've been on a spending spree in from February through January buying Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4e stuff. I bought the official material for Foundry and also a lot of the PDFs.

As I was wrapping up a 5 year DND 5e campaign, I started looking into what to run for my next campaign. I was heavily leaning towards DCC Dying Earth, but it didn't have VTT support and it would be more work than I wanted to do to put the content into a VTT or run a hybrid VTT/pen&paper game with DCC.

Then I saw that Cubicle 7 offered an official WFRP game system and content for Foundry. I bought the Core and Starter Set content to test it out and found it to be a very well-designed system for Foundry. I also played WFRP in the late 80s and so nolstalgia played a role. It also didn't hurt that I really like the mechanics and flavor of WFRP4e.

We played about 16 hours and the campaign has got off to a good start, and I expect to playing it for at least a year, so I'll be getting my money's worth.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Most recently? A set of rainbow dice from Sirius.
View attachment 347487
I have that exact dice set, including the extra white one
I wish I could report that they always roll max
They are v cool looking though

Earlier this week my FLGS sent an email saying they had some of the newer Traveller products in. I picked up:

Central Supply Catalogue update 2023
Spinward Extents
Order of Prometheus
The Trailing Frontier.

And they sent me another email saying they now had Marches Adventures 1-5 and World Builders Handbook. Going to be an expensive month.

Also waiting on Pendragon 6e core rules and the next Runequest Glorantha products, but they're not likely to be in for a few months.



Picked up The Ministry Initiative for a very good price on eBay last week, especially so considering that the seller included a set of steampunky Fudge dice not mentioned in the listing.

The cover may be spectacularly poor, but it's certainly in keeping with the novels on which the game is based. Seems like a decent action steampunk RPG at first glance, although I might trim off the Fate frills and use Fudge in its place.


View attachment 347576

Picked up The Ministry Initiative for a very good price on eBay last week, especially so considering that the seller included a set of steampunky Fudge dice not mentioned in the listing.

The cover may be spectacularly poor, but it's certainly in keeping with the novels on which the game is based. Seems like a decent action steampunk RPG at first glance, although I might trim off the Fate frills and use Fudge in its place.
It is a quite ok game. Though it was quite late from the kickstarter if I recall correctly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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